Skit 18

"Oh come on don't look at me like that." Long Wei smiled cheekily knowing exactly how the person across from him was feeling. "I'll pay you double."



Zhan Tian still refused to answer focusing on slicing vegetables.

"I'll give you 4 times the pay."

Zhan Tian paused his movements looking at the annoying fool in front of him begrudgingly. "Its not like I have a choice now do I."

"Oh," Long Wei stood up twirling away from the counter. "on the contrary unlike earlier, you do this time. You can say yes or no. But it would be better for you to agree to this little deal."

Zhan Tian slammed the knife down. "Or what, huh?! I'm not fucking scared of you. You think you can look down on me cause I'm dammit poor. That you can wave money in my face and that'll swoon me to backon at your every call. Hell no!"

Long Wei smiled his mood calm as ever. "I could always force you like I did today."

That was it. The last straw that Zhan Tian had. He quickly leaped over the counter dashing towards Long Wei with out a plan in mind. Only a goal which was to bash his face in.

Long Wei on the other hand felt very much amused with everything that's happening.

'If he couldn't beat Shenwoo how in the hell was he going to beat me?'

To Long Wei, Zhan Tian looked like a kitten trying to fight it's owner. He could never win.

With an effortless dodge of his head and a slight pull on the sleeve with a subtle kick of the feet. Long Wei had guided Zhan Tian into falling forward on his face. "Your very impulsive." Long Wei nicely pointed out as if he was teaching a small child. "You should fix that."

And through all this the huge smirk on Long Wei's face never vanished only angering Zhan Tian even more.