Skit 37

The male had a nest of cinnamon curls and a beautiful face, sharply outlined, with a tall and straight nose bridge, and pleasingly shaped thin lips. His appearance seemed to be one that, with only a slight smile, could seduce the most chaste widow. He wore very simple black clothing, but when worn by him it exuded an aura of darkness that was enticing yet dangerous. His tan skin was decorated with lines of black ink that formed into an beautiful imagery.

"…I-I didn't see anything." Haru, who was held in the arms of a strange male, managed to squeeze out a whole sentence. His heart continuously beating like a drum. He had just witnessed a scene of murder or what looked like to be murder and soon after had quickly been discovered. He feared that all signs pointed to disaster.

"Why so nervous?" His gaze followed Haru's, landing on a female body laying on the ground. "Oh her." His voice held surprise as if he had forgotten she was even there. "She's not dead. Just unconscious."

Haru let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. But still kept his guard up. He had to escape. But something deep within him told him that his usual way of solving problems wasn't a good choice this time. The man in front of him had choked a girl till she passed out without batting an eye. He had to be careful. "Did you really not see anything?"

Haru shook his head vigorously. "I didn't see anything… I swear!"

The male grinned. His handsomeness doubling. "Your a smart one I see." He narrowed his eyes slightly, the expression sending chills down Haru's spine who now was gritting his teeth. "Name."

"Huh?" Why does he want my name?

"Dont make me repeat myself, you wouldn't like it." The gaze in his eyes told Haru that he meant every word.

"H-Haru. My name is Haru."

"The school you go to."

"I don't go to any school."

This answer caused the young male to frown deeply. Didn't this mean he was back to square one. He had again picked up another useless person. Where the fuck was the guy that took his shit? He had been searching for the past 3 days and had yet to find anything. Was he just supposed to give up here. No! He couldn't. His very being wouldn't allow it. His gaze turned menacing the longer he thought about it. Giving Haru a bone chilling feeling of something bad going to happen.

"Then answer me this." He spoke after a short while. "Do you know anyone by the name of flags?"

Haru shook his head. "No."

"Have you ever heard anything related to said name?"


Kai searched the others gaze as he strongly suppressed his anger. "Lying to me will result in a broken limp. And trust me when I say I'll break one and then some for the hell of it." He slammed the other against the stone statue.

Haru cried out in pain. Feeling his spine drown in agony.

"I want you to answer again. But this time honestly."

"I may have heard of the name once. But I don't know who they are."

"Then you are no use to me."

Before Kai could make a move on him Haru blurted out something he wished he could take back right after. "But I-I know someone who has surely heard of them and who might even know, who ever your looking for personally." Saying this ment that he had to go back. Go back to the hell hole he escaped from.

"Then take me to this 'someone.' " Kai smiled darkly as he whispered into Haru's ear, his voice deep and threatening. "If I find out your lying to me and this whole thing was futile, you'll soon learn that there are fates far worst then death little spring." (Haru means Spring in Japanese and Day in Korean. But since Haru is part Japanese it is Spring. So that's why Kai is calling him that.)