I Don’t Want To Be Popular

I Don’t Want To Be Popular

Urban40 Chapters624.7K Views
Author: Vermillion Bird’s Solo Flight
Table of Contents

Chen Chuan woke up to find himself holding 70 billion yuan in a rental house, and this marked the start of his wonderful life.

He went from being a miserable office worker to a billionaire, yet this was just the beginning. Each week, he was rewarded with a large package that consisted of everything: a five-star hotel, an office building, a manor, an exclusive supercar, a calligraphy work, a technology industrial park, an aerospace project, thousands of heavy trucks, a brilliant football team, a landfill, an oasis and romance…

Chen Chuan thought to himself, ‘I just want to get rich and lead a peaceful life. I don’t want to be popular.’

55 Reviews
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I deeply resonate with the mc; I just want to be rich, I never wanted to be this handsome. But the heavens are unfair! I just wanted to be some rich young master from a rich family! Once I transmigrate into a cultivation world, see how I’ll wipe the floor with your face!

4 years ago

This is my dream too. I want to be rich. I don't want to be popular or have handsome face. But God seems give me handsome face but no money. I wonder when my isekai time will come. Read this novel it's quite interesting and funny.

4 years ago

petition to bring back the world of deities.........................................................................................................................

4 years ago

I couldnt continue reading, it was awful. I stopped at chapter 4, maybe it improves later? So far with what I've read, it was all about describing luxury items and money. It felt shallow and vain, there wasn't a lot of thought, emotion or drive in the character. He was simply buying things and describing his purchases. Supporting characters had even less personality, women were only ever beautiful and not much else, other guys were just obstacles to gain more skills from. Did he even have friends? I think its enjoyable if you like to live thru the character for that kind of life Im guessing. As for me, it was just too shallow but it wasnt badly written. I did enjoy the writing style but Im definitely not reading more of this.

4 years ago

I've read the whole 40 chapters of this thing, and hoo boy is it bad. And boring. (TLDR at the end) First of all, if you're expecting some excitement, action, romance, anything of the sort, it's NOT HERE. This is strictly a slice-of-life. I have no idea how this author manages to dodge every other genre except for, Idk, wish fullfilment?? Which is also interesting since the wish fulfillment part is not really all that satisfying. Story goes like this: MC gets money. Buys something. Steals from other guy. Buys something, etc, etc. Also, there's the occasional hook thrown here and there, only to be beaten up and abandoned in an alleyway somewhere. Why set up all these plot lines if you're just gonna throw them away? Every single character is one-dimensional. All the girls are caricatures. Beautiful caricatures, mind you. Plus, I don't get why the author feels the need to add all these beautiful figurines, then proceed to shy away from making the novel a harem. How, you ask? Simply by forgetting about the characters you spend 4-5 chapters reading about. I mean, aside from MC and his family, everyone's in danger of being abandoned. The system in this novel (yes, there's a system) is probably the most arbitrary, convenient piece of shit system I have ever read since Ultimate Scheming System (at least this novel fully embraces its trashiness and proceeds to be entertaining). If I had only one thing to say about the novel, it would be "waste". Everything feels like a waste. Waste of words, of characters, of a premise. Of time. And that's the largest crime a webnovel can commit. Making the reader feel like it's a giant waste of time. TLDR: Cluster**** of ideas author doesn't follow through with. Leave and don't look back.

4 years ago

I usually love wish fulfillment type novels but this one just felt so... dull. If you enjoy slice of life you might like this but this ain't for me. I feel like I'm reading a face slapping novel but the only face getting slapped is mine for expecting anything to happen. I really enjoyed it until the author tried to introduce some sort of relationship development in chapter 10 using some cheesy plot that felt like it was copied straight out of some movie. I don't think it was particularly bad, but I just felt it unfolded totally unnaturally. At this point the hype died for me and I realized there's literally only two characters in the novel that even mattered, as if the other characters exist just for the sake of it. The injured teacher and other students who were helping were skimmed over in a few paragraphs without dialogue and even the MC's ex appears when he's on a date for no reason and has zero interaction or significance. So far, it just feels like the MC is going around flaunting his own wealth to himself and that's all.

