(1st POV, we are back baby)
[Author Here... This is my first fight scene... I think I mean I don't r my past fics so just be gentle (That's what she said) and Have Fun]
After I equipped it I felt like my power has soared through the roof and since I had Sunflower equipped I feel like my power is getting stronger and stronger faster. After a while we are now facing each other Zeus versus me, let's see who is gonna win, and guessing with my increase of strength I am guessing me.
"You know it's not too late to cease this match, as you know your no match for me Mortal," Zeus said sounding arrogant like he always is, "You do know that you're making yourself look worse right?" I said. He seemed to take that personally and went straight for a punch, of course, he was too slow and I redirected his punch and sent one to his stomach. He flew towards the other side of the arena, "Lucky punch" He said, "Yeh Yeh" I responded acting like I was not worried about the match at all.
He seemed to get mad at my lack of care in this match and threw a full-powered lightning bolt toward me, but as I am also a user of lightning a grabbed the bolt and used it as a boost to the Sunflower ability, "Thanks for the grub pal" I said after literally absorbing his full power shot. He assumed that it must have weakened me to take the shot and to the offense threw a punch towards my face hoping to finish me with this hit. know at he was thinking dodged it by backing up and sent a full strength sun blast to his face hitting him with a blinding light sent him flying and created a dust field at where he landed. After a couple of seconds, the dust cleared and it showed Zeus knocked out suffering from injuries that seem to not be healing. 'I wonder since I used a blast from the sunflower that it canceled his healing since the sunflower is a good healer doesn't that mean he can also stop something from healing?' I thought
Hera came running down and inspected Zeus since he was her husband, even though he does cheat.. a lot. "You did a number on him, but he is going to need a little bit of time to heal all these wounds you gave him," said Hera, "Yeh sorry about that, but he was the one who started this," I said in my defense. Look if someone throws a lightning bolt at me, I am running hands.
{Hidden Quest Achieved: Humiliation
Humiliate a God
Reward: Energy Generation}
{New Status Available
Name - Evan Kent
Level: 5
State: Healthy
Biologically: God
Abilities: Energy Generation
Energy Generation - It is now possible to generate any energy that the host requires, Host body is now capable to hold any amount of energy
Limitations: Host has to have contact with Energy first}
'Huh system what is the difference between my Templates and Abilities?' I asked
{The difference is that Abilities are yours, to begin with, and cannot be switched like slots and the only way to get these abilities is by getting an Ability Roll which is a rare occurrence, and through hidden quests}
'Huh neat' I thought, anyway after speaking with my system, I was sent back and the other gods didn't want to mess with me seeing how I just defeated their King so I was sent back.
Anyway, when I was sent back I was met with all the Amazons staring at me with awe. "I have never seen someone humiliate Zeus like that not since... Darkseid" Hippolyta said, but when she uttered that name everyone tensed up remembering all the stories they were told about him.
Anyway, After that awkward conversation, We are now back to just speaking casually, "Anyway I would love to stay, but I don't want to cause any more trouble" I said, "No need you can just stay with me" Diana spoke up quickly. I looked at her weirdly and looking at Hippolyta for a second I can guess she guessed why.
(Okay guys you have to decide yes or no. I know this is a shorter chap but I need your help to choose a love interest or interests, so hurry up so I can make the next chap)