The Babies' Condition

Why was I so easily tell others that I came from the future?

It's for my own sake.

I told people I think I can trust so that they will help me prevent the danger that will come. Then if possible, I will left everything to them and hopefully, not getting myself involved with the cult.

But I don't think that's possible since the Evil God Cult's influence is widespread around the world.

That's why by leaving everything to other people, I hope at least I and the people I care about have enough time to get strong enough to protect themselves.

If I tried to take all of the responsibilities as the person who knows, I won't have enough time to get stronger. And I might end up risking the whole world if I did it poorly.

Because of all the knowledge that I've learnt from both my past life and present life, I know that I'm not smart enough, strong enough, and rich enough to take care of everything alone. That's why I need to have some help.