(So Author here anyway I have decided on the Love Interests, which would be 3 only Super Girl, Diana, and Raven since those three were the most voted for... I'm gonna put myself in a hole now)
(1st POV)
When I stared at Diana she seemed to tense up waiting for my answer, then I moved my gaze to Hippolyta waiting if I could. She nodded in my direction and with a sigh I said, "Sure, I can stay with you for the day. Just let me call someone first" after that I called Lucas asking him to check on my house and saying that I won't be there for the rest of the day.
After that I came back to Diana and them to ask them where I am staying since it is the middle of the day right now, I wanted to know where I would be sleeping and how to get there. Diana volunteered to show me where it is, as we were going towards the room we spoke about many things like how my phone worked or how it is like living here.
"So how is it like being a daughter of a God?" I asked, "Well how is it to beat a God?" Diana asked back. We both looked at each other and then laughed for a bit. "Heh you can say that beating a God, especially a King of Gods is kind of a big ego-booster," I said, "Well being a daughter of one can have its benefits, but it can also have its negatives like having enemies of your Dad come after you since your his daughter," Diana said to me.
"Heh you don't have to worry about that anymore as I can stop them," I said, "As you said beating a King of Gods can inflate someone's ego," Diana said. "Hey! I mean I did beat their king so I think I deserve the right to brag" I defended myself. We enjoyed our conversation for a while, not noticing the time that has passed.
After a while, we noticed that the sun was setting. "Huh I enjoyed our time together, it was nice," I said, "Yeh, it's too bad I won't be able to go with you," Diana said. "Huh, why can't you?" I asked, "Well since the King of Gods isn't feeling well." She says as she stared at me, "Some of our enemies may get the confidence to attack us, making me have to stay to defend it" She finished. "Well, I didn't know that… I have a solution for this problem through" as soon as I said that I got up and made a few mechanisms.
These mechanisms were androids and not just any android they are the androids from Dragon Ball Z. I made sure they looked like the Amazonians and were loyal to me even if someone messes with them. "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!" Diana yelled, "Don't worry about it and they are just androids to protect this space while you're gone, but I would recommend staying here for a while to let them know their roles and what they should do." I responded
After clarifying what they are to Diana and telling her what they can do we went to our lodging, which was in separate rooms cause it is very weird to sleep in the same room and bed if you only met the person that same day. (Currently looking at the fanfic this is based on).
Anyway, we slept and ate breakfast then I went my merry way, but not before saying my goodbyes to everyone especially Diana because we most likely won't see each other for a while. That's when I thought, "Hey! Diana, do you want a phone?" I asked, "What's a phone?" Diana asked. I then did a quick explanation of what a phone is and what it does to Diana.
"Then surely I will like to have one, I would love to talk to you whenever," Diana said, "I would not always pick up the call because I might be busy, but I will try my best to," I said to her. She looked a little deflated when I said I won't be able to always pick up the phone, but rebound to a smile when I said I'll try my best.
"As long as you try to pick up the phone calls I am happy," She said, I then gave her a phone with my contact and went my merry way. On the way back I saw some magnificent things like a bird flying, and a plane overhead, luckily I was wearing an invisibility cloak so no one will notice me, also noticed a stray Lucas flying towards me.
Luckily I was there to catch him, "So what do you think you're doing?" I asked, "EVAN! Nice to see you here also thanks for catching me" Lucas exclaimed. "Well I was just heading back towards Gotham," I said, "I was just testing my abilities and trying to get used to them..." Lucas said but stop after a while since he just remembered something, "Bruce left by the way" Lucas said.
"Oh so is it time?" I asked, Lucas simply said yes and we went back towards Gotham. When we went to Gotham we immediately started to do plenty of work but because of that Lucas couldn't go to school. Still, his little girlfriends come and visit him, and he has taken the place of Wayne Enterprises CEO. Like that 2 and a half years have passed.
During that 2 and a half years, I and Diana have had contact we each other and would tell each other about our day, but throughout these two and a half years Diana could visit me since she was always swamped with work for an incoming war or something. I and Lucas also started the groundwork for the Justice League, well I have done the most work but Lucas has done work for his Brother.
Like making the bat cave and supercomputer, but also telling me to help with making his suit and other stuff like that. My work on the League project included making the Zeta Tubes and other stuff like that, I also started making the blueprints of the Watch Tower and Hall of Justice. Now it's time to have first contact with the rest of the Future Members of the Justice League.