The Naughty Maid

Two weeks pass by. For the past two weeks I have been training relentlessly. I have gotten a pretty good handle on swordsmanship but I still suck at it compared to where I want to be.

Once I learn the sword, I plan to master many different weapons. During the next 2 years, I have to learn how to use swords, daggers, the bow and weapon throwing.

While sparring or training, I also started to use my abilities, but using them is hard, since my stats are so low and some of my abilities are really advanced. After using an ability a couple of times I get tired fast. I cry every day because I'm so weak, but it doesn't seem to be helping.

Right now my status looks like this:

[Name] - Valia Raid

[Race] - Nymph

[Racial ranking] - Low

[Class] - None

[Level] - 1

[Exp] - 0 [1000]

[Body condition] - Medium

[Mana Core condition] - Medium

HP - 410

MP - 510

Strenght - 53

Defence - 34

Agility - 51

Vitality - 41

Magic power - 51

Mana capacity - 51

Demonic power - 200

Status points - 2

[Abilities] - (???*) (Demonic darkness*) (Haze eyes) (Dark phase) (Claws) (Infared vision) (Tail) (Sexual thirst) (Tongue extension) (Ultra flexibility) (Elemental magic)

[Class Skills] - None

[Skills] - (Parallel processing E) (Accelerated processing E) (Bloodlust F) (Stenght E) (Agility E) (Vitality E) (Defence F) (Magic power F) (Mana cspacity F) (Broadsword E) (Acrobatics F)


My stats look somewhat better and It's thanks to breaking into Medium tier in both body and mana core conditionings. Also booster skill are straight hax. For example.

(Strenght rank E) Rank E - Gain 10 strenght attribute points. Plus 2 additional strenght attribute points per level up.

All the booster skills have the same numbers. Rank F is 5 points gained and 1 point additional per level up. As of now all these skills are low rank so the gains are miniscule, but we'll see how it goes.

As far as abilities go, almost half of them are useful for sex haha. (Haze eyes) turns my vision red and I can see peoples hearts and the sensitive zones on their body.(Sexual thirst) Increases my sex drive greatly and makes my body a natural aphrodidiac.

(Tongue extension) is excactly that, and (Ultra flexibility) makes me extremely flexible.

As for battle, (Claws) extends my claws and hardens them into metal. (Tail) does the same with my tail. (Infared vision) is excactly that, (Elemental magic) allows me to use all 8 elements.

(Dark Phase) is a hybrid between phase and blink, where essentially I can blink to a max range of 50m, however while using that ability, dark mist is created around me and follows me to where I blink to, leaving traces. So basically my "blink" is easily tracked.

The abilities with * are locked, (???*) and (Demonic darkness*). I can't even check what they do.

Aside from the system, Isabella has been getting really cheeky. I can tell she is sharp as fuck. She understands everything I explain to her and is very observant. However she keeps asking all those personal questions and distracting my training. All the while acting as a ditzy maid that has no idea what she is doing.

Add to the fact that she is super hot and my sex drive is SSS ranked plus the way she acts is so sultry and seductive... It's really pissing me off. I would have already kicked her in the balls if she had them.

I'm no god, I can't do the impossible, which led me to the current situation:


"Ahhn, my lady please forgive me"

Isabella is on all fours on the ground, while im whipping her ass with a belt.

"You dirty maid, you know what you did... Now shut up and take your punishment." I continue whipping her.

*Slap* *Slap* * Slap*

"Ahhhh, noooo" She tries to get up and run away

I activate (Tail) and wrap my extended tail around her ankle and pull her back down.

"Little slut, you dare!!" I bellow, trying to imitate an old man. Which I'm pretty sure I failed, since I'm a little girl.

I get her on her stomach and step on her back and continue whipping her.

"BITCH, you are not going anywhere until you have tasted retribution for your sacrilegious actions..."


I started to roleplay a priest punishing a sinner by accident. Oh well.

