Chapter 4-A Gruesome Crime Scene

November 12, 2019 

Life has truly been Rainbow & Sunshine for the past week, I found a job as a clerk at a supermarket store and it was pleasant I also heard the tale and gossip if Robert Horizon coming back to town to apologize for his crime suppose a corrupted Lawyer that was found guilty of rape and attack of the town's librarian Ms. Wool, I asked Ricardo about it as curiosity got the better of me and told me the story of that case when he had come back just from Ohio after the Ohio-woods massacre, okay note to self avoid getting mentioning anything about Ohio-Woods doesn't help that he has been tracking me and were communicating with him by anonymous letters if a serial killer. 

I have also upgraded the warehouse into my own house. I am surprised people bought my lies as to where I lived in which I told them a house in the countryside not far away from the town. I was walking around the park when I saw a bunch of animals father around a small stadium in which a deer was giving a speech, curiosity got the better of me as I walked towards it and saw my friends among the crowd and made my way towards them but not before noticing some weird looking animals wearing strange black and red robes and mysterious banners with a strange symbol that look not so friendly and it as a pentagon. "Now where have I seen this before and why does It feel like a horror movie set up," I said to myself quietly with a small crazy giggle. "So what's going on here?" I asked them, in which they responded by telling me that Robert was preaching about his business and himself and how he will make up for their sins and his the meeting went on for a while before until we all heard a scream of terror curiosity as we all headed towards the gazebo where animals were staring at the needle some were... shocked, horrified, frozen and screaming in Horror I noticed that the trio stop frozen in shock well that's until I open my mouth "wow talk about the largest delicious shish-kabob" I giggled in an almost dark tone looking at the corpses of 6 animals impale on the needle, two of which were possums causing others to look at me in utter disbelief earning a punch from Sheila on my right arm "ow okay, okay that was messed up for me!" 

"Zachary! This is serious!" Sheila said, scolding me sternly.

"Yeah man not cool" 

"This isn't a funny matter" Both Darell and Mike scolded me as well, the police arrived as soon as they could along with park security which claimed that they didn't see or heard anything because of their shift, however, I did overhear some interesting information as I heard two cops having a conversation a raccoon and a wombat 

"So who do you think did it?" 

"Don't know? But I suspect it might be The Slasher of Ohio-Woods." 

"Don't be fucking stupid there is no way it's him and even if it was him he's in Ohio!!!" 

"What are you doing here!?" We heard an angry yell and we turned to see mine other than David The Donkey Donkey. "You have the nerve to show your face here freak and I see you brought the filthy weasel and fucking dumb fox with you and harassing a young girl." He said with pure utter disgust and venom and hatred towards us, this angered Mike and was about to say something until I placed a paw in his front of him. 

"Let me handle this," I said with a wicked mischievous smile "Ah David good to see you!! How's the wife and kids?" He crossed his arms angrily as he snarled at me 

"Very funny. You have 30 minutes to apologize before I get you arrested shit head" I only kept smiling and my right eye started twitching a little and then was looking at my right. 

"Okay, I only have three words to say to you, Stop. Fucking. Lying." I said as I counted with my paws and literally jumping and throwing and gesturing the number 3 all up in his face. Causing him to fall on his bottom in which he angrily dusted himself "okay that's it!" He was about to act until we heard a yell which startled all of us and saw Ricardo heading this way with an angry look on his face. 

"What's going on here!?" He asked angrily and Donkey was about to respond before Darell beat him towards it. 

"Officer this jackass over here is harassing us for no reason." Darell said bitterly looking at David as in 'now you fuck up' 

"Is this true?" He asked us as we all nodded in agreement as he looked at David sternly with a look that could kill and grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him closer. 

"Now you listen here you fucking piece of trash, you have ten seconds to leave and do your job before I slam your ass in prison." with a hat we all laughed as we saw him, Strom off only to stop as soon as we saw Ricardo giving us a stern look. Well shit. 

"Now you kids stay out of trouble, I have enough shit to deal with right now." He said assuringly but sternly as he left to do his work leaving all of us alone in the dark, there was an uncomfortable silence until I broke it 

"So you guys want to go watch a movie?" I asked them without ba care in the world "I know there's been a murder but let's not let that stop our fun." I told them while looking at corpses of the animals as blood dropped down the gazebo with their guts spilling while making rapid motions with my paws. In which, they all agree and soon we made our way towards the movie theater 

"How about a scary movie?" I smirk mischievously which  earned me different reactions from the tree Darell smirked and responded with an "alright bring it on" while Mike, on the other hand, huh his tail and went pale with an adorable little eep sound as for Sheila she was freaking out. 

"No!! Nuh-uh no way!!" She pouted cutely as I chuckled and I decided to tease her some more. Oh boy this was going to be fun I heard the voices in my head chuckled at my idea. 

"Why not~?" I said in a sing-song voice with my paws on the pocket of the pair of jeans I bought a week ago gotta say they're quite comfy for super skinny jeans. 

"Scary movies freak me out, okay." She said, giving me a deadly look with her shying away. 

"It will be okay, you have three strong guys to protect you~," I said in a flirty and sluty tone causing her to blush and respond by saying "haha very funny" and the rest of us to laugh, I was about to tease Mike too as he was the one laughing nervously, only for him to shoot daggers at me. 

"Come on, Mike I'm sure it's to DIE for" I heard Darell tease him causing me to chuckle. "Besides Officier Garcia is way more fucking scary like the math quizzes that Mr. Feather gives." He said with a shutter. 

