Skit 39

Roge gritted his teeth as he glared at the two angrily. "Haru, don't tell me you brong this fool here to help you fight us. Don't kid yourself!"

"Ignoring me, eh?" Kai pulled out his butterfly knife pressing it against the others neck. "I don't like to be ignored. We can do this the fun way or the boring way."

A cold metal object pressed against his torso. He glanced down to find a gun pressing against his stomach. His eyes widen as the front door burst open filling the room up with men wielding weapons as they surrounded Kai. Seeing this he smiled from ear to ear and laughed. "The fun way it is then."

Everything seemed to take a turn for the worst just as Haru estimated. There was no need for him to make a move. Those two did it to their selfs. Giving him a big opportunity to escape. An opportunity he didn't waste as he blended in with the armed men, slowly moving backward until he left the room. Once removing himself safely he dashed out into the back hallway, running as if his body was on fire. He ran and ran not looking back until he was out the building. But even then did he slow down. He continued to run non stop all the way home. Busting into Long Wei's apartment with heavy breaths as he slammed the door closed, locking every lock he could see. Then, and only then did he begin to calm down and catch his breath, slumping against the door with a relief expression.

Unbeknownst to him Long Wei stood not to far away with a bottle of water in his hands witnessing the whole thing. He raised an eyebrow. "Rough night."

Haru looked at the other. "Something like that."


"Uh…. yeah." He walked over while dusting himself off.

Long Wei watched as Haru snatch his water bottle from his hands and began drinking from it. This caused him to release a light chuckle as he shrugged walking over to his couch. He gazed back at Haru before turning the T.V on. "Did you buy the pizza you were craving?"

As Haru heard Long Wei's comment his face sunk. The main reason he left was to get something to eat in the first place. Yet he encountered a problem resulting in him coming back empty handed. At this point he felt more relieved that he escaped then the absence of an empty stomach. "No." He answered. "Something came up."

Long Wei nodded and didn't proceed to push or pry. He was curious but not stupid. He could tell that whatever happened was none of his business. And as long as Haru was safe and sound he didn't mind what the youth did on his spare time. He pointed to the fridge. "Pepperoni and extra cheese. Knock yourself out."

At this time not too far away emerged a youth whose clothes were turn with cuts an bruises. He even had a wound on his torso from a bullet grazing him. It burned along with his other wounds. Yet you couldn't tell as a light smile danced across his lips. "That took longer then I thought." He stated to a familiar face that stood within a large group of both men and women.

"What should we do young master."

The young male glanced back at the building he had just exited, and mercilessly responded. "Burn it to the ground. I got what I came for." As he said this his mind detoured to a young boy with moon like silver hair and violet eyes who had escaped from under his nose.

"What a clever little spring." He mumbled.