I'm Not the Dragon Slayer. I'm the...

"Alright, Victoria! What should we do!?"

Just as we both prepared to face the dragon, I asked Victoria if she has some sort of plan.

"Wait, you called me here but you don't have any plan at all!?" Victoria shouted.

"The plan is to defeat the dragon as soon as possible. But the how to is something I haven't prepared yet. I'll just probably end up with beating the dragon over and over again until it finally dies," I said.

"That's the only thing we can do anyway. Let's do it!" Victoria said.

"How will you two do it anyway? Even if Victoria is here, it's not like you can give damage to the dragon easily. Roy, you have experienced it firsthand how tough the dragon is. Can you do it?" Sonia who is still here asked. I suppose she's not in a hurry.

"Is that so? Roy, what have you tried with the dragon?" Victoria asked.