Pit stop at Idai town

"What's your plan Valia?" Bella next to me asks.

"Not yet."

"Why? If it's about the church, I can take care of it."

As Bella said. The biggest reason why I'm reluctant to kill Gregory right now, is because the church sent him with us to keep an eye on us. I came to this conclusion not just because it's fucking obvious, but also because when I asked him about his past, he told me that he was an orphan in a church orhanage and when he became an adventurer, the church hired him.

The church really likes to keep its summons on a leash. The rage I feel against him and the church is unbearable. Not only did they kidnap me, but they also try to control me like a fucking puppet. One day I'll wipe out the whole god damn goddess's religion.

Inwardly I feel like I'm gonna explode, but outwardly I only have a frown on my face. If Bella says she can shield me from the church for the time being, then it's time for Gregory to dissapear, but

"Not yet"

"Fine" Says Bella, as she lets out a sigh.

I walk to the group and hear Gregory and a red headed boy, who looks like the party leader, talking.

"... but we got ambushhed and Karl got taken out. We probably would have died, sho thansh again."

"Hey boy. You got hit pretty bad huh, did everyone survive?"

As I engage him, he stares at me for a few seconds and then lets out an awkward cough, with a faint blush and continues speaking with his lisp.

"Ah yesh hello! My name ish Rikky, I'm from town. Hello again." He nervously stutters and bows multiple time, like he's about to get fired.

"Haha relax Rikky, I'm just a friendly neighbourhood little girl. Did everyone survive?" I engage him in a friendly manner and ask again.

"Yesh everyone shurvived. Luckily you shaved ush before thingsh went really bad. But Karl Ish very injured, we gotta get'im to a healer in town."

"Alright, well Gregory can you help them? Meanwhile we're gonna go to the town and book our rooms."

"Yea I'll take care of them. Don't worry, you guys can go ahead."

"Cool, later then." I wave to them as I walk back to Bella.

"Lets go."

We walk off and in 5 minutes arrive in the town of Idai. The town is surrounded by a 5m tall stone wall. We pay the guard the city tax and walk in. The town of Idai is bustling with activity. The sun is setting right now and it looks like a lot of people have finished their work. I turn to Bella.

"Go book our rooms until tomorrow morning. Pay upfront and let them know we'll be gone by sunrise. We'll meet at the market."

She nods and walks off. I continue walking, looking around, searching for a specific store. I spend a bit of time until I see it. I go in and talk to the lady behind the counter. After a bit of back and forth, I get what I came for and head out.

The preperations for the night are finished, now we can just relax. I walked around the marketplace and met up with Bella. We went to various shops and I sold over half of the animals in my storage to a butcher, for 2 gold and 40 silver. We purchased some miscellaneous stuff for outdoor camping, girls stuff and others.

Eventually we met up with Gregory and went to our inn. We told him that we'll depart tomorrow at noon.

When we got to the inn, we had some dinner and got some drinks. The barmaid initially wanted to refuse serving me alcohol, but after a bit of convincing and a hefty tip, she yielded.

As the night went on, we continued drinking, under the excuse of celebrating the start of our journey. Things got more rowdy and we eventually changed from mugs to bottles.

I was now sitting on Bellas lap and chugging down rum straight from the bottle like a drunkard. My face was flushed and my speech was slurry. It was obvious that I was completely smashed. Gregory was in no better state than me. He kept filling his glass with whiskey from the bottle, right next to it and giggling like a little girl. The only one well put together was Bella, who was holding onto me and looked at me as a child would look at her christmas present.

"Gregoryyy drink from the bottle like a real maaan, why are you such a girl... That's why you suck... You suck dick because your a girl haha."

"Hihihi, Valia you are toooo rude. Has anyone told you that? That, that you are just too rude.... hihihihiii." *gulp* *gulp*

Meanwhile I think I keep hearing Bella mumbling something and breathing heavily.

"Oh my god, drunk Valia is just so cute~. Should I tell her that... No I want to keep seing her cute side more. *Huff* *Huff*"

'Naah It's porbably just my imagination 'cause I'm drunk.' I look at her to confirm... 'Yes she looks completely normal, as always, nothing has changed.'

Meanwhile, Bellas facial expressions might as well get put in the dictionary, next to the word pervert.

Suddenly Gregory starts to cry looking at his empty whiskey glass.

"Theeere theere little Greg, down't be dowwwn." I get off Bella and pat him on the head. Though instead of pats, they are more like smacks because I'm using a lot of force and you can hear raw head slapping.

I go to the bar and order 3 mugs of sweet ale. I slip a little "sugar" into Gregorys cup discreetly and return to the table.

"Let this be our final drink of the night, tomorrow we will resume our journey. Bottoms up." We clack our cups together and drink everything.

Once I empty my cup, I take out a potion and down it as well, to get me sober. I was not faking being drunk, I truly was completely sloshed. I did not plan to get so drunk, but that god damn rum was too delicious. Luckily I predicted this.

I also made sure Gregory drunk everything, which he did. We spent a few more minutes talking, until I felt I was beginning to sober up and Gregory was beginning to doze off. We decided to call the night. I went and paid the bill and Bella was helping Gregory to his doom. ROOM, she was helping Gregory to his room.

After paying the bill I also went to help him. Once we got to his room, we shut the door and I pulled out a big cover and put it on his bed. Then we placed him snugly on his side, on the bed as well. I caressed his hair and said to him in a soft, almost motherly voice.

"Sweet dreams Gregory."

I took out my dagger and activated (Tail). I didn't leak any bloodlust or killing intent, as i stabbed my dagger into his jugular and my whip-sword- tipped tail into his cereblar vertebral artery. I did it with the same mentality as if I was slicing a vegetable.

Once my dagger and tail fully penetrated his neck, he suddenly opened his eyes... But it was too late, I added in a twist for good measure and then aggressively sliced through his neck, cutting his head off. After that, I took off his storage ring and stored his corpse along with the bed cover and head, to erase any sign of him.

[Exp] gained - 120,000

Level up!

You are now [Level] 30

*Sigh* Clean kill. If I would have taken him on when he was able to defend himself, I would be the one who died, but this way, he had no chance. Also this way he dissapeared, so for the time being, no one would know he died. I look at Bella.

"Lets go sleep a few hours, we'll leave the town before dawn."

We went to our room and fell asleep, with Bella spooning me.

We woke up to the alarm. It was an hour before dawn. We got dressed and jumped out the window of the inn. We wore mantles, fully covering us, that we bought yesterday. We moved fast and within 15 minutes we were out of town.

"Kukuku that was quite fun. I feel like a sneaky assassin. We should also use this in the bedroom. I'll be the sneaky assassin who sneaks in and rapes the poor defenceless summoned girl, who is peacefully sleeping on the bed kukukuku." After saying that, Bella looks at me with a smirk and hungry eyes.

I look at her matter of factly "Tough luck my lovely rapist. We are about 100km from our next location, which is a village. So unless you really really want to do it, we're having sex normally while camping outside."

"Aww such a buzzkill. We need to quickly buy a house or something. I keep getting so many ideas that I have to buy a journal to remember them all kukuku."

"Why the fuck am I being the voice of reason, denying spicy sex. If you want this piece of ass come and get it."

"Hou, thank you for the meal~." She blinked infront of me while I was still running, threw me over her shoulder like a bag of potatoes and dissapeared from the spot we were.

We made a quick pit stop in a bush, that lasted quite a bit longer than a normal pit stop should. I know, totally weird, whatever could have happened...