Skit 38

As Haru slightly walked ahead he couldn't help but continue to steal glances towards his left. No matter how he saw it, the other seemed to be laid back and aloof as he walked behind him. Giving him a big chance to escape. Yet the more Haru thought about it the more he frowned. He could get away right now. It's not like they would ever see each other again. So why? Why did he always get a bad feeling every time the thought of running away crossed his mind. And each time it did the feeling got stronger. The chance to leave was easy….Or was it?

And that was exactly it.

It was easy, way too easy to leave.

It gave him a bad omen. No matter how he looked at it. And it worried him. He who never trembled for no one, big or small. Found himself second guessing everything. It was hard to describe the feeling he felt into one word every time he looked back at the unknown male. So young yet had such a violent aura around him. His eyes that were green and lively seemed to look at the world condescendingly. Such thing was menacing.

His thoughts on this unlucky situation of his didn't last long as they both soon arrived at their destination. Haru sighed pushing the doors open and soon being welcomed to dazzling lights. The doorway stood in front of porcelain stairs that led into a vast marble floor space. Love seats and tables everywhere. Waitresses male and female dressed in exotic cloths as they moved around catering to the rich. Private rooms covered in violet silk. Chandeliers dangling from the top with a light sparkle. It was a sight to see. One Haru was very much used to at this point.

As if he was in his own house he walked quickly and easily through the crowd of body's into a private area where he walked down a hallway, turning a few corners before coming to a stop. Standing in front of a red door he knew all to well, he opened it without knocking and walked in. Coming face to face with someone he was familiar with but wasn't expecting.


A young male around the age of 23 sat behind a wooden desk with a cigarette in his mouth his once dull expression now had a huge smile on his lips as he saw Haru. "Your back. What a surprise. Thought we'd have to send out another search party." He sat up and came around the desk and stood in front of Haru. "You know Wails (Pronounced Whales.) isn't happy about you running away again. But since you came back on your own free will, he might be a little lenient when he punishes you later."

'Free will my skinny ass!' Haru thought. He felt disgusted as he looked at the man in front of him. He wanted to vomit yet couldn't. He hated everyone and everything connected to this place. But he couldn't do anything…. yet.

He looked over towards Kai whose gaze was dark as an bottomless pit. He carried a look of supreme disgust. As a cruel smile decorated his lips. He approached Roge and asked coldly. "Do you know someone by the name Flags?"

Roges gaze narrowed, lightly shifting to his right. He growled. "Who the fuck are- ah!"

The move was quick and merciless as Kai sent a flying kick to Roge's gut sending him tumbling backward over the desk. "I won't ask a again." He leaped over the desk grabbing the man by his collar.