Chapter 5-Old Habits Die Hard

November 15, 2019                                                   

Three days have passed and I looked at my latest creation that I have been working for the past few days a new mask a disturbing wooden mask made out of a pine tree stump with the bark giving its menacing appearance, with purple eye lens carved out of wood oak and a teethed jagged grin, carving tools laid scattered on work desk with a mirror in front and wood pieces with a small lamp. I brushed my fingers across the mask and it felt rough brushing my fur, I placed the mask on my face and staring back at me was a reflection of my past. I stood up my chair and went towards another workstation and stare at my other creation a deadly chop trap 2.0 

I pick it up and examine the deadly weapon a horrifying creation of a large fire ax and bear trap combined with a lock mechanism and trigger fuse with metal and spring, rusty barb wire wrapped around the blade and trap at the button of the handle a chain with a sharp hook attached to it and leather, string, cloth wrapped around the handle for grip. I also bought a spade shovel which I sharpened and jagged sharp edges. Also, I created a bunch of other gizmos and traps, I grabbed everything and left to do my work. Oh this is going to be fun. 

David was walking in town and heading towards a parking spot towards his car yet has to have a great day he could swear that he was being watched and followed he hated it but every time he turned no one was there, he couldn't even due his daily routine full of paranoid he was close to being fired from his new job...yet he wasn't. But what David hated the most was that random noises or normal noises were driving him insane for some reason because the timing of those noises was unnatural. 

"Get a hold of yourself David, you're going crazy over nothing" he muttered towards himself "for crying out loud you are afraid of every shadow that moves now." His shift hasn't been easy for as he couldn't focus due to the humiliated he faced by that piece of shit hybrid oh how he fucking hated that kid and that fox and weasel, fucking assholes. However, he could have sworn he saw a strange mask staring at him but every time he blinked it looked like there was no one. 

Suddenly David felt something or someone was watching him and turned around quickly but no one was there. He breathed heavily but soon took a deep breath to calm himself down; he had reached his car in a fine Mercedes-Benz. He got in and started driving towards the woods for a secret meeting, yet for some reason, he felt there was someone watching him 'what the hell is wrong with me?' He thought to himself as he continued to drive towards his destination. David pulled over the edge of the woods still in his security uniform as he opened the car and got out of his vehicle he noticed that others vehicles which meant the meeting had already started he walked across the road but unknown towards him the trunk of this vehicle slowly open and a strange figure crawl out and just when David was about to enter the forest he felt towards the ground as he was painfully hit with a shovel in the back he let out a cry of pain and fall to the ground and as he was about to stand up again he receives another blow but in the head. 

David clutch his head in pain, he felt someone kick him on his side causing him to ace an eight ft. hybrid with a disturbing wooden mask, David was about to reach for his gun only for the hybrid to step on his wrist causing him to scream in pain as he felt it was broken and to his horror, he saw the hybrid place the shovel on his left hoof "W-Wait!" David shouted in pure absolute terror as the hybrid step down on the shovel cutting his hoof off and sending blood spraying on the floor and causing David to scream in agony and pain as he saw his blood stain the floor the hybrid then picked up Davids's hand and offer him a hand.

"Need a hand" The hybrid joke cheerfully with deranged crazed eyes which made David crawl away in fear and pain all while the hybrid continues to laugh insanely and crack another joke "I gotta HAND it to you David your situation is out of HAND" the Hybrid then step on his back pointing him down feeling his claws dig through his cloth and to feel a terrible pain in his shoulder as he was impaled with a hook attached to a chain, he felt the hybrid get off him only for him to be forced to turn on his back as he was lifted and thrown back down all the while feeling the hook pressure on his shoulder. 

David began to be dragged slowly to the other side "you fuck!! You have no idea who you are messing with!!" David shouted in a fit of panic anger "what do you want money!? I got plenty of it" but there was no response this angered David. "Listen to me you fucker I will kill y-! He couldn't respond as there was a loud clunking sound and crunching sound and followed by a scream of anguish David's index and almost his entire hand were crushed in a bear trap attached and fused with a fire ax in a mechanism, the bear trap open letting David look at his mangled hand and continue to scream curses at the hybrid. 

He was dragged to the weapon edge of the forest and was almost pass out because of the blood loss and somehow I've and the hybrid was hanging him upside down "I will kill you, you fuck!! I will!" Just as he was about to curse some more David's mouth was shut tight by the Hybrids paw. 

"Such a naughty Donkey you are, you know I wanted to kill you ever since we meet," the hybrid told David as he noticed the confused look and then the hybrid smile behind his mask and took it off and David's eyes widen it was that fucking Kid!! "Surprised!!! It's a shame you won't live to tell the story of The Slasher of Ohio-Woods." He smiles while closing his eyes and tilting his head "oh well I always saw you as an asshole." With that said he put back his mask on and stood up walking towards his backpack and beginning searching for something. 

"You motherfucker!!! You making a fucking mistake!! Your shit nothing but shit!!" David continue to rage and curse at the Hybrid but soon those screams of bloody murder stop as he saw the hybrid holding a wooden carving toolset and those dark red crazed eyes fill with unsettling joy, happiness and...David scream in terror as he made eye contact with those eyes he behind to swing wildly as the hybrid started to move towards him. 

"Noo Stop!! Getaway!! W-Wait!! No no no!!!!!!" David screamed in Horror as his scream echoed through the woods, painful hysterical screams of terror and agony as flesh, bone and tissue were slowly carved in and as a strange weapon hacked and chopped at limbs all the while occupied with sickening noises and a metallic blood smell. 

I stood looking at the corpse of David and at my handiwork I really outdid myself looking at his mangled disfigured corpse. "Damn you really messed him up really good he's completely an unrecognizable pile of shit" another one of the voices was heard inside my head this one by the name of "Looney" since it always sounded Looney I looked to my right and saw Looney along with Nutty two animals that looked like Looney Tunes characters a Hyena and a ring-tailed Lemur dressed in roaring twenties attire that looked like clowns. 

"Yeah, well I better start hiding the body," I said as I cut him down and started to drag the body around deeper into the forest. "You know guys I could not easily kill him, but he was being an asshole, plus he killed those poor opossums. I won't kill anyone anymore except for him. I hope so. Man this is tiring, you know David we could have been great friends if you weren't an asshole but now you are nothing but dead meat." I said as I was digging a grave for this poor bastard and talking to the voices and corpse of David now anyone might see me talking to my friends which I can only see, others might see talking to myself but I'm not crazy at all nope not even a small bit of crazy. Am I? 

I have finished burying the body and was now putting my stuff away that is until I heard voices approaching and flashlights. 

"It came from over here!!"

Whoever you are your dead boy you hear us dead!!!" 

"Zooey!!! We got ourselves, hunt boys!" 

With that being said, I quickly gather my belongings and started to make a run for it all the while moving away from them as I heard them running crunching branches and leaves, I had to move fast eventually they will catch me so in order to avoid being caught I had to sneak away through the dark forest and about being spotted this had turned into a game of cat and mouse like Tom & Jerry. 

I panted as I made my way out of the forest and Luckily I didn't die in the first and woods like every victim in a horror nice or stupidity trip and get killed like seriously why do they trio!? That's how they get you!! Even Michael Myers walks faster than you can run because you trip or because he's just so good at stealth skills and boy I did take notes in the Halloween movies. Anyways regardless of that, I had to keep moving away from here and never turn back such a kind day this was that donkey surely had it coming. He screamed like a little bitch before I killed him.