Skit 16

Bohai put his hands into his pockets his mouth forming into a big pout. "I got you in trouble again Shen, its because of me that we're both suspended. " His head sunk down as he looked at the ground. "I'm sorry."

Shenwoo gently rubbed his friends hair feeling the silkiness of the wild nest of blond strands. "It's fine, don't beat yourself down about it. My sister and mother wouldn't mind too much."


Shenwoo shook his head looking far out into the distant street of the afternoon. He smiled a little. "No but's, I'm fine. Look at it this way, we don't have to do anything but chill at home since testing is over. We can play games."

Bohai's eyes lit up at the mention of games most of his worries vanishing. "Thank god they have a new series out and yesterday I bought new manga for us. This is good timing."

Shenwoo laughed the sound stress less and light as a spring breeze. He swung his arm over his friends shoulder. "Let's hurry home."