The Barbarian King's Death

The sea is safe. The orcas will no longer be a problem. And after Graham defeated a master level wind mage who was also a tamer, more monsters were freed.

There were still some monsters belonged to other tamers, and some others who still fight everything out of rage even after being freed. But the others won't be troubled much by them.

The real problems were the master level mages, and other strong monsters who were still under the control of the enemy's tamers.

But after Graham defeated a tamer, it became easier for everyone. Not easy. Just easier.

Everyone continued fighting. Other than those who were injured and needed healing. 

But now that everyone is fighting, the enemy's master level mages didn't have any chance at all to use their powerful and destructive magic like before. And other strong tamed monsters also couldn't do such attack as well because they were ordered not to attack their masters.