
A/N: Some R-18 at the start. By the way Valias body type is like Maki Oze from Fire force, except she has a bigger ass and thighs. And I mean the OG not the fan art :D. You can google it.


I suspected that my maid, now ex-maid was a dirty bitch. That expressionless face and proffessionalism is just a facade to trick unsuspecting prey, which in this case is me.

Im on my knees in a bush. My head is being held down on the blanket, that's covering the ground. My hands are in a useless position as well. The only thing I can move is my tail, however that is being periodically grabbed by Bella as well.

Bella right now is sitting down under my raised up ass, between my legs. Her legs go from under me and over my shoulders and end up crossing on my head, which is pinned down. Her back is hunched so she can reach my asshole with her mouth and her hands are either fingering my pussy, slapping my ass or grabbing and pulling the base of my tail, where I'm most sensitive.

This has been going on for 25 minutes and I lost count on how many times I've cum. My voice is getting hoarse from screaming. She is drenched in my cum. It literally looks like she took a shower.

We had good fun for about an hour, but all of a sudden, she flipped. She pinned me down and started torturing me with pleasure. At this point my ass is fully red and it stings every time she slaps it, giving me more pleasure.

If I start getting numb to certain movements, she incorporates others. She bites my ass, streches my pussy with her fingers, spits in my asshole, leaves hickeys on my pussy, ass and wherever else she can and many more.

After 10 more minutes of doing it. I pass out. One thing is for certain. She is a master at sex. I could be considered very good, but she is on a whole other dimension.

I wake up. I'm on someones back, being carried. By the smell I can tell it's Bella, because she still smells like my cum, which means she didn't wash. Her hair looks sticky, like it's been laced with hair gel.

"Uaaah put me down." I mumble.

She stops running and puts me down. My legs are shaking, they feel like jelly, I can't walk like this.

"Shit, Bella you went too far this time" I point at her and rightfully accuse her.

"Oopsie" She covers her mouth, blushes and looks away.

"Playing coy won't help. Haah, anyway you gotta carry me, I can't walk."

She nods, picks me up again and starts running.

"How far are we from the village?" I ask

"Hmm about 20km."

"WHAT? How long was I out??"

"Hmm about an hour."

"Aah ok, I thought I slept through the whole day for a second there."

Bella continues running until eventually we reach the village. With Bellas speed that eventually is 15 minutes. The village looks like an average rural place, huge fields, a bunch of houses sparsely placed and more consentrated in the center.

According to the late Gregory, bless his soul, this village has an inn, since alot of travelers move through here. This village is the last stop we'll make before arriving to our destination.

We find the inn, book a double room. Bella takes me to the bed and goes to have a wash outside the village. While pondering on my plan of action on the bed, I fall asleep.

I wake up a while later. The sun is starting to go down. I don't see Bella anywhere, so I head downstairs to the bar and start drinking alone.

Right now we are almost at the city Alba, which is a huge commercial city. I't has more than a milion people living in it. We only have about 120km left to travel. Once we get to the city, we need to register as mercenarys. I could become an adventurer istead, because it's not that different, but being a mercenary seems more appealing.

As I'm pondering on my plans a random dude comes up to me.

"Is this seat taken?"

"No." I repond flatly, not even looking at him.

"Looks like you're dealing with something heavy with a face like that."

"Oh you know, just having an existential crisis, nothing much. You got any solutions for that." I respond, still not looking at him.

He pats his chest and smiles. "Of course I do. Strong alcohol always helps."

"Tch" I keep drinking. Glass after glass, eventually shifting to drinking straight from the bottle.

"You should slow down, with that small of a body frame you'll drink yourself to death at the pace you're going."

I get awoken from my stupor, looking to my left I see the guy still there. I forgot he was next to me, but I don't respond to him anymore.

'Where did Bella go, I'm starting to get pissed.'

Buying another bottle of rum, even the bartender is starting to look at me weirdly. The guy starts talking with me, but I mostly ignore him and respond with random bullshit. A couple of hours pass by, the sun has already set and I'm quite drunk, but Bella still isn't here.

