Rubia's head (+18/smut)

Maybe it was because the floodgates of his lust were already released, or maybe it was the insanely alluring defenceless attitude of the girl, but before she could even ooze out a moan of fake protest, I already grabbed her young, soft body into my arms.

"You wanted it yourself, am I wrong?"

Putting my hand on top of her head before starting to brush my fingers through her long, soft hair, I could feel her body trembling slightly. As expected, speaking about repaying her debt with her body and actually doing it were two starkly different things.

"No, you are perfectly right."

Placing her delicate fingers on top of my chest, Rubia angled her head up, staring at me with those light, violet eyes of hers. Feeling the tips of her fingers taking my clothes by surprise and finding a resting place on my chest, I decided that no matter whether the girl will end up chickening out or actually pushing herself all the way, the next set of my actions would be generally the same.

"I wanted to repay you like that… myself."

Repeating my words like an echo, Rubia actually took the initiative with herself. Retracting her fingers from my chest, she grasped the sides of her upper robe before lowering it down on her shoulders. And I wouldn't be a man if I ignored such an invitation!

Placing my left hand on her back, I held Rubia in place, while sneaking my right hand right into her exposed cleavage. With how much she pulled her clothes down, just the smallest jerk of my body forced her dress down from her nipples, fully exposing her upper body.

To my surprise, once again the local clothes proved to not give any justice to the women. Despite being so young, this girl was far more than ripe for the plucking!


Tightening the grasp of my fingers on top of her breasts, I could hear her soft moan entering directly into my ear. Looking down into her moist, teary eyes while she completely exposed her melting expression, I realised one thing.

This moment wouldn't look like it did back with the teacher. While Garra perfectly knew what she wanted and how to obtain this, Rubia here gave off the vibes of someone who would closer to the m side of things. Obediently accepting the fact that I molested her breast with my greedy fingers, this damned girl would only look at me with those deep eyes of hers!

With her breath slowly hastening its pace, I could feel the rhythm of its beats reverberating on my hand while I enjoyed the softness of her chest. But with all those incentives provided, I slowly realised that maybe getting a young girl like her to my bed didn't seem like such a bad choice!

"If you want us to do it… You need to get me ready for it."

Seeing her expression of complete subservience, I just couldn't stop myself. Once again placing my hand on her head, I pushed myself a bit further before pushing on Rubia's head and forcing her entire upper body down.

With her breasts flattening against the bed, Rubia's head now appeared perfectly between my legs. Given how she was oozing out the vibes of being inexperienced, I undid my pants myself only to bring out my already erected pole right in front of Rubia's curious eyes.

"So big…"

Entering even deeper daze, the young girl seemed to follow her instincts, reaching for my penis with her hand, only to have her wrist caught by me.

"No can do. I will tell you how to do it. Now, open your mouth and show me your tongue."

Intoxicated by this feeling of dominance, I moved my hand from Rubia's head to her chin, pulling her jaws open. Following my orders, she obediently pushed her tongue out, looking at me with those big, upturned eyes of hers.

"Now, a kiss to show your devotion."

Grabbing the base of my manhood and manoeuvring it to bring the shroom right before Rubia's lips, I could feel the excitement born from the expectation nearly exploding in my hips. But no matter how driven I was to just take this girl right here and right now, just watching her curious and slightly reluctant expression as she got her mouth even closer yet clearly hesitated right at the last moment was just too damn enjoyable and upfront adorable to dirty this moment with pure, unadulterated lust.


Adding a small little moan to her attempt, Rubia finally moved her forward, enclosing her lips over the head of my penis. In one instant, I could feel the warmth of her mouth, the texture of her glib tongue dancing around my most important place, her awkward trembling caused by her lack of experience…

"Good, now, open your mouth just like I asked you to do before."

Pulling my hips to the back, I freed myself from Rubia's moist lips, forcing her to once again push her tongue all out of her mouth.

"Good girl."

Caressing her cheek, I could see the lights that appeared in her eyes once I started praising her.

"Now, let me slowly get prepared…"

Placing the head of my penis right down on Rubia's outstretched tongue, I slowly, very slowly started to move it up. Feeling her delicate flesh caressing the base of my shaft as I ventured deeper and deeper into her mouth, I realised that there was absolutely no fucking way that at this rate I would last long enough for the proper intercourse. At the same time, I just couldn't help but get curious how much of me would this girl accept in order to repay her imaginary debt?

At first, Rubia seemed to be okay with what I was doing. Maybe the initial kiss was enough for her to get the taste of my thing, getting her slightly used to the blowjobs. Maybe her resolve was steeled enough to suffer through anything that I would subject her to. Or maybe those few nice words that I said to her as I continued to penetrate her jaws along with the delicate hand massage of her ear once I pushed towards her throat were just what she required to get hooked on servicing me like this!

"Glugh… glop…"

Feeling the insatiable desire to penetrate her head deeper and deeper, I couldn't get enough of the sound of Rubia choking on my penis. Feeling her entire throat contracting on my head and the little of the shaft that I managed to push inside before I could fell Rubia's bottom lip on my balls, I realised that despite all the fun that I had through the night, this damned girl was capable of getting a rinse out of me just like that!

"Good girl… you really did well."

Praising her with a soothing tone, I continued to caress her ears with my fingers. Seeing a satisfied smile appearing on her lips spread out by my shaft, I felt as if the world was breaking on me. As if following my own words, I moved my hands to grasp the sides of Rubia's head, before slowly pulling her lips off my penis…

Only to suddenly pull her head all up down my shaft and hold it in place as my cum flowed out of my manhood right into her tightening throat!