"You like getting your ass whipped by a little girl huuh? You dirty bitch"


"Repent for your actions! Apologise!"


"I'm sorry master. I have been a bad maid" She looks at me with tears in her eyes

"Do not look at me!" I step on her head.

'Shit i'm way too turned on right now. I might have discovered a new fetish..'

"Do not repeat your mistakes again, is that clear" I say with a threatening tone while pinning her head down with my foot, with my elbow resting on my knee and my right arm with the belt hanging in front of her face.

"Yes, master"

"Good, go"

I finally released her and she scurried away, looking messy and disheveled. With that all the yelling and screaming in the room came to an end.

"My god I'm so wet... gotta take a bath."

That was close. Dangling a piece of juicy ass in front of a nymph is dangerous business. Luckily my self control prevailed. However when I look at my status.


[Exp] - 86 [1000]

My exp has gone up. A miniscule amount, but still! That damn bitch.

You would think that me beating her with a belt with my full strenght for 15 minutes is punishment enough, but here is the thing...

Awhile ago I learned from the other heroes that we can inspect people and get their basic information. I.e name, race and level.

And when I inspected Isabella it showed this

[Name] - Isabella Faith

[Race] - High Human

[Level] - 306

Which means if she didn't like something, she could have easily overpowered me. My "heavy beating" must have felt like a light slapping to her. Which is confusing, like why didn't she... It makes me want to beat the shit out of her even more.

She acts like a proper maid, she is sharp intelligent and strong... And she likes to be spanked by a little girl hahahaha.

After my bath I went down and ate lunch. Isabella returned to my side with the same expressionless face that she always has, looking prim and proper, like nothing happened.

"My lady, Mr. Kenshin is requesting your presence."

I look at her with the same expressionless face.

"Mm, I'll go after I finish my lunch."

"Understood, I will let him know." She bows and leaves.

The day continues routinely without neither of us talking about what happened. Some of the others who were in the house that time asked me what happened, since there was a bunch of loud noises coming from my rooms side of the mansion. But I just answered as if I hadn't heard a thing.

One day, a few days after the incident. I took a little break from my constant training in the evening. I went to the living room on the 1st floor of the mansion and found Plump Kunt lazing around on the couch.

He is the only person that makes me feel like an adult, since he is a dwarf and aroud 1.1m tall. He is so short that if he crouches, he looks like a soccer ball. Well maybe not, but you get the point.

He is an interesting man that you do not want to hang out with, but you do want to talk to him from time to time. He does a lot of weird things that sometimes produce a result and end up being useful.

For example he is the one who found out we could inpect people. He spent 2 hours standing in one spot and observing the mansion workers, trying to aquire some kind of skill. Eventually it bore fruit, though not in a way he expected.

It's the same right now, he is sitting on the couch with his mouth open, eyes half open, unblinking, staring at the same spot, looking like he is trying to relax a turd out of himself.

"Hey Plump, you concocting some sort of forbidden magic again?" I ask with a smirk.

He jumped a bit, looks like I startled him.

"Dearie me Valia, knock before coming in"

"It's not your room though."


Oh dear looks like he is genuinely confused. I suppose I should not have revealed that.

"Where are we?" He asks.

"Right well, don't get mad, but I drugged you and kidnapped you. You are now in one of my hidden bases.... yep"

"What! How dare you, I will never submit to such tyranni, I have a duty to fulfill!"

He looks like he is actually mad. I can't tell if we are jokeing right now or if he thinks all this is real... Probable the latter.

"Hooh and what is that supposedly important duty?"

"My duty to save the world from the coming calamity of course. Alongside the 9 other braves we will fight in a grueling battle. I dare say that I...."

Sooo, thats my limit, time to bounce.

I yell over him "Muhahaha however you will be forever trapped here, unable to fulfill your duty."

Then I phase out of the room. I heard him yelling something but it doesn't matter. I was beginning to get a headache from his stupidity. Time to train to get the bad taste out of my mouth.