Skit 17

'Holy fucking shit.'

Zhan Tian knew Long Wei was rich, but this? This was beyond his imagination.

Living alone at Long Wei's age wasn't unheard of, he was 19 after all. Also living alone in an expensive apartment knowing Long Wei's background, again wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

But owning a whole glass apartment building with 35 floors was a bit over the top specially when no one lived there but him.

Life was totally unfair.

Walking into his apartment Long Wei took his jacket off and randomly through it to the side. Seeing Zhan Tian's face expression contort from amazement to annoyance he couldn't help but chuckle. "This building used to be my uncle's 3 years back. But since it no longer fit his taste he decided to give it to me." He shortly explained.

His uncle? It didn't fit his taste? Zhan Tian rolled his eyes in disgust. 'Fucking rich people.'

He set all the groceries they picked up on the way on the kitchen counter. Quickly unbagging everything so he could start cooking. The quicker he did the quicker he could dammit leave. And he badly wanted to leave.

Long Wei sat on a near by stool observing every move his guest made in awe. He really sucked at cooking or any house work really.

"Are you a fucking pervert or something. The fuck are you drilling holes into me for!?" Zhan Tian couldn't take it anymore. This person irked his damn nerves every second.

Long Wei smiled softly putting both hands into a clap motion before speaking. "I just thought of something. What if every 3 to 4 days you clean my house. How bought it I'll pay you greatly. For both the cooking and cleaning."

Zhan Tian could swear a fuse went off in his head.

This spoiled demonic perverted fool wanted him to be his maid.