Skit 19

"Argh.... you annoying motherfucker!!!!" He roared his face flushed a rosy red.

Long Wei looked at Zhan Tian and smiled. "I'm only annoying because your very stubborn." He casually leaned against a wall. "It's you and that pride of yours, that's making it hard for you and yourself alone. But I would be lying if I said I don't enjoy it. It's quite amusing."

Zhan Tian face turned solemn as he gritted. "Looking down on me is a mistake. All I have is my pride-"

Long Wei cut him off. "Your pride is why your impulsive, your pride is why you pulled that stupid stunt earlier, your pride is why you fought Bohai, your pride is why you got your ass kicked by Shenwoo, your pride is what lead me to take you to the nurses office, your pride is what got you suspended, your pride is the only reason why your cooking me food, your pride is the reason why you're here, why I allowed you in my apartment in the first place. The reason why your standing in between my dining room and kitchen, your pride is why your three feet away from me having this conversation. *Your* pride is why your in this mess. So if I were you I wouldn't sale myself too short." He arched his right brow while approaching the other. "Zhan Tian unlike what your assuming I do not look down on you it's quite the opposite. I hold high expectations for you."

'Have high expectations for me? Are you insane-.' "You don't even know me."

Long Wei smiled mysteriously. "I know enough."