"Fine," he said with a brave smile while looking at the movie poster uneasily. 

I learn that this movie theater allowed 13+ to watch scary movies which I found to be fucking awesome and no I'd required only to watch more adult movies we ended buying a tickets for a movie called "Harvesting Season" and shockingly .it was about a serial killer that used to terrorize this town each November and Thanksgiving day but one day escape after he was shot in the leg by a dirty cop called "Officer Horton" an officer I called a year ago with a sledgehammer and buzz saw a quick memory played in my head 

Officer Horton was crawling away and was in complete denial that him a rhino was easily taken down by a skinny hybrid, his knees were completely shattered beyond repair from the blows of a sledgehammer as he heard footsteps and demented laughing behind him, he turned around and there he was a standing in front of him holding a bloody chainsaw and that mask carved from cherry blossom bark 

"Come on officer, sleeping and being lazy on the job is not professional." He joked his fur was a beautiful red-brownish/Maroon fur with black and fluff hair standing 8ft tall his muzzle and features especially goes area were huge were perfectly cross and yet those beautiful dark red crazed eyes wide open he was as wearing old tattered clothes 

"W-wait please st-stop!!" He begged for the hybrid to stop but the hybrid didn't listen and started the chainsaw as Officer Horton back into a way to week to do anything and oy scream in Horror as the hybrid slowly brought the chainsaw closer and tried to shield his face with his arms but I've was useless as he screamed in agony feeling the cold blades rip and tear his face screaming as the hybrid mocked his screams and cringe as he got spray will blood. 

"Oh God, oh that's gross, holy fuck!" He stopped now staring at the mangled face of the dead Rhino, he tossed the chainsaw to the side as it power down "well that was a nasty way to go, good thing I was wearing a mask" he said as he placed his paws on his hips and look around the trashed hardware store. 

We make our way towards the condiments for our popcorn that we bought, as I was about to reach for the melted butter I accidentally grab Mikes paw who was also reaching for it this earns an awkward chuckled between us "I'm sorry Mike, you first" I said shyly and trying not to blush at how adorable and cute he looks like with those beautiful purple eyes. Wait, what!?. 

"N-N-No it's okay" he stuttered cutely as he dashed towards the sodas I heard chuckling behind me and turn to look at Sheila and Darell that had a smirk on them and were staring at me mischievous oh no this can't be good, especially if they saw what just happened right now. 

"You like him don't you?~" Sheila asked me in a sing-song teasing voice causing me to stutter and blush heavily. 

"N-No-No I don't!!' I responded nervously causing Darell to laugh and tease me too and what he said next caused me to blush more. 

"Come on Zach you were staring at his nice curvy hips and perfect behind~," Darell said in a lustful teasing mannered and holy fuck he was right...wait no!! Stop it brain!! 

"Come on Zachary you know you want him~" I heard Romeo said in my head and causing me to stutter some more and shy away then we heard Mike headed our way already with his food ready with that warm smile of his "dammit" I mentally curse to myself as I kept thinking like this. 

"Hey who are you guys talking about?" He asked us the others were about to reply but It beat them before they caused another awkward scene. 

"Nothing! Let's just fill our drinks and we can go watch the movie'" I quickly said as I went to get me some root beer & crema leaving a confused Mike and laughing Sheila & Darell. The movie room was filled and we were all enjoying the movie as it was filled with different reactions by cheers, laughter, screams of terror or completely silent and shivering teeth the movie was a b-horror comedy and I was truly enjoying it and Mike was leaning on my shoulder and arms while Sheila was in Darrell's in which both of us were whispering about a scene right now "I'm telling you he's gonna get chopped by a hatchet as soon as he opens that door then bam!" I whisper to him as I munch on my popcorn. As soon as I said that a character on the film opened the door and got sliced open with a hand sickle we all exclaimed dammit I lost 20 bucks... 

The movie had ended and they told me they needed to go to work, luckily for me I had the day off and was suddenly hug by Mike as a thanks for letting him hide his face on my shoulder and arm and earning a punch from Sheila damn that girl can punch and as for Darell, we shared a few jokes about the movies and favorite scenes. I was walking towards my home until I spotted a particular Donkey heading towards an alleyway. I decided to follow him by staying close to the shadows and saw him talking towards a mysterious robed figure in which colors were too dark to notice. 

"So did you kill those animals?" The robe figure asked David as he crossed his arms. 

"Of course I did!! They won't give you any more trouble!! Now, where's my Money!!" 

"Here you go David, 10,000 just as we promise now scram!!" 

My body froze and my world went black that fucking ass was responsible for the murder of those two opossums that had probably a good life taken away, murdering thoughts were evading my stop it! I can't!! Then I heard the voices trying to urge me to ignore the voices!! I was breathing heavily as I was having trouble breathing leaning against a wall. I looked at my hands they were shaking and saw blood and nothing I grabbed my head "Stop it!! Just stop! Get out of my head!! Don't think about it!!" I said clutching my head as I try to block these thoughts "Just Sunshine & Rainbows ...Just Sunshine & Rainbows ...I-I want to see Sunshine & Rainbows" eventually I have in the thoughts just one more couldn't hurt and after that no more killing more...I then chuckle menacingly for a few minutes as I went to buy supplies for David...He will scream like a banshee but I won't, not stop...I smile wickedly, blood will spill tonight by my hands and nobody will know