Getting Library Permit

I cried thinking that my peaceful life disappears. If it's just Candy who said that she wants to have me help Albert, I can have several reasons to refuse. But to think that everyone is involved in this and want me to help Albert in eradicating the cult. Now whatever excuse I made won't work.

"I'm glad to have you in the team, Roy." Albert smiled joyously.

"Why are you happy? You don't even know me that well."

"But I have heard what you did from Wendy. You used melee attack to fight against mages. That's an amazing feat! No wonder you can come here and bypass all the guards safely. What elements do you have?"

"…summoning and air element." I said with tears still falling from my eyes and dripping on my cheeks.

Candy approached me and wipe my tears with a handkerchief like a good wife. A good wife with a crybaby husband.

"Your summon is that woman over there, right? A slime?"