I get up and take the bottle with me, this is my 4th bottle. Walking up the stairs, I check on our room, but nothing. I go downstairs again and continue my brooding and drinking. Eventually I'm sloshed and can barely walk.

Returning to my room, I fall asleep instantly. The next morning I wake up with a hangover. There is still no sign of Bella, but I spot a letter on the table.

"Dear Valia

Something came up, so I'll be gone for a while. When I'm done, I'll track you down. Don't worry.

XOXO Isabella."


I leave the inn immediately. The inn has been pre- paid, so I don't have to notify anyone when I leave. I leave the village and go to the forest, toward my destination. In the forest I go on a rampage, cleaving any monster I run into in half. I ran into the guy at the bar as well and that was the last time anyone will run into him, ever.

My rampage continues for 10 days, leaving trails of blood and destruction on my way to Alba. I mostly killed monsters, but there were some parties in the way as well. This forest doesn't house any high level monsters, so there aren't any high level adventurers as well.

I did have trouble with a few adventuring parties, but since I always killed the strongest in a sneak attack, so I could deal with them. I also looted anything I could off the adventurers. Now my pocket space was full of monster corpses, weapons, armour and other stuff.

Nearing the city my armour and clothes were bloody and filthy. When I said I went on a rampage, I wasn't kidding. Most of my time was spent finding something to kill and then killing it. I probably killed more than a 1000 creatures. I took a quick wash, which consisted of me shooting myself in the face and back with a water cannon(Magically summoned high pressurized stream of water).

I went to the city gates and lined up for check-in. Luckily the line wasn't long and within 5 minutes I was in.

The first thing I did was go to the butcher shop and sell most of the monsters. One shop wasn't enough to hold the mountain of corpses I possessed, so I went to 4 different stores to get most of them sold. I only kept the ones that seemed stronger.

Next I went to the weapons shop to sell all the weapons from adventurers I killed, that weren't marked.

Luckily, in this world, dwarves aren't the best weaponsmiths. In this world, dwarves are useless bastards, weaker than humans, smaller than humans, have less magic than humans and their craftsmanship is only so-so. They are quite greedy, which leads to them not being liked as well. Thank god for that, I hate those little pudgy bastards.

All in all, the stuff I sold earned me 16 gold and 25 silver. All together I now have 69 gold and over 500 silver and copper. With which I purchased an adamantium broadsword, my steel sword broke after all the murdering I did. My new sword is nothing fancy, but it's attack and durability are off the charts.

[Adamantium Broadsword] - Special

Attack power - 4500

Durability - 7000/7000

Mana conductivity - 20%

The weapon grades go like this: Basic->



In summary the forest rampage earned me 4 levels. I'm now level 35, not bad for 10 days of murder. I also got a new class skill and boy it's good.

(Rampage) - When you kill something, recive 2% boost to all stats. Boost lasts for 2 minutes. Killing something again before the end of 2 minutes stacks the buff. Can be stacked 50 times

Can't ask for a better skill for a mercenary. With that and my (Murder) skill, participating in wars will be much better than hunting a lone creature. This might become one of my strongest skills, considering class skills also evolve with class evolution and when I'm powerful enough to kill huge numbers with a single attack... huehehehe.

Oh no, wipe the drool, bad girl. Anyway recap time over. Off to the mercenary guild. Additionally I got rid of most of my anger toward Bella ghosting me, but still fuck her. Couldn't she atleast tell me in person on the day she disappeared? It wouldn't have been a big deal, but I wasted a whole day because I waited for her. If there is one thing I hate more than dwarves, It's wasting time.

I'm standing infront of the mercenary guild, it looks ok I suppose. The building is massive, 3 stories high, made of red bricks and has big stone pillars near the entrance.

I walk in, the lobby looks big. Straight ahead are multiple administration posts. To the right there is a big panel with notifications under categorized collumns and to the left there are tables, couches, chairs and so on, looks like a lounging place.

I walk to one of the administration post. The administrator is an old cat beastwoman with classes and white fur and hair.

"Hello, my name is Valia Raid. I want to register as a mercenary."