Werewolf Transformation And Kayla's Secret Technique

After the signal from Grandpa, the battle began.

…though the two fighters are just there watching each other. They are being careful.

"Kayla has reached intermediate level in earth element, right?" I asked since we're waiting until they make their moves.

"Yeah. Earth, healing, and light, all of them has reached intermediate level. I think in a few months, she can reach advanced level in one of them. That's also what Kayla said." It was Candy who answered me.

"All of you has gotten stronger when I'm gone, huh? Let's get to the training camp as soon as we're done here. How about next month?" I suggested.

"That's only if you're alive until then. You're about to have a deathmatch, right? What if you die?" Albert asked.

"Don't worry. I will win. Maybe?" I answered… without any confidence in my words.

"Yeah… I hope you will win." Albert said.

Then Kayla makes the first move.