More training

I'm behind the school. Looking around I see the wall behind me, the grass beneath me and 3 boys in front of me. Im sitting with my back against the wall, I don't know why.

The boy in the middle starts poking me with a stick. I push the stick away, but he smack me on the head with it. I can't see any of their faces, they're all a blur. He keeps poking me with the stick and when he gets tired he kicks me in the stomach and I black out.

My surroundings change, the next thing I see is that I'm in some kind of alley. It's dark and I can't see clearly. I also have a mask on and I'm bigger than before. Looking down I see the same boy from before. He is on the ground trying to crawl away. He is saying something but I can't understand it. Again I can't make out his face, it's a blur.

I kick him in the teeth. I pull out pliers from my pocket and pull out one of his teeth. He screames and tries to push me away. I grab his hand, put it on the ground and stomp on it repeatedly, breaking his bones. I do the same with his other hand. He hasn't stopped screaming since the start. I put him on his belly and sit on his back on hold his head. I keep on removing his teeth.

Once I get bored of that I stomp on his jaw breaking the bone. Then I spot a metal pole some distance away, it's hollow. Perfect. I grab the metal pole and stomp on it and hit it on the ground, trying to round out the tip. Once I've somewhat accomplished that I pull down the boys pants. As if knowing what's coming the boy starts screaming again. Like I care. I shove the pole in his ass. 'It's quite a tight fit haha' I think, as I keep mercilessly shoving it further until it won't go in any further. I hear someone coming. I quickly run away from the alley.

I wake up to the sight of Isabella again. 'Phuuu what a dream'.

It has been 3 days since the start of training. Nothing has really changed since day one. I keep practising with my broadsword and doing my strenght and magic training. I've also been chatting with Jocelyn whenever I have time.

Honestly it's quite boring, but I hate feeling weak and helpless. It will probably take me a year or two to max out my base skills, so during that time I'm extremely voulnrable. So I have to be careful and blend in. I would love nothing more to tear apart anyone who even looks at me the wrong way but I have to be patient for now.

I do my usual morning routine and arrive at the training grounds. This time however all the trainers are huddeled together discussing something. As soon as they see that all of us have arrived, the big burly man takes the stage again.

"Good morning. Now that you all are here, I'll explain todays plan to you, as today we have something special planned. Basically ... blah. blah tournament arc.. blah... sparring partners.. blah blah blah.. i'm important..."

And that is excactly what he said. But since I am an esper I understood everything he wanted to communicate. Basically what the big hairy alpha primate communicated is that we are having a sparring tournament with one on one fights. Everyone will fight everyone and through this event we will find out who are the most suitable sparring partners for each of us. And of course as to how we each mesure up to one another. We will have such a tournament each month.

We are only allowed to use a wooden weapon of our choice and our natural strenght and skill. The usage of skills and abilities is forbidden. To win a match you must either knock out your opponent or get them to submit.

Additionally the use of magic is allowed and the passive support skills that someone has when casting magic are accepted, as you can't shut off skills.

The fights will go on simultaneusly and 2 instructurs will be spectateing a fight. There is also a bunch of healers around, however we will be useing wooden weapons so nothing is probably going to happen.

My first opponent is a young man called James Castrion. He is a Dhampir and his weapon of choice is a regular sword. I think I've heard that guy talking about how he is deadset on building a harem. What an admirable man.

The referee yells "Fighto" and he is down....

That wasn't even a fight... He ran at me and took a swing. I simply slid to the right and whacked him in the jaw.

I remember him saying something about how I'm a little girl and how he doesn't condone violence against the fairer sex. But yet he was the first to charge... I'm so confused right now... whatever.

Next the winners and the losers will fight each other. So my next opponent also won her match.

Faceing my next opponent. Looking at me she yells "Prepare yourself"

"Hmm? Do they all think this is a game or something.." I mutter to no one in particular

This one did a little better. She dodged one of my strikes but got a foot in her face in the next second so I guess it doesn't really matter.

My next next opponent looks much better. He looks like the definition of a stud. Neck lenght flowing blonde hair combed back. Handsome face, about 2m tall with a muscular body.

His weapon of choice is a broadsword with a shield. We get in our respective positions.

When the match starts he keeps his shield up and starts cautiously inching closer to me. I take a simple stance and wait for him to attack. He tries to hit me with a shield bash. I duck almost parallel to the ground and sweep his lead foot. He falls on one knee and I immidiately backflip over him and hit him on the head with the sword. The referee calls the match.

I walk up to him and say "That was too easy dude, you were only focusing on my sword and you kept all your weight on your lead foot."

"Yeah, well I don't have any experiance with fighting until I got summoned so i suck at it"

"Were you a resident of the mothers basement faction?"

"No I was a swimmer. I look the same as I did before, so because I am so big, no one picked a fight with me."

"Lucky you. You look like a dirty casanova so I assumed you had angry boyfriends chasing you as a natural cause of infidelity. I suppose I was wrong."

"Haha no I actually already have a girfriend so im good."

"How old are you boy?"

"Im 17"

"You fucking yeti you're too tall to be 17. My name is Valia by the way. You?"

"Tr.. Aerion is my name." We shake hands.

"Good, Aerion let's be friends."


After the conversation with Aerion we had the rest of our matches and finished before lunch. I actually lost one against a man named Leon Corvell. He was using a regular sword but he actually knew how to use it, so my martial arts didn't help with him.

During lunch we got better aquainted with each other. I learned the names and races of each person who was summoned with me and we discussed the matches.

On a side note most of the names are pretty normal, some even cool... But there is this dwarf, with blonde hair and beard, that doesn't suit him at all and his name is Plump Kunt. I have no idea how the system picked our names, but when I heard his name, for the first time I was grateful for this world for having mercy on me and not getting a ridicoulus name.

After lunch we were paired up with people around the same level of skill and begun sparring.

I was paired up with Leon, since we both completely demolished everyone else. Leon was the only human in our little hero group.

Sparring was much better than hitting a dummy. I mostly understood the basics and now I just needed to practise so was happy to spar with someone. The instructors kept an eye on us and corrected us periodically.

After sparring we did weight training and then it was time for dinner.

Returning to my room I continued piling on training until late at night. As I was meditateing I heard someone come in since the door was open. It was Isabella.

"Lady Valia why do you keep training every second of the day?"

"Such a silly question, obiously because I don't want to die."


"Look, you never know what's coming in the future. If you don't want to tolerate the unreasonableness of the world then you have to be strong. In this world right now I'm pathedically weak, so to have the power to decide my fate, I train"

"I understand that, but the way you train, it's like there is not even a second of the day wasted. How can you enjoy your life like that."

"Hahaha simple. Enjoy the process, enjoy your training. Hell enjoy breathing. When some fat motherfucker orders his goons to kidnap you, what the fuck did any of your so called 'enjoyments' of life mean then? You don't become powerful enough to survive, you do it to thrive. I'll fully enjoy myself when I'm powerful enough to not fear anyone."

"But most of the other heroes are talking to each other right now, I thought you might want to join them."

"Woman don't distract my training. I'm a woman on a mission, begone."

'Silly maid getting her little nose im my buisness, I should spank you if only I wasn't a fucking sex demon.'