The Will to Live

(Author Here... Just want to mention that Lucas will have only Pamela, Barbara, and Thea in his Harem-like thing. So that's it Enjoys!!)

Throughout the years I have gained many levels and when I reached level 10 I activated this hidden quest that was so good. The hidden quest gave me Time Travel Immunity, so I could say F you to Reverse-Flash, and not get killed when I was a kid. The ability states that people can't go back in time and just kill me even if it's not on purpose, so basically, anyone trying to kill me in the past or go to the future to see me won't be able to do it, but the side effect is that I can't go back in time or forward in time as well. But that doesn't stop me from bringing back stuff from that time.

Anyway right now, I am looking for the Green Lantern himself, Hal Jordan. Now where to find him? I was walking for quite a while until I reached a bar. Sigh always bars these days, luckily the person I was looking for was Hal Jordan himself. "So you always get kicked out of bars?" I asked while picking him up, "That's is kinda my thing here, are you new here?" asked Hal. "Yeh, my name is Evan Kent from Gotham," I said, "Wait your that Famous inventor right?" Hal asked. "Yeh, I am," I said.

"Woah, I got so many questions, can you make planes, and what kind of planes, also do you need a test Pilot cause I would be happy to help," Hal asked many questions quickly. "I can make plans, but as of right now I don't need a test pilot," I said, "Dang, well it was worth a try," Hal said. "I can guess you are a pilot then?" I asked even though I know he is, "Yeh, I test all kinds of planes" Hal said.

"What if something goes wrong," I asked, "Well I check the Ejector, and if it works then," Hal started then I interrupted him, "If it doesn't?" I asked. "Then I die" Hal started, "Aren't you scared?" I asked again. "No," said Hal, "That's right now, but at the moment you don't know if you will freeze," I said, "Fear is the enemy of Will. Will is what makes you take action while Fear stops you. Ignore your fear in that time of need and have the Will to keep on going," I said.

Hal was momentarily confused and tried to turn to me, but I was already gone. Hal went to his place thinking about what I said and I headed back to Gotham thinking about who should I visit next.

So apparently I didn't need to visit anyone else and just trained that whole time. My training consisted of getting used to my powers and abilities. I also leveled up quite a few times, I did this for a year, and Lucas went to meet the future Cyborg. 'System Status' I commanded


Name - Evan Kent

Age: 25 (This is for me since I can't remember manually)

Level: 10

State: Healthy

Biologically: God

Abilities: Energy Generation}

'Huh, so I am level 10 now, neat. Anyway, I now need to head back to my family at the Farm' I thought. While I was "packing" I don't need to pack since I have my inventory, but I need to make them believe I am ordinary until Superman becomes a thing. So while I was fake packing I got a text message from Lucas saying he had contact with Victor Stone.

I texted him saying nice and said we have more to go, So while I go have a good vacation with my family, Lucas will be able to contact the people we need to contact. I forgot to mention I finished with the Bat-Cave and I am now working on the Watchtower. The Watchtower is going smoothly and is currently in disguise as a satellite.

Man, I love Nanotechnology and how it can make stuff with the materials I give it. Anyway, I am with my family right now enjoying the nice smell of the farmlands. I knock on the door in front of me and my mom opens the door.

"Oh! Evan your back" My mom said surprised, "Well it did take a while, but I am back" I replied. "Well don't just stand there, Come in," Mom said, "Well it is good to be back, but I am only here for a week since I have more work to do at Gotham" I explained to my mom why I was here.

"Well let's enjoy this week with you," my Mom said after hearing what I said. During that week I helped Dad with the farm and trained the new farmers joining us. I also helped out our family and built a defense barrier around the house so no intruder can enter it.

The week was fun, but I needed to head back to Gotham and finish my latest project, Cortana. Cortana is an A.I. I'm designing to help the Justice League sort out its problems from most dangerous to usual villainy things. It also is very friendly and can not be hacked into, it is the best defense and offense on the internet.

This took about a year, but I finally did it. Well, it took a year to integrate it into our systems and stuff, but we did it. Anyway, Lucas is now 17 and I am 26. Lucas has gone to look for the Queens while I set up something since I feel like something is gonna happen. I don't know why, but I am setting up something to help out.

It has been a couple of days and now it is February and my worries have increased. I have told Lucas and he seems to be on edge as well, maybe because it is the same time when his brother is coming back. Anyway, we were checking everything when suddenly to sky turned a dark red.

"It's happening," I said.....


Hope y'all enjoyed I had trouble writing this since I've been having some issues like me being sad. sorry anyway sorry it took forever and hoped you enjoyed the chapter. From yours truly Nusku