Meeting the Higher ups of Hunter Guild

Somewhere in Consenza.

"Who are you? Don't you know who I am?"

Another place in Consenza.

"If you mess with me you're messing with all hunters!"

Somewhere in Varadis.

"You need me to what?"

Somewhere in Arturo.

"Huh? Whatever. Wait, what are you doing?!"

Somewhere in Tatrama.

"I did not do anything to mess with the kingdom! I'm sure of it!"

It happened everywhere all over the continent. Those are the higher ups of the hunter guild. Some of them were former hunters who reached S-rank before. But they're still weak as only a few of them are expert level mages.

So how come someone in advanced level or lower became S-ranked hunters? Corruption obviously.

I didn't see them myself. But that's what I heard from the report. I just need to wait until everyone from the guild with important position has been in contact with.