Episode 4: Securing a new home.

It was the next morning, and everyone was already getting ready, but Sarah was still sleeping. Sarah wakes up and gives a big yawn. "Morning. Did you sleep well?" asks Alexa. "Yes, thanks mom." Says Sarah. "You were sleeping like a baby." Says Alexa. "I was?" asks Sarah. "Hell yeah." Says Alexa. "Where's everyone else?" asks Sarah. "Oh, dad, Connor, Peter, Ethan and Ethan already went early this morning to find wood for fences, Susan and Mary is upstairs with Nicole." Says Alexa. "Did you guys go to find supplies already?" asks Sarah. "No not yet, we just waited for you to wake up." Says Alexa. "Mary and I are going almost." Says Sarah. "Isn't Susan going with you?" asks Sarah. "No, she's staying here with you and Nicole." Says Alexa. "Did she tell you anything?" asks Sarah. "No. Why?" asks Alexa. "Ug…no nothing." Says Sarah. "Oh…well come on get up." Says Alexa. So, Sarah gets up folds her blankets, and then Mary, Susan and Nicole come downstairs. "Ok we can head out if you want to?" asks Mary. "Yeah let's go." Says Alexa. Sarah stares at Susan, and suddenly Susan says, "Wait can I come with you guys?". "Well who's going to stay with the children?" asks Alexa. "I have a knife, and besides we are going to stay inside. I will keep Nicole under my sight." Says Sarah. "You sure?" asks Alexa. "Yes, mom I'm sure." Says Sarah. "Ok, I guess the men will be back soon as well." Says Alexa, and they went off to look for pharmacy.


Just when Alexa and the girls went outside, they see the men coming their way with a lot of planks. "Damn guys you found a lot." Says Alexa. "Hell yeah, we did." Says Mark. "We saw a pharmacy on our way here." Says Nathan. "You did?" asks Susan. "Yes, you just go right here, left and left again and it will be right in front of you. You can't miss it." Says Nathan. "Ok thanks." Says Alexa. "The kids up yet?" asks Connor. "Yes." Says Alexa and gives Mark a kiss and went to the pharmacy.




"Hi dad." Says Sarah as Mark and the rest puts the wood down in front of the hotel. "Hi Sarah." Says Mark. "What are my tasks for today?" asks Sarah. "Well, choose a room, for you and Nicole and start to clean your guys room." Says Mark. "Ok dad." Says Sarah as she went back inside. "Nicole are you coming" asks Sarah. "Yes" says Nicole, and they went upstairs.


When Sarah and Nicole got upstairs, she asks Nicole, "What's your favourite number from 1 to 5?". "Twoooo!!" says Nicole. "Ok so hotel room number two is ours." Says Sarah. When Sarah opens the bedroom the door, she sees a dead zombie lying in front of the bathroom floor. "Come Nicole, you can sit on the bed and play with your toys, while I clean up this mess." Says Sarah. "Ok!" says Nicole and went to sit on the bed. She went to pick up the zombie and drag him out of the room, but she accidently dropped him, and then more blood splashed on the floor. "Goddammit." Says Sarah. Sarah stands up and grabs a towel. After that she went to look for rope. "Nicole stay here." Says Sarah. Sarah quickly went downstairs to see if there was rope somewhere. She searches the kitchen cabinets and finally find a piece of wire in the cleaning cabinet. She quickly went up to continue cleaning the room.

She takes the towel, cover the zombie's face and uses the wire to ties the towel. Now the blood can't splash on the floor anymore. "Ok let's do this." says Sarah, as begins to drag the zombie out of the room. After a few minutes Sarah finally got the zombie to downstairs. "Where can put this?" asks Sarah as she goes outside with the zombie. "Here let me help." Says Nathan and takes the zombie to the parking lot. "Thanks." Says Sarah. After Sarah went to the kitchen to find a cloth, and some cleaning products.


"Finally, now I can spring clean our room, Nicole." Says Sarah as she enters the room. "Yay!" says Nicole. Sarah takes some bleach and throws a bit on the bathroom floor. She begins to wash the floor, and after a while's frustration, and hard work, the bathroom floor was clean. After the floor, Sarah cleans the bathtub, then the walls, and then the bedroom floor, where the blood splashed. After about forty-five minutes the hotel room was clean. "Ok now let's see if there's some clean blanket and stuff here" says Sarah as she searches the closet. When Sarah opens closet, she sees a Cream and Maroon looking blanket, with one cream and one maroon coloured pillow demolition and grabs it. "Come on Nicole, let me get us some clean blankets. So quickly Sarah and Nicole pull off the dirty blankets and stuff and puts on new blankets and pillow demolition. "Well here is our new bedroom Nicole." Says Sarah. "Thank you, Sarah." Says Nicole.




