I'm Here As Ninja! Not Clarence!

"That's just like Stockholm Syndrome."

After I entered the capital together with Candy hand in hand, we found the inn that the others picked and went there.

We meet everyone and I introduced Candy again to the others, but this time as my girlfriend.

When we told Victoria and the others about how we ended up as lover, Victoria said something I don't know. Just like usual.

If it's any other word, I might ignore it like usual, but since there's a word syndrome, as a doctor, I'm curious about it.

"What's that? An illness?" I asked Wendy while tilting my head.

"Yes. A mental one. It's when a hostage and the captor, or maybe an abuse victim and the abuser, bonded with each other," Victoria explained.

"That never happened. I'm neither her captor, nor her abuser."

"But you killed her father figure. And that's what you told her when you first met. So it's just a relationship that doesn't make sense!"