Journey starto

A/N - Oops for some reason I didn't include the races and names of other heroes. For (Angel world races) and such, there used to be 3 worlds that collapsed into 1 and people still differentiate between them, as far as races go. So here:

Aerion Valhalla - (Angel world race) Solar --->Evolved into - High Solar

Leon Corvel - (Human world race) Human ---> Evolved into - High human

James Castrion - (Demon world race) Dhampir ---> Evolved into - Vampire

Vergil Sedren - (Angel world race) Suva

Plump Kant - (Human world race) Dwarf

Valia Raid - (Demon world race) Nymph

Jocelyn Midigate - (Demon world race) Dark Fae ---> Evolved into - Nightmare Fae

Zoe Elva - (Human world race) Fox beast woman ---> 3 tailed fox beastman

Celest Heloise - (Angel world race) Sylph ---> Evolved into - Sylph Empress

Yvette Fay - (Human world race) Elf ---> Evolved into - High elf


The final days morning came. I woke up as normal, had breakfast and went to the training field where they prepared our weapons and armour.

They didn't prepare anything special. For me atleast. Truth be told even with my increased stats that I recently gained I rank around 7th out of all the heroes. If I where to go all out in a fair fight, I'd say I would place around 5th place.

Anyway evolution is a scary thing. The power boost you get is no joke. 7 heroes have evolved as of right now and at the top of them, is Leon Corvel. He evolved into a high human and it shows. The respect he gets is far above. He got a mithril encanted sword. The rest of the evolved heroes also got mithril weapons.

It's nothing weird, strenght is important and most respected in this world. If you have a problem, complain to your mother.

I received a steel broadsword.

[Steel Broadsword] - Superior

Attack power - 1000

Durability - 750/750

Mana conductivity - 5%

The weapon grades go like this: Basic->



For armour I picked ordinary leather light armour. Leather chest piece, that looks like a vest and leaves half my belly open. Leather bracers and shoulder pads. Leather trousers and boots.

I'm a bit too short to put the broadsword on my hip, so I attached it to my back. They also gave me a backpack, but I can use spacial magic and create a personal pocket space and store my stuff there. I still accepted the backpack though haha.

Additionally I received 3 gold 100 silver and 100 copper. 100 copper is 1 silver and 100 silver is 1 gold. There are also platnium coins.

For my companions Isabella is coming with me and another guy who is a B rank adventurer.

They told us that after we get all our stuff we can leave whenever. Most of us decided to leave after lunch, including me. So I have a few hours to relax, which I'm not gonna waste.

For those few hours I checked the map and concocted a plan of action. I went to my room and made sure I didn't forget or miss anything. Eventually lunch time came and we ate.

After eating I went to the front of the mansion where I was supposed to meet Bella and the new guy. Once I got there they were already waiting for me.

Bella was wearing leather armour with steel plating and lining and carried a sword on her waist.

"My lady, we are ready to depart." My trusty ex-maid told me, as always.

"Bella don't call me that anymore. Just call me by my name and drop the formality, you are no longer my maid."

"Ah, got it Valia"

'Wasn't that kinda too fast of a switch?'

I look toward the new guy. "And who are you supposed to be?"

"Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Gregory Vale. I'm a high human, 36 and a B - rank adventurer. I was told that I'll be taking you under my wing. So let's get along."

Gregory looks to be in his early twenties thanks to his High-human race. High-humans age slower and live up to 200. He has an average face, with a lean and muscular frame. He is the same height as Isabella. He is wearing medium armour. Mostly leather, with fur and metal plating, I can't tell what metal though.

"Aah Gregory nice to meet you. I don't know why they told you I'll be under your wing or what other horrible bullshit they told you, but let's get one thing straight. We are doing things my way. If you have a problem with that you can always leave."

I answer him with a smile and start walking away.

"Let's go daylight is precious. We have no reason to be here anymore."

