Skit 27

Haru entered the apartment massaging his temples as he could feel another headache coming on. He sighed with tiredness not noticing the standing figure in front of him.

'I need my pills....' "My head is fucking killing m-"

"Shit my nose." He hissed pulling back in surprise. 'What the heck did I bump into?'

He looked up his gaze meeting a pair of blazing gold eyes.

"Where did you go Haru?"

"I see your back."

"Where did you go?"

"And why should I tell you."

"Hmm... I don't know maybe because your in my apartment."

"As I recall Long Wei, I never asked you to save me that night. You chose that."

Long Wei began to smirk. "Is that how you feel about me saving your ass."

"I didn't need saving."

His smirk grew bigger. "Oh, but you did."

"Only in your eyes." He snorted walking to the living room.

"Where did you-"

"I took a walk earlier and got something to eat."

Long Wei looked his friend up and down as he joined the other on the couch. "Seems like there's more than that but I'll drop it."

Haru nodded. "Let's watch t.v. I'm sure, you neither wanna share about your walk."

Long Wei only smiled, giving a light shrug as he turned on the t.v. "Something like that."