"Which way did Ethan say we should go next?" asks Susan. "I think left." Says Alexa. So, they went to the left side. "Yeah there it is!" says Susan while she sees the pharmacy. "You know I hope no one got the chance to overrun the place." Says Mary. "I am fucking hope not." Says Alexa. Suddenly two zombies appear on the right side of the road. "Stay here." Says Alexa as she gets out her pocketknife. She quickly stabs the one zombie and then the other one. "Don't mess with Alexa, Bitches!" says Alexa to the zombies. "Damn Alexa, you're badass." Says Susan. "What?" asks Alexa. "Saying 'don't mess with Alexa, bitches'" says Susan. Alexa just smiles and shakes her head.


The pharmacy's doorbell goes off as Alexa opens the door. Alexa takes her pocketknife and hits it on the first medicine rack to see if there's any zombies inside. Behind the counter, gets a female pharmacist zombie, up, as well as six others. "Ok guys let's do this." Says Alexa. The rest gets out their weapons too. As the zombies comes out, behind the counters, they all walk towards them, and then they will kill them. Alexa stabs the first zombie, after that Susan stabs another zombie, and then Mary, until every zombie was dead. "Ok grab everything you can." Says Alexa. "I will go here at the baby stuff. Maybe there is stuff for my baby." Says Susan. "There will be." Says Alexa.


As Susan is standing in front of the baby rack there is a lot of stuff. Proudly Vanilla Flavoured Baby Formula, Baby Diapers, Abortion Pills, Baby Dummies, and on the floor, Susan sees a pregnancy test. She quickly sees if no one is looking, and when she no one is looking, she quickly picks up the pregnancy test and puts it in her bag. After the pregnancy test she took all the baby diapers, and the baby formulas, she takes two dummies, and one pack of abortion pills, just in case. "Hey Susan." Says Mary. Susan jumps and says, "Yes?". "Look here is baby clothes as well." Says Mary. Susan quickly goes there and takes baby girl clothes and pants.


Alexa went to the racks that are behind the counter. On one of the medicine racks she sees medicine like: Antibiotics, Nausea Pills, Migraine Medicine, Headache Medicine, Yandere's Nasal Spray. "Damn, here is like everything we need." Says Alexa. "Is there?" asks Mary. "Yes, here's Antibiotics, Nausea Pills, Headache Medicine, and even Nasal Spray." Says Alexa. "You can get me the Nasal spray; I'm usually gets allergies when the seasons change." Says Mary. "Jason used to have allergies." Says Alexa. "Shit. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to…" says Mary. "No. You didn't know; I'm just being silly." Says Alexa. So, Alexa puts the Antibiotics, Headache Medicine, Nausea Pills and Nasal Spray in her bag.


Mary went to the rack for adults only. There were all kinds of stuff: Princess Male Condoms, Princess Female Condoms, Snoring Pills. "Anybody want some condoms?" asks Mary. "No thank you." Says Alexa. Mary secretly took seven male condoms and seven female condoms and puts it in her bag.


A few minutes later they had everything they needed to and went to the door. "Ok so I got us some medicine we definitely need." Says Alexa. "I got baby stuff." Says Susan. "I got condoms." Says Mary. "Condoms huh?" says Susan. "You and Connor planning to have a romantic night tonight in you knew room?" asks Susan. "No! Well I don't know." Says Mary. So, the three of them exits Canadian Cowboy Pharmacy, and went back to the hotel.




"Ok so I guess we are securing the hotel and one building on this side, and the one on the other side?" asks Peter. "No, the whole street." says Mark. "Oh, the whole street?" asks Peter. "Yes." Says Mark. "Ok, but if we are going to do that, we first need to clear out the buildings." Says Connor. "Yeah. Each building a person?" asks Mark. "Yes. Nathan you sure you up to this?" asks Ethan. "Yes" says Nathan. "I was a professional knife thrower in twelve grades so yeah, I at least know how to use a knife." Nathan continues. "Ok and remember aim for the head." Says Peter. "I will." Says Nathan. There were seven building on the left side of the road, the hotel excluded, and eight buildings on the right side of the road. They all first went to the left side's buildings and cleared them out first. Mark went to the first building, Connor to the second building, Ethan to the third building and Nathan to the fifth building, because the hotel was the fourth building, and Peter to the sixth building.




