Chapter 21 [Unedited]

"She is Remy. She's your next mission."

Remy is a 180cm tall woman. She has long pitch black straight hair, with read streaks running down. Her face looks incredibly menacing and beautiful, with sharp features, swordlike eyebrows that are in a frown right now and almost glowing red eyes. Her skin is dark grey in colour.

Her body is incredibly attractive. Curvy, with big breast, big ass and a tight waist. Right now her arms and legs are bound in chains. She has a collar on her neck and a mouthguard, holding her mouth shut.

The guy holding the chain, that's connected to her neck starts speaking.

"She was taken as a slave from a war, I don't know anything else about that, since they didn't explain. Her stats and skills got returned to default. The higher ups want you to train her levels back up. She has a slave collar on. I'll transfer her control to you. You'll be her new master for the time being." Raven goes toward them and smears a bit of blood against her collar. Then the guy says something and Raven tests it out, by giving her a bunch of commands.

All I know about slave collars, is that they are rare and expensive. They are hard to make and somewhat flimsy, since if the slave gets stronger than the collar can control, then it doesn't have an effect on the slave anymore.

Slave collars aren't a product on sale, plus they're banned in this kingdom. So this woman has to be some kind of high rank prisoner.

After Raven is sure that she has control over her new slave, the guy removes Remy's restraints, except for the collar. He also gives Remy's weapons and armour to Raven. Right now, she is only wearing some simple clothes.

"How do they want it done?" Raven asks the guy.

"She's an abyssal demon. Just keep her in the dark and kill shit." The guy disinterestly says and walks away.

I decide to inspect Remy

[Name] - Jezebel Trekzr

[Race] - Abyssal Demon

[Level] - 1

Hm? Jezebel? Why are they calling her Remy? I know most people can't inspect others, but there are tools to check someones information and surely they have them.

When Im thinking about the inconsistencies, Remy/Jezebels eyes fall on me. We make eye contact and stare at each other for a bit. I can feel intrest or curiosity in her gaze. We get interrupted by Raven.

"I'm your new team leader, Raven." Then she points at Silvia, then me.

"These are Silvia and Valia. Get along. Now let's move out." Raven walks away and we follow her. Remy is right behing her, followed by everyone else. Remy looks back at me for a second, then keeps walking.

'I would like to file a complaint about how shitty of a leader Raven is.'

We walk outside the city of Alba and follow Raven to the woods. We start jogging and keep the pace for about 3 hours, until we arrive at a 2 story house, near a village.

The house is located at the foot of a mountain. It looks similar to a summer home, with a garden, a porch and a wholly wooden structure.

We arrive infront of the house and stop. Raven looks at us and says.

"Tomorrow morning we are going to a dungeon. For now, pick your rooms and rest." Then she walks inside the house.

I head inside the house and look around. It truly looks like a summer resort, or some sort of lakehouse. Almost everything in the house is brown an made of wood. The fire safety must be abysmal in here.

I walk to the second floor and pick out a random room, that has 2 beds and walk over to the bed. It's almost noon, so there is no point to go to sleep forn now. I feed my 2 kittens and then head out of the house, to hunt some monsters.


I come back to the cabin only when the sun is about to go down. I spent all this time hunting and killing, yet still didn't level up. It's getting increasingly hard to level up.

First of all the monsters, that used to give me about 1500 exp, now give me around 900. Yet the required exp to level up is increasing more and more with each level.

I check my exp.

[Exp] - 335,670 [439,712]

As you can see...

I feel a strong compulsion to level up as fast as possible. But at the rate I'm going now, I will hit level 50 only after a few weeks.

Since Raven has the task to strengthen Remy, I'll assume that we will be killing a lot of shit in the upcoming days.

I walk back to my room. When I walk in I see Silvia in her underwear. I walk in and close the door, confused.


She looks at me, who is looking at her confused and explain.

"Don't look so suprised. This room has two beds right. Did you think you would be sleeping here alone?" She casually explains and hops on a bed, getting started on rolling a joint. She stops her actions for a second and looks at me.

"You want one?" She asks. I nod, so she gets back to her preparations.

I put the cats on the bed and throw my armour off and outer wear on the bed. Sitting in my underwear, I play with my cats.

A few minutes later, Silvia finishes and gives me one. She light both of our joints up and sits back on the bed, leaning her back against the wall, lazily.

I also relax on the bed and start smoking. We smoke in silence for a few minutes, until Silvia asks.

"So? Why have you been so quiet recently? When we met you were much more willful." She looks at me blankly and asks. I stay silent for a while and then answer.

"...I somewhat know how gangs work. My standing right now is a bit better then a slave. The best I can do now is keep quiet, keep my head down and stay out of trouble." I aswer half-truthfully.

The truth is that I'm staying quiet until I can tear Raven apart, so as not to arouse her suspicion. The more I seem like a useful and obedient tool, the better.

"Hmmm. You're a smart girl. Joining a gang can bring more bad than good." She muses.

I can feel the magic weed or whatever working and I'm getting super relaxed. We spend some time just smoking and relaxing. It might be just me being stoned, but I feel like my joint should have burnt out by now, but not even half of it is gone.

After a few more minutes, I stand up and go to the door. I lock it and walk toward Silvia. Silvia looks at me curiously. I take another puff and blow it out while looking at her. The room is getting full of smoke, like a hotbox.

I sit down on her lap, facing her. The blond haired elf raises her eyebrows a bit, but does nothing else. I look at her in the eyes, while holding my blunt with one hand and periodically taking a hit. My other hand starts gently caressing her bodys non sexual zones.

"What's with the sudden intrest?" She suddenly asks me in a casual tone.

I abruptly bring our bodys closer, so our noses are almost touching each others.

"This isn't sudden. You're beautiful and I've never had an elf." I touch her cheek gently, while looking at her right and left eyes alternatingly.

She takes a hit and blows the smoke in my face. I catch it, by sucking most of it in and then breathing it out.

"That's funny. I've never had a nymph either." She says. I brush her blonde hair behind her ear, while my legs move to lock themselves around her waist. I take a hit of my blunt and nuzzle my nose softly against her cheek, breathing out.

She has a very slender build, with B-cup breasts and a perky ass. None of her assets scream allure. She looks more classically beautiful, like a model. Except for her glassy and dead looking blue eyes.

At this point, I'm properly stoned. I can barely understand what's going on. I know how to move, what to do and how to do it, but I understand none of it. It's like watching a movie in a foreign language without subtitles.

I sniff her hair. She smells like wood, probably because of all the smoke. When I pull away to take another hit, she looks at me for the first time. When I start wondering why, I can feel both her hands gripping my waist.

She gets up from her seated position and puts me on the bed, with her on top of me. She snatches the joint, by bringing my hand holding it to her mouth and taking a hit. When she stops, she says.

"This older sister has been sexually frustrated for a long time. So your teasings are super annoying. Best if I take the lead, yeah?" She says and then licks the tip of my nose, smilingly.