Skit 36

It was late in the afternoon as Haru walked through the park and he was terribly hungry. He had a taste for pizza since yesterday but since he skipped eating anything yesterday he never got a chance to having any. Thinking back now if he wasn't so busy with his personal feelings he would have ate two boxes of pizza. This thought caused him to shake his head. What was the point of thinking about what happened yesterday when he was free and hungry now. As he walked he quickly pondered on which pizzeria to go to. There were plenty pizzerias in the vicinity surrounding him, but only so few had real great pizza.

And right when he started to make up his mind on which restaurant, a sound that was suddenly emitted made his entire body stiffen.

It was a low and magnetic voice that belonged to a male. His voice was gentle yet carried a hint of anger. "Kyra, where is my jewel?"

"I...Kai...I don't know...the ruby wasn't, wasn't lost by me." The girl called Kyra by the male was obviously quite scared. Originally, her voice should've been incomparably sweet. But now with the heavy struggle to breath it made her voice hoarse and scratchy. Haru should have turned a blind eye towards the situation, yet his curiosity got the better of him. Leading him follow the voices, resulting in himself hiding behind a nearby statue.

"Your useless as ever kyra..." The young man's mood was clearly not good. His grip around her throat tightened causing a loud yelp.

"Ah..." Constantly heaving, the girl produced painful begging sounds. She begged for a long time, but the man didn't soften. "I really d….don't k-know I really…. Ah- kuk!"

Haru's heart skipped a beat as his eyes expanded like balloons. 'Did I just whiteness a murder?' He had to. The women's body laid limp and tossed to the ground. And if it was a great time to leave it would be now. As the thought of fleeing entered his mind his body was unable to respond to it as he felt his whole being stiffen terribly. His gaze meeting dark green orbs.

"Leaving so soon?" Haru's pupils instantly shrunk. Slowly watching the young male approach him. He wanted to say something but couldn't, no matter how hard he mentally tried to. "It was just getting interesting." Haru gazed up at the male who was about to change his life for the worst or for the better.