Maintaining the act

I was woken up by Isabella. She drew the curtains and prepared clothes for me.

"My lady, breakfast is ready. Lady Sanatoria will be arriving in 2 hours to begin with your training. Do you also desire to take a bath?"

I look around the room

'So much for hoping it's a dream *sigh*'

I see a full body mirror on the wall, so I walk to it. Seeing my naked form I can't help but feel depressed.

"God I look like a child"

Isabella is looking at me curiously and asks.

"How did you look before my lady?"

"I looked similar to you. Around the same height with the same proportions except I had blue eyes."

Looking at my form, I still had the same black hair that goes down to my lower back. I am around 150cm tall and I have black eyes. I look Iike a small and slim 14 year old girl with B cup breasts. I have a slim black tail with a spade tip, that's around 50cm long. I also have a tan now.

"What do you think of my form Isabella?"

"My lady is very cute"

I look at Isabella who has a thin smile. Suddenly I feel a massive heat wave go through my body and I feel like jumping on Isabella and pushing my toungue down her throat. I immidiately look away, close my eyes and supress my lust.

"My lady are you okay?"

Isabella starts coming closer to me, but I go and start getting dressed.

"There's no need to worry about me Isabella, you will get hemoroids if you start worrying about everything I do."

I get dressed and start going downstairs.

"What are hemoroids my lady?"

"Now that I think about it, I have no idea as well. I think it has something to do with the asshole."

We arrive at the dining room thinking about the significance of hemoroids. The dining room has one big table that could fit 20 people. Some of the others summoned are already eating.




I say my greeting and sit down next to a girl with ash coloured skin and sharp, pointy ears. After a few minutes some servants bring me my food.

As I am eating, more and more of the summoned people arrive. Everyone has different little quirks that show that we are not from the same race. Yesterday Isabella explained to me that this world houses a plethora of different races, but she doesn't know why our races changed once we were summoned.

Im about to finish up when the ash skinned girl initiates a conversation.

"Hey you're that girl that attacked the saintess yes? Why though, she's taking care of us pretty well so far."

"First of all she is a cardinal of the church not a saint, talk to your personal servant and get more information. Second I just don't want to be here so I figured I would threaten her until she let me go."

The girl widens her eyes a bit but still has the same deadpan expression. Looks like she just isn't that expressive.

"Well I understand you a bit. I also would like to go home. My parents must be pretty worried about me."

"How old are you girl?"

"I'm 17 and my name is... Jocelyn now."

"I'm 25 and I'm called Valia... now"

We shake hands and keep chatting a bit.

'This girl is pretty entertaining'

After breakfast I head back to my room and start refining my mana core againg. I also asked Isabella for a few pointers, so now I'm testing out a way that produces the fastest result.

I keep having problems containing my lust. Everywhere I look I see pleasure. This race change is truly a curse. For now I convert all the lust I can't supress to anger and put it towards training.

After an hour Isabella came to get me and we went to the garden, where everyone and their personal servants were. Sanatoria was also there and behind her were 10 others.

We then went to the training field that has all manner of things, starting with a stadium and ending with a training dummy.

"Good morning heroes. Today will be the official beginning of your training. This will be the first part of your training that will be conducted here and it will last 2 years. Behind me are 10 people who will be your personal trainers for now. They are from the adventurers guild and they are all talented adventurers."

"Your personal trainer will find the optimal training method for you and will help you in any way they can."

"Now then my job is done here, I will be coming to check up on you guys regularly. Bye now."

She winks, waves and dissapeares. Next a big burly man stands in front of the 10 people.

"Hello future heroes. As lady Sanatoria said we are adventurers from the guild. We will be training you individually for now, since right now you guys are about as weak as children. Have no worries we will get you in shape in no time."

He smirks and then the ten people disperse and go to each of us. A man approaches me who is about 170cm tall and looks like a sterotypical samurai with a katana.

"Hello are you miss Valia?"

The man speaks with a soothing monotone voice and has a deadpan expression.

"Yes, who are you?"

"My name is Isaka Kenshin. I will be your personal trainer. I'm an A rank adventurer and I specialize in swords and speed."

"Is Isaka your first name or surname?"

"It is my surname."

"You really dodged a bullet there yeah? haha."

'pfft Isaka is the name of a girl that's one of my best friends'

"? Do you have any combat skills or are you completely unfamiliar with combat?"

"I'm pretty decent in hand- to hand combat and i can use and throw knifes."

"I understand, I want to test your hand- to hand skills. Let's have a spar."