Gregory runs up to me again. "Valia I don't think you understand. I have almost 20 years of adventuring experience, It would be best for us if I lead the party."

"No need to remind me Gregory. I'm not downplaying your experience, but I don't work under you. If you have suggestions you can always voice them, however there is no way I'll allow you to decide what I'm gonna do." This dude is kind of annoying. Luckily Bella my beatiful companion pitches in.

"Gregory, Valia won't listen to you no matter what you say. Plus she is very capable so there is no problem with her leading the party. And your voice is kinda whiny and it's giving me a headace, so shut up or I'll saw you in half."

Both me and Gregory look at Bella in shock for a second. But I quickly change into a smile and give her a thumbs up. This chick always suprises me.

"That's how it is Gregory, but you can always leave if you aren't up for it."

After that Gregory shut up, but still followed us. We were on route to Idai, the nearest town, where I planned to spend the night.

After 30 minutes of walking we heard grunting coming from somewhere.

"Say Gregory, what is that?"

"...It's probably a Terraboar. They travel around these parts at this time of year. I'm suprised, they're quite rare, because usually they are hunted viciously for their meat and tusks, which are highly valued."

"Got it" I signal them to follow me and get off the road, into the forest. I move with a jog, until I spot a 2m tall, big fuckoff boar. Once I spot him I start sprinting straight toward him. He also spots me, roars and starts charging toward me.

"Look out" Gregory yells from the back.

"I'll take care of it" I yell back.

'Stupid cunt, I'm not an idiot'

I unsheathe my sword. To test the waters I throw a dagger at it's forehead, but it just bounces off. I start swinging my sword just as the boar is about to hit me. Right now I look like an idiot about to die. But just as it's about to ram into me, I phase left of it and cleave off it's back leg.

The boar trips and falls, it's momentum making it slide many meters. I turn around and follow it, picking up momentum. I watch how it rolls, timing my attack. Once I calculated how he will stop I pick up as much speed as i can and slam all that momentum with my sword into it's jugular.

My whole sword goes inside it. I quickly pull out my sword, back off and wait for it to die. Once it dies, I wipe off my blade on it and sheathe my sword. I turn to Gregory.

"You are starting to piss me off. If I couldn't deal with it, why would I run straight toward it?"

I turn back toward the boar and store it inside my space pocket. I gained 1500 exp from killing it, god damn. So not worth the effort.

"How much can we get for the boar."

"...If the boar is in good condition, 10 silver, if not around 5." Gregory answers, looking a bit down.

"So ideally 10 of these is a gold. Hey do you know if there are any bandits along our route?"

"No i don't think there are. These areas are safe except for low rank monsters." He answers

"Alrght, we'll travel in the forest for the rest of the way, parallel to the road. We have about 20km and half a day of daylight left so we'll jog. Let's go."

We start running through the forest. The forest isn't dense, so it won't slow us down much. We run into monsters from time to time, but quickly and cleanly take care of them and store them. After 3 hours of travel and killing, we start nearing the town. We hear screaming and battle sounds from far away to our left.

I switch directions and head toward it. I'm not looking to save them, actually I'm hoping they'll die, so I can take whatever valuables they have. As we approach them, we stop. We are looking at a party of 6 fighting a pack of 13 wolves and failing miserably at it. They look quite young, around 15.

From their state of things, 1 is on the ground knocked out or dead. The healer is desperatly trying to heal a heavily wounded, panting fellow. 3 of them are holding off the wolves and the ranger is in a tree.

'Fuck they're more alive than I thought.'

And of course Gregory dashes in like a prince and starts killing the wolves.

'Well atleast I'll get some exp'

I throw a few throwing knives at the wolves heads, killing them instantly. In less than 20 seconds all the wolves are dead. I walk over and start pocketing the wolves my party killed like it's nobody's business.

I walk over to Bella and point my finger at the party and Gregory.

"What do you think Bella?"

"It's none of our business." She responds with an expressionless face.
