The shadow world

on the west side of the delai steel smeltery, in the snow-covered land near the depths of the vegetation.

George and gune stood in a snow cave that had just been opened up.

"i'm ready, we're going in." George said in a calm voice.


The next moment.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh

Gu nie felt the space around him twist.

The scene around him twisted and then shattered. As the shattered scenes slowly reformed, gune found himself in a whole new, strange world.

gu nie immediately felt like he couldn't breathe, and the air in his lungs was quickly escaping.

There was no air at all, as if it was a vacuum.

Fortunately, Gu NIE's source power breath was used as a source of energy for his cells.

It did not matter if there was air or not.

his powerful body easily balanced the pressure inside and outside his body.

"This place is the hunting level?"

gu nie asked curiously as he looked around.