We moved away from everyone else to a spot a bit farther away. We put some distance between us and took our stances.


With his signal I approached him and threw a quick jab and a straight. Which he easily dodged. As I was pulling my hand back from the straight I instead grabbed his collar and pulled his torso towards my waiting kick. I excecuted it so fast that even a martial artist would be caught, however he casually brushed away my leg.

'Yea this is such bullshit what is his reaction speed, over 9000? Well lets see how you handle this.'

I threw a few punches and kicks and lured him to a spot where there is a little bit of loose dirt. I flung the dirt into his face with a kick and tried to elbow him in the solar plexus with my whole bodyweight behind it. Yet againg he evaded. I made sure to get him off balance but still he evaded, It was like he saw everything in slow motion.

We continued sparring and I continued attacking fiercly until I got so tired I couldn't continue.

"You are very good in hand- to hand combat Valia, even better than me, however not once did you use your tail."

"Yea I didn't have a tail untill recently"

"Hmm, then we will work on that. For now let's go and pick a weapon for you."

We went to the weapons rack where to store blunted training weapons. I tried out most of them but I wasn't really familiar with any of them except daggers. I ended up picking a broadsword because I liked the size and the weight of it.

Then we went to the training dummies and Kenshin started teaching me the basics. He was a really good teacher. Didn't talk when there was nothing to say and when he did say something it was concise and on point.

I trained with the sword until lunch and I even got 4 new skills.

[Skill aquired (Strengt F)]

[Skill aquired (Agility F)]

[Skill aquired (Vitality F)]

[Skill aquired (Broadsword F)]

(Strenght) - Increases strenght by 5. Each level up strenght is increased by an additional 1.

(Agility) - Increases agility by 5. Each level up agility is increased by an additional 1.

(Vitality) - Increases Vitality By 5. Each level up vitality is increased by an additional 1.

(Broadsword) - Increases proficiency with broadswords by 10%.

After lunch I continued practicing strikes with my broadsword for a few hours. After I was too tired, Kenshin started guiding me on mana core refinement and I learned a few things. I refined until It was time for dinner and during dinner I chatted a bit with Jocelyn againg.

When I got to my room I had Isabella prepare a bath for me, while I did my daily push-ups, chin-ups, sit-ups and squats.

The bath was heavenly. I was dead tired from training so hard since my body is too weak to handle hardcore training. Isabella offered to help me bathe but I immediately refused her. A maid and me naked in a bath with my nymph sex drive... I would have to be god if I didn't do anything.

It's not that I wouldn't want to, but I get exp for doing sexual things, which means levels. I don't want to level up until I max out my booster skills, so that I get the maximum benefit out of these levels. But controlling my sexual desire is really hard, especially with all these beauties around. It's like if you haven't eaten for a week and there are all these high calorie delicious foods around you all the time but you can't eat them.

My body is begging for release, so all I can do is grit my teeth and put all this energy and desire into training for now. Tiring myself out really helps. Right now I'm barely keeping my eyes open in the bath and all I want is to sleep.

I got up from the bath and dried off. I usually keep my hair in a simple ponytail but when I sleep I set it free. I wrapped a towel around me and went to my bedroom, where Isabella had set the bed. I put on my underwear and since it was 8.00 I started to refine my mana core againg.

I refined it for an hour until I felt like I would literally fall asleep while doing this so i decided to quickly check my stats before sleep.

[Name] - Valia Raid

[Race] - Nymph

[Racial ranking] - Low

[Class] - None

[Level] - 1

[Exp] - 0 [1000]

[Body condition] - Low

[Mana Core condition] - Low

HP - 160

MP - 260

Strenght - 28

Defence - 9

Agility - 26

Vitality - 16

Magic power - 26

Mana capacity - 26

Demonic power - 200

Status points - 2

[Abilities] - (???*) (Demonic darkness*) (Haze eyes) (Dark phase) (Claws) (Infared vision) (Tail) (Sexual thirst) (Tongue extension) (Ultra flexibility) (Elemental magic)

[Class Skills] - None

[Skills] - (Parallel processing) (Accelerated processing) (Bloodlust) (Stenght) (Agility) (Vitality) (Broadsword)

Cool. There are small incremental changes but I'm stronger nontheless. In this world training is much easier since you can visually see the changes happening. Even if it is just one point you still feel rewarded for your hard work.

'I should ask Isabella what stats does a nomal person have tomorrow.'

With that thought I fell to the bed and fell asleep immediately or maybe even before hitting the bed.