Cat Archbishop

First, I moved the children away from here. Then, everything started to freeze. After that, there's a huge earthquake and spikes started coming out of the ground trying to stab people who were flying.

What a crazy fight. This is the craziest fight we've ever been in. So crazy that an entire country, small it might be, is destroyed.

Well, at least we don't have to face a lot of enemies at once. Thanks to the master level mages who killed their own people.

Anyway, I grabbed the one who wears the same garb as the previous Archbishop and threw him away to somewhere far from where the others are fighting.

But this time, instead of hitting his head to the ground like the previous Archbishop, he's still fine. In fact, he landed perfectly on the ground like a cat.

This guy...

"You're a beastform mage," I said.

"...I am. And you're the Aura user who have been caused so much trouble to us," he said.