Skit 26

"Can't I get a damn break around here? Why is everyone wanting to fight me today?" Haru mumbled in distress his gaze meeting a pair of cocky brown eyes.

It was an old friend by the name of Shu from back in the day in middle school. Haru and him used to be close friends, but not close enough because Haru was soon betrayed. Back in school both students had formed a small gang back in the day where fighting was second nature to them. Not a day went by that they themselves and their crew didn't fight. Rather it be over territorial matters, rival gangs, trespassing or being challenged. Everything was solved in a fight dangerous or not, a group on 1 or an 1 on 1 fight, weapons involve or plan fists. Haru never backed down from a fight.

So he never could understand why did Shu fucking Itsuki think it was a bright damn idea to set him up and persuade half of those in his gang to betray him and think because it was 15 against one he'd run with his tail between his legs. That was stupid because it was funny, though he spent a month in the hospital recovering he still won. 15 against one with a bunch a weapons and Haru won with two pairs of golden daggers. Luck was on his side that day, or maybe he was just that skilled.

"Long time no see." Shu greeted with a sneer.

Haru clicked his tongue. How annoying was this? Surprising but annoying. He wasn't in the mood for a stupid reunion for old time sake. His violet eyes lazily observed the small crowd of people behind Shu. 1....2...3... 4 he counted exactly 6 people including his old friend. Their were 4 guys and 2 girls. He carefully watched them gradually close the distance between him and them.

Haru stayed silent, there was no reason for him to talk, he would finish this off quickly by defeating the leader. Without a pillar the building would fall. And being that he was thinner and a bit smaller than many, standing at only 182cm. Do to his size he always had an advantage in agility more then others who had a lot of muscles, and do to his feminine looks they would always underestimate him. Though it was hard to tell due to his small stature he packed quite a punch. His strength was very impressive for someone his size but then again though he might look girly and dress fluidly he was a still a male.

Quiet and presenting an arrogant look in his eyes he knew Shu would feel as if he was being looked down on which would give rise to anger, leading to an impulsive decision. Which Haru waited for and as expected it didn't take long as he saw the smirk on Shu's face disappear a dark angry frown replacing it.

"Looking down on me again Haru." Shu gritted bitterly. "You whoring bitch what right do you have looking down on me, huh?!!! Who the fuck do you think you are!!" Watching Haru still look at him like he was a measly ant in his way and still didn't say anything. Made his top blow and he swung on reflex his body reacting to his anger.

A small smirk danced on Haru's pretty lips. This was exactly what he needed. 'Fool.'

Watching the small muscles on Shu's right shoulder shift and having the knoledege of Shu being a right dominant. He predicted the movement and had duck a milli second before the incoming fist stretched out in his direction. Swiftly he jabbed his right hand out towards Shu's jaw but at the last split second he unravelled his fist flattening the service or his hand, taking his palm and brutally smashing it up against the jaw. Sending Shu's head flying backward in pain his head suddenly feeling dizzy.

He then rammed his knee into the of the thigh unbalancing his enemy and then stomping his feet down onto Shu's ankle.


"Aaaahhhh!!" Shu howl in pain. He fell down landing on his knew with a thud making the pain worse. Not even given the time to adjust his head was then kicked with full strength into the alley's wall knocking him unconscious as his body went limp hitting the grown. His face was bloody as it stained the pavement. The fight was finished within 5 moves in under 15 seconds.

Haru looked down with zero emotion.

Everyone in Shu's group was scared. But one tried to be brave though sweat trickled down his forehead. "You bastard...."

Haru looked at him his gaze cold as a glacier and his voice dark and deadly as a scorpions venom. "Take one step closer and your next."

He froze.

Haru watch this and tch'ed walking away and not once looking back as he picked up his jacket off the ground. "I'm so tired." he muttered lowly as he headed back to the apartment.