I Need Her Help. Is She Free?

I rise to the sky while keep attacking the fire dragon with Blobbyguns so it will keep its attention at me.

"Hey! That's a dragon! Do you need any help!?"

While I was flying in the sky, Spot shouted. Seems like he knows how powerful a dragon is.

"You just need to keep the tortoise busy! I will also stall this dragon! Once the girl is done with whoever she's fighting, she can help either one of us!" I shouted back to the serpent.

Of course by the girl, I'm talking about Angela. We didn't speak anyone's name to keep our identities secret. Angela is too famous right now. Even though she hasn't taken any part in the tournament, because the commentators are the same twins as the commentators during the previous college tournament, they have spread the words about how powerful Angela is. At least that's what I heard from Sonia. And Jewel also told me this afternoon.