The meeting

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

I stand up buttnaked and look around. The room is a mess. It stinks like hell in here. I go and quickly open every window, meanwhile dodgeing the trails of destruction. I take a thick curtain and throw it on myself and go to answer the door. Slightly opening the door I ask.


"Miss Valia, I came to inform you that a meeting will take place today at 3 in the 1st floor conference room." A maid with a frilly maidress bowed and informed me.

"Allright" I close and lock the door and throw the curtain off me.

"Fuck, what day is it."

Bella comes out of the shower wrapped in a towel.

'Right, I need a shower'

As I'm walking in the bathroom, Bella asks me if I need assistance with a smirk, which I deny.

"Playtime is over Bella, it's probably time to leave here."

I remove the collar and leash around my neck and start washing. What I intended to be a quick shower turns out to be a long one. I was far dirtier than I imagined and I had something in my hair that I had trouble getting out. After my mini boss fight with my hair, I sit down and relax in the bath.

"I feel powerful. Open system. Oh I did not expect that."

[Name] - Valia Raid

[Race] - Nymph

[Racial ranking] - Low

[Class] - None (None chosen)

[Level] - 28

[Exp] - 115,694 [125,000]

[Body condition] - Elite

[Mana Core condition] - Elite

HP - 13,260

MP - 15,650

Strenght - 1282

Defence - 1044

Agility - 1280

Vitality - 1326

Magic power - 1565

Mana capacity - 1565

Demonic power - 704

Status points - 58

[Abilities] - (???*) (Demonic darkness*) (Haze eyes) (Dark phase) (Claws) (Infared vision) (Tail) (Sexual thirst) (Tongue extension) (Ultra flexibility) (Elemental magic)

[Class Skills] - None

[Skills] - (Parallel processing B) (Accelerated processing A) (Bloodlust C) (Stenght Z) (Agility Z) (Vitality Z) (Defence Z) (Magic power Z) (Mana capacity Z) (Broadsword Z) (Acrobatics A) (Greatsword S) (Dagger C) (Throwing Z) (Elemental magic S) (Spacial magic C) (Sexual technique B)


Level 28 off the bat. Stats are decent. What I learned from Bella is that a regular city guard averages around 800 stat points per attribute, I'm a bit stronger than one.

How much time passed? They told me that after level 10 it's hard to gain levels. Anyway, let's check classes.

[Class] Classes available:



Demonic knight

Demonic berserker


Special classes:



Swordsman (Basic class)- A physical class that revolves around sword fighting. Recive a small boost to strenght and agility.

Class skills- (Sword intent) (Overdrive)

Mage (Basic class)- A magical class that revolves around casting spells. Recive a small boost to magic power and mana capacity.

Class skills- (Fire affinity) (Wind affinity)

Demonic knight (Rare class)- A tank class that uses spells. Recive a boost to strenght, defence and magic power.

Class skills- (Overpower) (Taunt) (Black flame)

Demonic berserker (Rare class)- A physical class, that specializes in dual wielding. Recive a boost to strenght, agility and defence.

Clas skills- (Dual wielding) (Beserker rage) (Weapon proficiency)

Mistress (Rare class)- A class that specializes in seduction and charm. Recieve a boost to vitality, magic power and agility.

Class skills- (Charm) (Sexual technique) (Vitality drain)

Euphemia (Unique class)- A mythical class that specializes in murder. People with this class are mentally unstable. Amplifies your desire to kill. Boosts strenght, agility, magic power and mana capacity.

Class skills- (Murder)

Metereodora (Unique class)- A mythical class that specializes in widescale destruction.People with this class are mentally unstable. Amplifies desire to destroy. Boosts strenght, agility, magic power and mana capacity.

Class skills- (Destruction)



Demonic berserker would be good if it wasn't a purely physical class. The unique classes seem kinda sketchy... but they seem the best out of everything. So the choice is murder or widescale destruction. When they evolve, they will go further into their specialization and as far as I can tell, one is focused on single target damage and the other is focused on widescale destruction, that means not necessarily against living things.