Mark went to the Westside Library. When he opens the door there was like fifth teen zombies. He quickly begins to shoot the zombies. Not long he all the zombies where dead. He went to look around the library, when he came across the book rack for children. He looks at the book and sees all kinds of children's books: The True Story About Snow White, Shrek the Ultimate Collection, The Jungle Book the Comic Series, A story about Princess Dina Williams. Mark takes the book of Snow White, and Princess Dina Williams, for Nicole to read. He suddenly hears a bump at the bathroom door of the library. He gets out his gun and quietly opens the door. Suddenly a male zombie fells on Mark and he quickly pushes him off and shoots him. "Fucker." Says Mark as he stands up and takes the two books.




Connor goes to the Californian Republic Café and Restaurant. When Connor opens the door, there were like six zombies still sitting on chairs or that are lying on the ground. He gets out his gun and begins to shoot. After all, six where shot two zombies came out of the kitchen. He quickly shoots it, when he saw something strange about the last zombie he shot. He went closer to have a look, when he sees that the zombie was pregnant before she died. Connor looks at her name tag and sees that her name was "Deborah". "I'm sorry that this happened to you, Deborah. You deserved better." Says Conner and stands up. He went to the kitchen to see if there was anything worth taking, but there was nothing than rotten beef, old bread and chips.




Ethan went to the Lisa's Hair and Beauty Salon. When Ethan opens the door, there was only two zombies inside. He grabs his knife and stabs them in the head. He went to see if there's anything that he can take home. He saw hairbrushes, hair dryers, gel, hair shampoo etc. He then sees a huge bag standing on the counter and grabs it. He takes as much supplies as he can and puts it in the bag.




Nathan went to the Cowboy Gaming Station. When Nathan opens the door there were nine zombies inside. He grabs his knife and starts to stab the zombies. After all the zombies were stabbed, he looked for supplies, but didn't find anything but games.




Peter went to Heehah's Printing Shop. When Peter opens the door there where three zombies behind the counter, and one zombie in front. He gets out his wrench and smashes the first zombies head in. Peter jumps over the counter and smashes the rest of the zombie's heads in. After the four zombies were dead, he didn't saw any supplies, but paper, printers and computers. He then immediately went back outside.




"What did you guys get?" asks Mark as he comes out of the library. "I found books for Nicole to read, and even for Susan and her baby." Continues Mark. "I didn't find anything but rotten food." Says Connor. "I found shampoo, and hair dryers and stuff." Says Ethan. "You are the women lifesaver." Says Mark. "Nothing but games." Says Nathan. "Yeah nothing but papers" says Peter. "Well let's go and clear the last few buildings out but let me first go give this to Nicole" says Mark.




It was whole while later, and the men already started with the fences, when the women arrived as well. "Where have you guys been?" asks Ethan. "Oh, we had a little woman conversation" says Mary. "Where's Sarah?" asks Alexa. "In their clean room, reading Nicole a book." Says Mark. "A book?" asks Alexa. "Yeah I found it in the library." Says Mark. "I found baby stuff for my baby." Says Susan excited. "That's good." Says Ethan. "I will go check up on them." Says Susan. "Here give the Nausea Pills as well now that you're at it." Says Alexa. "Thank you." Says Susan and went inside.




"And the evil queen, was very furious to hear about that there has been a new baby girl born, that is prettier than everybody else." Reads Sarah for Nicole. "Hi" says Susan as she knocks on the door. "Damn look at this place." Says Susan. "Thanks." Says Sarah. "What are your guys reading?" asks Susan. "We are reading The Real Story About Snow White." Says Sarah. "How exciting." Says Susan in a sarcastic way. "I know right. But I like reading it to Nicole." Says Sarah. "Can I quickly steal you for a moment?" asks Susan for Sarah. "Sure. Here continue to read while I outside. I will be right back." Says Sarah. "Ok." Says Nicole.


