The First Fighter Is...

Finally, the time has come to return to the Monsters World. We will have three matches today in the arena.

And I'll be bringing Angela, Kayla, Sophie, Sonia, Candy, Lina, Shirley, Ian, Jewel, Albert, Mustache, and… a lot of food to share with the Werewolves.

As for the other two fighters who will fight, it's a secret.

"Albert, aren't you busy? We might stay for longer than I thought." I asked the king who skipped work.

"Don't worry. Prime Minister Lowe and his son, Hector, can handle everything else. I have taken care of the most important jobs." Albert said.

We are in the living room of our house in Cassau. The kids won't be coming because it's night time here, but it's day in the Monsters World. At least in the area I will transfer to. That's what Victoria told me.