4 years ago

Ch12 - Who cares about the price of cake This is a story about money and brands, written like a school report. ,........................

4 years ago

I usually do not like these wish fulfillment novels, mostly because they tend to be extremely ***ist and disrespectful to women. They tend to be quite pretentious as well, but even though the characters are extremely materialistic, I have yet found them ***ist. I imagine that the novel will become more harem-like as the story unfolds, but as long as the girls do not become completely brain dead, I have no problem with that. One thing that bothered me was that the author felt the need to name every single yuan MC used, and count the money like some penny pincher. Really rich people do not look at price tags. I liked the novel otherwise.

4 years ago

Second....................................................But Seriously tho, how fast are you? What the h@ck. ................................

4 years ago

I had high hopes for this novel since i wanted something that i can just mindless lee read, but as time went on the less i enjoyed it. I thought this would be like a wish fulfillment story but then it turned in to a slow passed slice of life. I don't think those two genres mix well. Since i always see wish fulfillment story's fast pass and fun to read while slice of life is always slow day to day and boring. At first i thought i might enjoy it because i was enjoying it at the start till each chapter started to drag on with mindless dribble about nothing important. Spoilers ahead: Spoilers ahead: Spoilers ahead: Spoilers ahead: So the Mc gets a skill that will allow him to get double the money back that he spends. So the MC never really needs to worry about money ever again, but yet he still does. He has this bag that he has to pay 1m yuan to open it.( Cash return skill does not work on the bag) Even if he pays that much there may not be anything in it. But he complains about losing 1m yuan if theirs nothing in it yet he can make that much by buying another car. I feel like the author was using the card as word filler because ever chance he got he repeated the same thing everyone knows when he spends money the "Expenditure cash return". Every time they mentioned him even spending money they will mention that skill in a whole paragraph, like we forgot after the 20th chapter of reading the same thing being said multiple times. One part i found it weird since i get why the cash return skill wont work on the bag but why did it not work when he purchased jade rocks? He does make allot of money from the rocks but then his parents take away most of his money because he's to young even though he's legally an *****(19yOld). Idk kind of put a bad taste in my mouth by how his parents treated him like a kid. When you first read this novel he goes on a shopping spree and spends lots of money after he gets that skill. Then later on he's just sitting in a car for like 15 chapters talking to a girl he highered to be the driver. While going around finishing a mission he got that has him visiting different monuments. Like that's some boring as missions you would only read in a slice of life type story. I was hoping this would be one of those novels were he does things that he wants and he unintentionally becomes famous. But none of those things has happened yet. this seems like an obvious harem as well since every new person he meats seems to always be a girl( i don't hate harems). I was wondering why this novel was only at 4 stars and going down. Now after forcing myself to finish reading it, i know why. The tittle is misleading you think its going to be a fun wish fulfillment but turns in to a slow paced slice of life, that's super boring and nothing interesting actually happens.

4 years ago


4 years ago

Fvcking arseholes giving sh1tty reviews and low stars. This novel is definitely the best in this batch.Those r3tards are fvcking garbage and they are the main reason why this site is sh1tty

4 years ago

This is the best magical realiSm ive read so far on this app, i hope u all support it so that we can continue reading This fantastic novel, been waitiNg for 3months for someone to pick this up and translate to english. pls rate this novel 5star and support it

4 years ago

wish fulfillment novel delivered poorly, author must be an ******* with no sense of pacing, story is all over the place with a bland mc, stories like this are usually fun to read if written properly but this novel is simple a masterful work of garbage not even worth reading to pass the time

4 years ago

Read comments..... Wil not even try to read now..... ****************************************************************************************************************************************************

4 years ago