2 years pass by

2 years have passed by.

Over the past 2 years I've been patient. Training most of the time, gathering information by putting on a smile conversing with people.

I have finally maxed out all of my booster skills and also achieved Elite rank on my conditionings.

'Damn, it's been a long time since I had a day off'

I trained like a maniac over the past two years. I am the only one of the heroes who is still level 1. Most have leveled quite a bit and a few have already evolved.

During the time I focused on maxing my stat booster skills, I got constantly pressurized to level up. I even had people coming to me offering to have sex with me because they thought I was too passive. I may or may not have kicked some people in the nuts. We also went hunting monsters. However I just fought them, but never killed them, so I didn't level up. This caused a lot of people to look down on me as an enigma who doesn't kill or level up.

Honestly keeping my level at 1 has been almost as hard as raising my skills to Z rank.

We have 15 days left on our first training program, as Sanatoria called it. After it ends we will seperate and go into the world to grow further. Honestly I'm fucking done with training. The remaining time I have I'm gonna raise my level. Right now my status looks like this.

[Name] - Valia Raid

[Race] - Nymph

[Racial ranking] - Low

[Class] - None

[Level] - 1

[Exp] - 812 [1000]

[Body condition] - Elite

[Mana Core condition] - Elite

HP - 4300

MP - 4450

Strenght - 442

Defence - 428

Agility - 440

Vitality - 430

Magic power - 445

Mana capacity - 445

Demonic power - 200

Status points - 2

[Abilities] - (???*) (Demonic darkness*) (Haze eyes) (Dark phase) (Claws) (Infared vision) (Tail) (Sexual thirst) (Tongue extension) (Ultra flexibility) (Elemental magic)

[Class Skills] - None

[Skills] - (Parallel processing B) (Accelerated processing A) (Bloodlust C) (Stenght Z) (Agility Z) (Vitality Z) (Defence Z) (Magic power Z) (Mana capacity Z) (Broadsword Z) (Stealth C) (Acrobatics A) (Greatsword S) (Dagger C) (Throwing Z) (Elemental magic S) (Spacial magic C) (Perception A)


Pretty fucking broken for a level 1 and it's all thanks to my stat booster skills:

(Strenght Z) - Gives 320 attribute points. Gives additional 20 attribute points per level up.

Additionally the Body and mana core conditioning elite rank is also quite good:

[Body conditioning] - Elite - Gives 100 attribute points to physical attributes. 200% increase in physical attribute points gained per level up.

* Same numbers with [Mana core conditioning]*

Right now I'm just lazing around in my bed in my underwear. It' already afternoon, but I don't plan to do anything today. I've been pondering on my plans going forward. Once I'm let into the world I plan to become a mercenary. I pondered on adventuring vs mercenary, but considering my situation, being a mercenary is better.

The difference between a mercenary and an adventurer is that adventurers do everything. A mercenary belongs to a mercenary band, that gets hired by someone to do something specific, usually fight someone. However an adventurer is like an independent contractor, that does whatever jobs are available, or raids a crypt or a dungeon. They have no affiliation, unless they are on the higher ranks. However all that can be done as a mercenary aswell, but mercenarys often deal with nobles or rich merchants, wherever the money is.

Another thing to consider, is that every hero is given companions or "a party". Essentially we're monitored. Now whoever ends up being in my party, of them someone is going to want to be the leader themself, since we are inexperienced in the ways of the world. I'm not having that. Anyway I have made my initial plans, now all that's left is to try to reach evolutions before departure.

I stand up from the bed and go infront of the mirror. As I trained, I gained muscles. Now I have well defined muscles like an incredibly fit 14 year old. I have well defined abs, my thighs got bigger along with my ass, back, shoulders, everything. Honestly I quite prefer this form, the me from 2 years ago was too dainty and weak looking. I haven't grown an inch taller though. Thankfully I haven't grown into a female hulk, I still maintain my girlish figure except I'm muscular. Honestly I'm fucking sexy, with my tail, big ass, slim waist and tan.

I do a few poses, go back to bed and fall asleep. I wake up the next day, I guess I was more tired than I thought.

As always the first thing I see is Isabella waking me up.

"My lady good morning. I noticed you didn't leave your room yesterday, is something wrong?"

I groggilly sit up, opening my eyes and giving my head a few shakes.

'Damn it's the next day, was I asleep for 16 hours? I feel like I have a hangover.'

"No Bella chill, I was just nesting or whatever. It's popular nowadays, all the kids do it, don't you know?" I look at her confusedly

"No I haven't heard of it sadly"

"Well it's fine, that's why you have me."

I stand up and do a few streches. "I'll take a bath, will you help me bathe?"

Isabella looks at me stunned "Is that really alright my lady"

"Mmn, now it is fine." I look at her for a few seconds and go to the bathroom.

I start the bath and throw my underwear to the corner. I hear Isabella coming in, she has only a towel covering her.

I turn around, look at her and say "How do servants usually wash people? Give me the full experience. Oh and I want a massage aswell."

"I understand, please sit here."

I sit on the bench. She takes the showerhead and starts spraying water on me. Then she takes the shampoo and starts washing my hair amd giving me a head massage. I can feel her fingers going through my hair on my head, it's so relaxing. I feel like I might fall asleep again even though I just woke up.

She eventually moves along my hair and then rinses it. Next she takes a sponge and starts with my neck, moving slowly to my shoulders then my upper back and so on. Then she puts the sponge down and starts giving me a back massage. At this point I'm a noodle, it's a miracle I am still sitting up.

After a while I start drifting off. I start falling to my left, but suddenly I feel as if I fell on two soft pillows, so I just let myself relax. In my delirious state I feel someones hand going all over me, but I'm so relaxed and it feels so good that I don't care.

I feel someone lifting me up and carrying me, but I make no effort to wake up. I'm put on a soft bed and I continue sleeping, hugging my blanket.

I woke up a few hours later in a daze.

'How long have I been sleeping? What day is it?'

"Bella!!" I yell. I'm a bit scared, because I planned to take 1 day off, not fucking forever. I don't have much time left until departure and I need levels, now.

"You called my lady." Isabella pops up right in front of me. Like some sort of demonic butler.

"How long was I out?"

"3 hours my lady"

"Oh thank god" I fall back on the bed and close my eyes in relief. Next I open my eyes and aggressively kick myself out of the bed, get dressed and go downstairs to get something to eat. I wolf down all the food quickly and go back in my bedroom.

'Now time to level up'