"Did you find it?" asks Sarah as soon as they were out of the room. Susan grabs the pregnancy test out of her bag and gives it to Sarah. "Thanks." Says Sarah as she puts it in her pocket. "Your mom also got you nausea pills." Says Susan as she gives Sarah the pills. "My mom." Says Sarah. "So, when are you going to see?" asks Susan. "Tonight, when everyone's asleep." Says Sarah. "Well keep me posted." Says Susan. "I will thank." Says Sarah and went to read the book further for Nicole.




The men working hard outside. Mark, Peter and Connor are working on the front side of the road, and Ethan and Nathan is working at the back side of the road. "Here's something to drink" says Mary, as she brings bottles of water out. "Thanks babe." Says Conner and immediately begins to drink the water. "How is the hotel going?" well we are sorting out our rooms, because Sarah and Nicole's are the only one who looks like a hotel room, so yeah." Says Mary. "Oh ok, at least we will have a nice comfortable bed to sleep in tonight" says Connor. "Yeah we will. Well see you guys later" says Mary. "Hey." Calls Connor and gives his wife a kiss.  "I think this can actually be a nice place to live." Says Peter. "Yeah, when we're done, we will just have to give it a name." says Mark. "Why not call it "Lots of Balls." Says Peter. Mark laughs. "'Lots Of Balls'? We should more call it "Lots of Pussies", because there's more women than men here." Says Mark. "Ok guys, remember your manners." Says Connor as a joke.




"Damn it's just fucking dust and blood everywhere." Says Alexa as she starts to clean her room. Alexa and Mark are taking room number one. Connor and Mary are taking room number three. Peter and Nathan are sharing a room, room number four, and Ethan and Susan is sharing a room, room number five.


When Alexa has cleaned their room, and putted on new blankets and stuff, she starts to pack out their clothes and puts it in the closet. After she done that, she takes her and Mark's wedding photo and hangs it on the wall by their bed. She takes the photo of Mark and Sarah as a baby and puts it on Mark's bedside cabinet.


Sarah is busy to put in her and Nicole's clothes in the closet, while Nicole reads her book. Most of them are done already with all the hotel rooms. "Are the rooms done?" asks Mary for Susan. "Yes, mine is done, Sarah and Nicole's is as well as Alexa's and Peter's. The rest can just make their own bed and put their clothes in the closet.


"Susan? With whom are you sharing a room?" asks Alexa. "Ugmm…with Ethan." Says Susan embarrassed. "What? With Ethan?" asks Mary. "Yes." Says Susan. "So, you guys are a thing?" asks Alexa interested. "Well, I don't know yet, we had kind of sex before the we went on the helicopter." Says Susan. "What?" asks Alexa. "In his office, back at the motor shop, when he was supposed to put in the battery." Says Susan. "Well, I'm happy for you, at least your baby will have a step-father." Says Alexa. "Yeah, that's what I'm happy for." Says Susan.




It was about 5pm the afternoon, when the men where finally done with the fences. "Hallelujah!!" sings Ethan out loudly. "Shhhh! Not that loud." Says Mark. "What? We have fences now." Says Ethan. "Yeah but we don't know how strong they are, so let's still try to keep it down." Says Mark. "Tonight, we can make a fire outside, we can sit around the fire as a whole group and just chat a bit about today's life." Says Connor. "Agree." Says Nathan.





Later that night, the whole group was sitting around a campfire talking about stuff. "So, Ethan. Are you and Susan a couple or not?" asks Alexa. "Yeah, I would like to know that." Says Mary. "Well…" says Ethan while he stares at Susan. "Oh, come on, you guys will fit perfect together." Says Connor. "Yeah, whatever." Says Ethan and went to sit next to Susan. "Well come on give each other a kiss." Says Mark. Suddenly very embarrassing Susan and Ethan gives each other a kiss. "Ok there are kids around here." Says Alexa. "Yeah, and one day there will be three children around here." Says Susan. "Three?" asks Sarah. "Yeah you're not an adult yet." Says Susan. "Well, I'm a teenager." Says Sarah. "That still counts as a kid." Says Mary. "Ah come on" says Sarah. The rest just laughs at Sarah.


"I'm glad we did all this work in one day, because now it starts to feel like real home." Says Alexa. "It doesn't feel like a home like before, but definitely like a safe place." Says Connor. "Yeah" says Mary. "Oh yeah, so now that we are all sitting around like a group, we probably need a leader." Says Ethan. "Oh hell, count me out" says Susan. "Yeah me too, please" says Mary. "Ok so Mary and Susan are out." says Ethan. "Well, anybody got an opinion for who should be leader?" asks Connor. "You." Says Alexa. "I think Alexa should be." Says Susan. "Yeah I agree." Says Ethan. So, most of the people agreed to Alexa as leader. "Why me?" asks Alexa. "Come on you have the most children, here you know how to protect them, and you are a doctor as well, which is good." Says Mary. "Ok so let's give a toast to our new leader." Says Mark while everyone lifts up their cups of water.


