Informing The King About Future Events

"Not your first time? Don't tell me that this is your second life after returning to the past. That seems impossible."

Whoa! He got it right in the first try. He's good. Really good. No wonder this kingdom can survive so long fighting the cult.

But it's not like I want to hide the fact that I returned to the past to the king. I just don't want my identity to be known at least for now, while I'm still weak.

I don't mind the king find out who I am. I just don't have many people I can trust. If he knows who I am, then if by any chance my identity got leaked… I don't want to imagine what would happen to the others.

"I can only tell you what I know. And the first thing you need to know is that I don't know much about the cult. It would be you who knows about them outside of the members of the cult themselves."

"Wait, what?! You're really came from the future?!"