Oh wait. Bella told me that when your class evolves you have multiple choices in what you want it to evolve to. That means picking one that is best for me right now, then it's easy.

[Class] selected: Euphemia



[Name] - Valia Raid

[Race] - Nymph

[Racial ranking] - Low

[Class] - Euphemia

[Level] - 28

[Exp] - 115,694 [125,000]

[Body condition] - Elite

[Mana Core condition] - Elite

HP - 13,260

MP - 16,650

Strenght - 1382

Defence - 1044

Agility - 1380

Vitality - 1326

Magic power - 1665

Mana capacity - 1665

Demonic power - 704

Status points - 58

[Abilities] - (???*) (Demonic darkness*) (Haze eyes) (Dark phase) (Claws) (Infared vision) (Tail) (Sexual thirst) (Tongue extension) (Ultra flexibility) (Elemental magic)

[Class Skills] - (Murder)

[Skills] - (Parallel processing B) (Accelerated processing A) (Bloodlust B) (Stenght Z) (Agility Z) (Vitality Z) (Defence Z) (Magic power Z) (Mana capacity Z) (Broadsword Z) (Acrobatics A) (Greatsword S) (Dagger C) (Throwing Z) (Elemental magic S) (Spacial magic C) (Sexual technique B)


(Murder)- Amplifies desire to kill. Raises bloodlust by one rank. Heals 2% of HP for every kill.

Done. I finish up my bath, get out and get dressed. Bella has already gone ahead of me, so I head to eat as well. I found out that we spent over 10 days having sex, which explains my level. Also now I feel lighter as well, like a burden has been lifted. My sexual appatite is now satiated, for the time being.

Time passes it's now 3. I head to the conference room with Bella in tow. The chairs are surrounding a big rectangular table. I pick a random seat and sit down. Most of the other heroes and their personal servants are here as well and also the instructors. As five minutes passes everyone arrives and the meeting begins. Some people were givving me and Bella weird looks but I ignore them.

The big burly man that's seated at the head of the table stands up and takes the stage. The big burly man is the head of the instructors and his name is Johnson by the way.

"Good day heroes and Instructors. I don't like long winded speeches so I'll keep it short. In three days, you heroes will leave here and head out to the world. This is because you need to experience the world and grow stronger. Your purpose should be to make a name for yourself.

Achive great feats, take down a legendary beast, become friendly with royalty, whatever it would be. We will support you from our end by giving you some traveling companions, money, weapons and armour. At first we planned to bring you back after 1 year, but we changed our minds. After you leave here we won't meet for 7 years. During that time grow stronger. Grow so strong that you become among the strongest on the continent. At the end of the day you guys are still heroes, that were summoned for a purpose. Anyway that's it for me. Does anyone else want to talk, or are there any questions?"

"Where is lady Sanatoria?" Asked one

"Lady Sanatoria is busy, so she couldn't come."

"Who will become our companions, do the heroes go out in teams?" Asked another

"No the heroes will all go their seperate ways. If you meet in the outside world you can travel together should you desire but in the start you will go alone. You companions aren't decided yet. You'll get to know who will come with you on the last day. Weapons and armour will also be given to you on the last day."

"Can we come back here?" Asked another another.

"No, you can't come back here unless you are in mortal danger. Only after 7 years will you return here, we will give you the specified date before you leave."

After that, some instructors give a few speeches and answered more questions.

"Now, that's it from us. Enjoy your remaining time here and prepare to depart. Dismissed" All the instructors left the room.

I stood up with Bella and started to depart as well but someone stopped me.

"Wait a second. I want to talk with you all as well." Leon Corvel, the human hero opened his mouth.

"Not interested" Came my reply as I continued walking.

"You should listen to him, You are the weakest among us anyway. Hey wai...." Came a high pitch voice as I shut the door.

'Intresting, did I hear something? Probably just my imagination'

The remaining time I spent indulging myself in all of the luxuries the mansion could offer. I also talked with Aerion and Jocelyn for some time and found out that Leon wanted to organise a get together after a year and specified a location and a date.

Time passed and eventually the final day arrived.