"So, Alexa now that you're our leader, you should probably give this place a name." says Nathan. "Peter agreed with Lots of Balls." Says Mark. "Is that right?" asks Alexa. "Hell yeah." Says Peter. "So, what is it going to be?" asks Susan. "I don't know, maybe Jason-Garhed?" asks Alexa. "Holy shit, that's actually a great name." says Connor. "Yeah it is." Says Susan. "I just think off the two people we loved that we already lost, so now we can at least carry their names with us." Says Alexa. "Yes, we can." Says Peter.  "We will start to make a welcome sign tomorrow with our new home's name on it." Says Mark. "Yeah, we should also start to clean out the rest of the shops in this street, so that if people may come pass us, we at least have shelter for them." Says Alexa. "Yeah, but then it should be people we can trust." Says Ethan. "Yeah I will work a security and safety plan out tomorrow for Jason-Garhed." Says Alexa. "Ok that will be good." Says Connor. "Well, it just has to be. I'm the leader, here right?" says Alexa as a joke. "Yeah, you are." Says Connor.


So, everyone had a nice little chat around the fire, they ate some can of beans and roasted some marshmallows. When everyone was still enjoying their chat Sarah quickly stands up and went to throw up. "You ok?" asks Mark. "Yeah thanks."  Says Sarah. "Now you probably have threw all of your food up." Says Alexa. "No mom, I'm fine, really." Says Sarah. "Did you drink your nausea pills today?" asks Alexa. "Yes mom." Says Sarah. "Ok maybe you should go and drink another one." Says Alexa. "Yeah I have to pee as well." Says Sarah as she goes inside. "I wonder what's wrong with her." Says Mary. "I don't know, but it's getting worse." Says Alexa.




Sarah opens her hotel room door, gets some water, and drink one nausea pill. She goes to the closet and gets out the pregnancy test under her all her clothes. She goes to the stairs to see if no one's coming up, and quickly closes her bedroom door and went to pee and take the test.


"Well here is either good news or bad news." Says Sarah as she takes the pregnancy test to see what her results is. There is a shock in Sarah's eyes. On the pregnancy test is '+'. Sarah is pregnant! "Goddammit." Says Sarah and starts to cry. Suddenly there's a knock-on Sarah's bedroom door. "Who is it?" asks Sarah. "It's Susan." Says Susan. Sarah quickly rubs of the tears and went to open the door. "What's wrong? You okay?" asks Susan. "No. Come in" says Sarah and closes the bedroom door. "Is it about the test?" asks Susan. "Look." Says Sarah as she gives Susan the pregnancy test. "You're pregnant." Says Susan. "What am I going to do?" asks Sarah. "It's not like you can get grounded or something, just tell the truth. I will recommend starting with your mother." Says Susan. "The problem is I just don't know my mom and dad will react, to it."  Says Sarah. "Well whatever their reaction will be, at least you can know that you did your part." Says Susan. "Why are you always right?" asks Sarah. "Damn if I know." Says Susan and smiles. "Come on, we still have a long, early night outside." Says Susan. "I guess I should just react normal." Says Sarah. "Yeah, that's all you need to do." Says Susan. After the two of them chatted, they went downstairs and went outside to enjoy the rest of the night.


"You alright?" asks Alexa as Sarah comes to sit around the fire. "Yeah thanks mom." Says Alexa. "Ok." Says Alexa, as she put some marshmallows on a stick. Suddenly there some gnarls on the fences. As they look to see what it is, they see that it's two zombies trying to get in. "I got it." Says Alexa, as she stands up and gets out her pocketknife. She grabs the one by it's back of the head and stabs him in the head. And then the same as the other one. "You probably should get a better knife, now that you're the leader." Says Connor. "Yeah, I guess so." Says Alexa. "I found a survival knife in the kitchen today, I left it there, so I am quickly gonna go get it." Says Mary as she runs inside to the kitchen. "Guys, I'm only the leader, I'm not a god or something, where you guys should do everything for me." Says Alexa. "We know, we are just doing this tonight." Says Susan. "Oh, is that right?" asks Alexa as a joke. "No seriously I mean it." Says Alexa, as Mary comes outside and give Alexa the survival knife. "Thanks." Says Alexa. "No problem" says Mary and went to sit next to Connor. "I guess I will keep this pocketknife for Nicole, one day." Says Alexa. "Yay!!" says Nicole.




