Promotional Exam

There shouldn't be any need for discussion. So it's all up to the Big Boss to tell me what to do.

"Well, first of all, I would like to apologize to you because someone among us disrespected you. But you did manage to come here in less than three days so there shouldn't be any harm," the Big Boss said.

Sure, whatever. I don't care as long as it's not an inconvenience for me. I don't care if it harming the guild or not. I just do it because I need people to spread my fame so the cult will target me more.

Maybe I should leave Cassau and build a house for us somewhere in the middle of nowhere. This way, people in Cassau don't have to evacuate.

For that, Kayla and the others already thought of it. They have built a similar building to the one in the city in the Monsters World that Angela destroyed. A huge and tall building that can shelter hundreds of people or more.