Morning interlude

"Make sure to wake her up in a few moments. She was normally sleeping back when I arrived, but now she's held in that state with my power."

Still sitting in this area deprived of gravity, I shamelessly stared at my teacher slowly pulling her clothes up on her body. Due to how unpractical the clothes of this world were, I had a blast watching how Garra bent in all possible ways to put her robes on, showcasing all the charms of her body that I ravaged just a moment ago.

"Teacher… What should I make out of this encounter?"

Only when the woman was finally dressed and ready to leave did I speak up. Earlier, I was too busy enjoying the views to bother speaking, but now, when she could just go and leave like that, I didn't dare to miss the opportunity. After all, with all the due respect to my looks, I doubted that someone of her level would randomly let a new student at the sect fuck her like that!

"Hmm… That's actually a good question. I just had a feeling that keeping you close… No. To be perfectly honest, you just made me thirsty. Given how likely you are to seek my help in the future, we could say that we just enjoyed each other company while you attempted to curry my favour?"

Clearly struggling to come up with anything that would make any sense, I had enough brains to not pursue the topic.

"If that's what you say, teacher, then that's the undeniable truth. After all, I would have to be a lier to claim I didn't enjoy the moment."

With how the woman was about to leave the place, I didn't dare to linger in this antigravitational sphere any longer. After all, it would be quite a poor way to wake Rubia up by crashing butt-naked to the ground. Although, given how this fellow new student of the sect was coming at me a few hours prior, remaining naked for the potential second-round didn't seem as bad any longer.

"Remember to come and visit me in the shared guild. I can't wait to see what you are capable of achieving there."

Nodding her head for a goodbye, the woman then left the place, finally leaving me alone. Or rather, as alone as I could be with a cute young girl sleeping defenselessly in my damned bed!

For some reason, the session with the teacher seemed to awaken something inside my body. Maybe it was the initial drive of a bodily virgin to spread his seed as far and as wide as possible, or maybe it was just the difference with how quickly my mind and how slowly my body could achieve sexual fulfilment.

Just casting a single look at the girl sleeping within the reach of my hands was enough for my body to start preparing again, pumping the blood down my crotch. Thankfully, it was my mind that controlled the situation rather than my lowly, animalistic instincts.

Taking a moment to dress myself up, I made sure to clean all the remaining hints that could point Rubia in the direction of what happened in this place before proceeding to wake her up.

"Hey, wakey wakey miss sleeping princess."

Lightly poking her side with my finger, I had to actually put quite a lot of work for the girl to start reacting in any way. Still clearly in the head, I had to forcefully stop my fingers for roaming towards the softer and more pleasant areas of her body. After all, I was mature enough to understand that as soon as I would let my reins loose for even a moment, then I wouldn't be able to regain my senses before the entire deed would be done.

"Wha… Just a few more minutes!"

Still in the sleepy daze, Rubia protested, clumsily attempting to fight my finger off. Finding actually quite a lot of fun in teasing her like that, I proceeded to poke her stomach, her side, her cheeks, all the way until the girl suddenly jerked up, caught my arm and enveloped it with her entire body!


Humming happily right in my ear that was now forced below her head, Rubia hugged herself to my arm, not caring about the fact that her nipples instantly started to rub against my biceps.

"Excuse me?"

Unable to come up with any witty way to wake her up, I finally realised that in terms of girls, no man was capable of winning a fight with them. After all, no matter how much logic, sense and truth any man would bring to the discussion, as soon as tears or even just a teary face would be put on the table, the entire game would be already lost.


With a cute sound being far more than enough to convey her question, Rubia finally woke up. At first, she raised up with my arm still tightly pressed against her body, only to suddenly notice the situation and completely freeze.

"Don't tell me…"

Ignoring the situation at large, there was something strange in Rubia's movements. Obviously, she just woke up so she had all the right to be dizzy, but it was actually something else. There was a strange fluidity to her actions, that make it seem that everything she did so far in her life was as clumsy as one could unintentionally be!

"... we did it?!"

Forced back to the reality by this sudden, properly spelt out question, I raised my eyes at the girl's face, hoping to find some hints as to how I should properly react on her face. Yet to my surprise, instead of being shocked, angered or even terrified, this girl was actually pretty happy with her guess!

"No, we did not."

In this situation, I knew that all it would take was a single moment of carelessness for me to cave in and just take the girl on the spot. With her lose clothing only pretending to hide her charms away from my sight, with the innocently yet genuinely happy look on her face, I could already feel my defences crumbling.


In one moment, Rubia's face lost all its shine. Her entire body returned to being the same clumsy one that I remembered, while her eyes lost their fires.

"But… No, don't lie to me!"

Suddenly acting up, Rubia attacked. For some reason, her movements were far quicker than what I expected even in my wildest dreams, allowing her to properly catch a grip on my shoulders, before throwing me to the side, right on the bed that was still warm from the heat of her body.

Not giving me any chance to rest or defend myself, Rubia followed with another move of her, instantly crawling up on top of my body, locking down my hips with her own as she pressed my hands against the soft fabric on the bed.

At this point, I finally realised what most likely happened to the girl. If my guess was correct, then the insane improvement to the fluidity, speed and force behind her movement could be attributed to what I did to her in the moment of panic several hours ago. Thinking about it, her sudden fever and wavering consciousness could also be caused by the sudden change that happened to her, with her mind requiring a bit of time to adapt to the new reality.

"There is no way I could feel like that if you didn't do something to me!"

Screaming right in my face, Rubia clearly didn't care whether or not someone would hear her desperate screams. But as soon as those words of hers left her mouth, the girl's face suddenly exploded in redness as if something incredible has happened.

"Is that what… I think it is?"

Suddenly starting to rub her hips against my abdomen, Rubia's face continues to melt form one incredible expression to another, as her movements slowly started to gain on boldness and energy. With each moment, my defences were crumbling as the heat clearly started to overwhelm the girl's mind.

"We didn't do anything, but if you are soo keen to get fucked, then so be it!"