Chapter 22 [Unedited]

She takes the joint from my hands and puts it out on an ash tray. Then she looks at me with hungry eyes and kisses me. She starts off gently kissing me with just our lips locking.

Her lips are soft, despite her regular smoking habit. I put my hands on her waist and trace up and down her sides.

Apparently she is getting aroused pretty fast. Since she places both her elbows above my shoulders, wrapping both her hands over my head and places her knee against my groin, pinning me. Then she shoves her tongue in my mouth.

She thoroughly licks the inside of my mouth and gets more and more rough by the second. She bites my lip gently and sucks on my tongue. I do my best just to respond to her, completely submitting.

Then she abruptly pulls away and stands on her knees. She removes her bra, then starts removing mine. I look at her beautiful breasts and get wetter.

Before I can do anything, she rips off both of our panties and lies down on top of me. She puts one of her hands on the side of my head and starts kissing my neck. I pull her tightly against me by the waist. My tail escapes from between our bodies and starts caressing her thighs.

She kisses my neck repeatedly and starts licking it.

"Aah, mmm." I let out small moans of pleasure. She licks down from my neck to my collarbone and starts kissing my skin, that's getting more sensitive, downwards.

She moves her body downwards and licks my nipple, playing with it. This time, I start moaning louder as I feel her lick, suck and blow cold air against them. I feel like electricity is surging in me.

It's getting hard to focus, so I grab her head and start ruffling her hair. My tail, on it's own, has somehow found it's way to her pussy and is now caressing it.

She got suprised at first and accidentally bit my nipple so hard she made me bleed. Now she is quietly moaning and licking my blood and bite mark gently.

I'm quickly getting tired of all these teasings and want more. She feels the same way. She reverses her position and sits on my face. I start lapping on her pussy aggressively off the bat, since I know teasing her right now would only piss her off.

Getting controlled and dominated in bed from time to time is acceptable. Especially if your partner is desparate for release.

"Uaah....Aaah, Aah." She starts moaning loudly. I extend my tongue and dive as deep as I can into her pussy, causing another set of loud moans.

She bends over and starts licking my pussy as well. She flips my folds like a professional and goes to work on the little bean up top.

"Mmmmmp, mmmmah." I feel her circling her tongue around my clit and sucking on it and my legs start squirming, while a moan loudly in her pussy. She also muffledly moans. The vibrations our moans produce add more to our pleasure.

I find her little clit with my fingers and start stimulating it. I'm sucking and licking her pussy greedily. My increasing arousal is compelling me to be even greedier.

I Grab both her ass cheeks with my hands and press my mouth tightly against her pussy. I fold my tongue and start licking her G spot. I suck strongly in tandem. It feels like I'm trying to eat that sluts pussy, until she is dry.

She puts her arms around my waist and dives into my pussy. She also grabs the base of my tail with one of her hands and starts rubbing it.

I can't hold it much longer, so I wrap my legs, locking her head between my thighs, so she can't escape from between my legs.

She folds first and cums hard on my face. Her legs start visibly shaking and all her cum is filling my mouth, like I'm drinking water from a tap.

She cums so hard, that 3 of her fingers go inside my asshole without her knowing. Her orgasm diatracts her, but when she gets over it, she dives back in with increased ferocity.

It doesn't take me long to go over the edge and start spraying my juices all over her face.

We switch positions and continue for a few more hours.



I wake up on top of Silvia. I get off her and check on my cats, but they're sleeping. I go take a bath and get dressed.

When I spot Raven in the hallway, she tells me to get ready within an hour, so I go and start getting ready, also waking up Silvia.

After an hour passes, everyone is in front of the house and we're moving out. On the way there Raven starts uncharacteristically explaining to us where we're going.

Apparently, she decided to change our original plans and go into a labyrinth.

The difference between a dungeon and a labyrinth is size and danger. Usually dungeons have ranks. However labyrinths have layers, the deeper you go, the more deadly it is. The labyrinths aren't strictly organised as well. Sometimes monsters from the deeper layers wonder up.

So in conclusion, Labyrinths are infinitely more dangerous than dungeons. I have no idea what the fuck Raven is thinking.

The labyrinth she is taking us now is on the smaller side, with 100 layers. The strongest monsters in there reach A rank.

The partys attitude reminds me of my late teenage years. Everyone either hates, is suspicious, or just barely tolerates each other. It's quite amusing.

It takes around an hour to get there. The labyrinth entrance looks like some kind of ancient temple. The difference is that once you go inside the doors, you're faced with huge, deep stairs heading down.

Before we head down, Raven looks back at us. Right now our party consists of me, Silvia, Violet, Max, Remy and Raven.

Raven is a bruiser, Silvia an archer, Violet a mage, Max a tank, me a rogue and Remy is a knight.

Remy was given armour, a shield and a sword. They're nothing special. Emphasis on practicality, rather than specialty.

We move down the stairs. The atmoshphere in here is like a tomb. Somewhere you don't want to be on your free time. It's dark as fuck as well, so the ones who can create light, do so.

The stairs lead us down approximately 60 meter, after that, it's just a straight way ahead. We move forward confidently and soon, we encounter our first enemy.

It's a sludge monster. A black pile of shit, that looks like it's melting from outside. It hobbles around and spots us, I don't even know with what. As it doesn't have eyes, ears or nose.

"Valia you're up. These things are F ranked." Raven gives out a command.

I come out from the back and take a closer look at the abomination in front of me. Truly a disgusting thing. I generate a head sized fireball in my hand and throw it on the sludge thing. It gives out a screetch and melts away.

After I'm sure it's dead, I start walking again, with the rest of the party following me. The abominations keep appearing and I use the same tactics in killing them. It doesn't take much effort. Soon I've killed more than 30 of them and the constant tunnel we're in, ends.