Sending Back

"It's happening," I said, Darkseid appeared early and there are no other heroes to fight right now. Guess I'll have to buy time and so I sent myself towards Darkseid. When I got there I saw Lucas distracting Darkseid, "Who are you!?" Darkseid asked, Lucas was about to give his identity until I interrupted, "He is Prime and I am Zero, you don't need to worry about our background cause we will send you back to where you came from" I exclaimed.

I flew straight into him pushing him back a fair bit and while I was fighting Darkseid, Lucas was thinking of ways to send him back. "Darkseid what are you doing on Earth!?" I yelled at him, "You have no right to know mortal" He said. As he was a giant right now I had the speed advantage, at that moment I had a thought, 'Why don't I rocket him?' and so I did, I summoned a rocket and launched it at him.

He split the rocket with his omega beams, but I continued my onslaught of rockets and every time he would destroy one, two would take its place. I also despawned most of the rockets that he destroyed so they couldn't destroy the surroundings. "STOP THIS AT ONCE!" Darkseid yelled, "How about... No" I said to him while also firing laser beams at him.

Darkseid had enough and threw a punch straight at me, I dodged it, but the punch was a feint and he shot me with an omega beam that sent me flying. I flew straight back at him faster than the speed of light and sent him back quite a bit. I threw a sun-powered punch toward him and he was stunned for a second.

(3rd POV)

While Evan was fighting Darkseid, Lucas was thinking of ways to send him back while also guarding Gotham against the Insectoids that keep on coming. 'Wait we can send him back with the Father Box' Lucas thought, "Evan, we can use the Father Box to send him back" Lucas yelled to Evan, "Gotcha" Evan replied still distracting Darkseid so he doesn't hear the plan.

On an Amazonian Island, The Amazons are fighting the Insectoids as well. A screen was showing Evan's fight with Darkseid and Diana got worried when she saw he got hit. She was promising herself that after this was over she would confess to him, but little did she know about the plan that is about to happen. 'Please be safe Evan' Diana thought while slashing insectoids left and right.

On a farm in Smallville, we see a young man tearing through the Insectoids and wanting to go help his brother fight Darkseid. 'Evan please be careful' Clark thought, his parents were also worried about him and cheered him on.

The reason they knew it was Evan was because of the way he looks and the outfit that he is wearing. As Evan is just wearing his regular clothes with a black domino mask on. His regular clothes consisted of light blue jeans, a black jacket that is over a red shirt, and red sneakers. Anyway back to the battle, after Evan heard the plan he grabbed the Father Box and said, "Lucas you have to stay I will send him back" "What! No! I can't let you do that" Lucas exclaimed. "And I can't let my promises break you go and help Gotham!" I yelled, "Fine, but you better promise to come back," Lucas said before he left to defend Gotham.

(1st POV)

"I always keep my promises" I silently said, "You Fool, You think you can stop me from coming back!," Darkseid yelled, "No, but there is gonna be others like me trying to defend this planet because it is their home and they will stop you," I said making sure everyone heard me. After making my speech I took hold of the Father Box and flew straight towards Darkseid and sent us both into the portal. I then exploded the Father Box sending me towards another dimension, but I was knocked out and the portal closed.

(3rd POV)

Outside the insectoids stopped and started falling, Earth have won against the invasion, but a Hero was lost after the battle, and many people cheered his name, "Zero, Zero, Zero!" many people exclaimed happily as they lived because of this Hero, but many people who knew him mourned as they thought he was dead. All except some, "I know he is alive I can feel it" Lucas said.

On an Island, a woman was crying thinking that the person she loved was dead, but Hippolyta said, "He is not dead, I can feel it, just become stronger to be able to get to him" This gave Diana hope that one day she will find Evan.

On a farm, a family was crying thinking that they just lost someone, "I will get stronger so this won't happen again" Clark said. "Darkseid next time you come will be your end!" Clark exclaimed promising himself to avenge his brother.

Bruce came back and spotted Lucas, "Lucas," Bruce said. "Brother we will become stronger follow me," Lucas said and brought him towards the Entrance of the Bat-Cave. After that, he explained everything and the projects that he and Evan have taken.

After a couple of days, a clean-up was being done and an announcement was being made from the Queen's, Wayne's, and Luther's. The meeting was about how they will help with the cleanup and Lucas stated that Heroes around the world should come and help keep this world safe, issuing the start of the Superheroes, but also Supervillains.

(1st POV)

{Hidden Quest Completed: Sending Darkseid Back

Rewards: Ultimate Card Template, Sync, New God}


Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and we all can't wait for the next chapter. I won't be saying a lot about the next chapter as it is going to be different from the Actual FF it is based on. See Ya in the next chapter *insert jacksepticeye outro*