The bracelet of time

the sky was dark and gloomy as usual.

snowflakes were falling continuously. this was a light snow that would continue every day.

When the next wave of cold air from the North came to the South, it would be Blizzard.

In a dark alley opposite shenjue Castle.

Wearing a thick top hat and a collar that covered his face, gune was stepping on the soft snow that was more than a meter thick.

In the past, he would Leave No Trace in the snow.

but today, gu nie left a clear footprint with every step he took.

And the reason was because Gu nie was wearing the 150-pound purple scale chainmail.

gu nie's body, which had reached rank 2, was also strengthened.

It was naturally able to withstand the 150-pound purple chainmail. It did affect Gu NIE's agility, but it was nothing compared to his powerful defense and buffer.

After passing through the alley, gugne saw George waiting at the exit of the other end.

george's face was very calm.

"Follow me."