It was later that night when everyone was sleeping in their own clean room. Mary and Connor were having a nice night, they were cuddling, and just talking some shit. "So…I have been thinking a lot about us lately." Says Mary as she rubs Connor's hand. "What do you mean?" asks Connor. "I mean when was the last time we had a romantic night together?" asks Mary. "Well definitely, before all this shit started." Says Connor. "Well…" says Mary as she gets a condom out of the bedside table's drawer. "A condom?" asks Connor. "Yeah I was thinking of having some sex again." Says Mary, as she starts to open her shirt. "Well ugh… why not?" says Connor. Suddenly Connor starts to kiss Mary. Suddenly Mary takes off her shirt and Connor as well. He takes off Mary's bra and kisses her in the neck, while she takes of her pants. Connor quickly takes of his pants, puts on the condom, and so their romantic night went on.




"Hey so are you comfortable with sharing a bed?" asks Ethan. "Yeah, as long as if you are okay with it." Says Susan. "Yeah, I'm fine with it, babe." Says Ethan. Susan blushes and stands there in silence. Ethan climbs in bed and asks, "Well are you not coming?". "Yeah, no I'm coming." Says Susan, as she takes off her jacket, and then climbs in bed. "Thins feels kind of strange." Says Susan. "Why?" asks Ethan. "I don't know, it's just…never mind let's just get some rest. I'm exhausted after today." Says Susan. "Yeah, me too." Says Ethan. They give each other a kiss blow out the candles and went to sleep.




"Ok, so who is going to sleep on the ground?" asks Peter. "I will, it's not such a big deal." Says Nathan. "You sure?" asks Peter. "If you want to sleep, on the floor, why do you even ask?" asks Nathan sarcastic. "Dude chill." Says Peter. "It's a joke, man." Says Nathan. "Oh, ok." Says Peter. "No, I'm fine. We can take turns if you want. One night on the floor, one night on the bed?" says Nathan. "Yeah that can work." Says Peter as he climbs in the bed. "As long as you make your bed." Says Nathan. "Haha. You are too." Says Peter. "I will, don't worry." Says Nathan.




"I'm so glad that we can finally sleep in a bed again." Says Alexa. "Yeah, it's not our comfy bed, but it is something." Says Mark. "Yeah, any bed sounds about good for me, my back is killing me." Says Alexa. "You want me to give you a nice massage?" asks Mark. "No, I just think I need a good night sleep." Says Alexa. "Oh my god." Says Mark. "What?" asks Alexa. "Did you actually put this photo of our wedding and the photo of me and Sarah, in our room?" asks Mark. "Yeah, it's memories, and ity should be in our room. What? You don't like it?" asks Alexa. "No, I love it." Says Mark. "Well we should probably get some sleep." Says Alexa as she climbs in the bed. "Yeah, we should probably." Says Mark. "Are you sure no one should be on watch?" asks Mark. "Like I said we all need some rest and then, by tomorrow night we can put someone on watch." Says Alexa. "Ok." Says Mark. "Love you." Says Alexa. "Love you." Says Mark. They give each other a kiss and went to sleep.




"The animals and the seven dwarfs celebrated with Snow White and her Prince, and they all lived happily ever after." Ends Sarah the Snow-White Storybook. "Woah! That was cool." Says Nicole. "Yeah. What did I tell you? We always can learn a lesson out of a book." Says Sarah. "Yeah." Says Nicole. "So…what do you think is the moral of the story?" asks Sarah. "What's a moral." Asks Nicole. "It's the lesson of the story." Says Nicole. "I think the lesson is, that you should never take things from strangers." Says Nicole. "Well that's not the lesson I was taught, but that is also a lesson." Says Sarah. "What did you learn?" asks Nicole. "I learnt that you should never think too much about yourself. Be happy with who you are, and to remember that we are all were made by the one and only heavenly father." Says Sarah. "Woah." Says Nicole. "Well, that's my story for today, right now we should get in bed and have a good night sleep." Says Sarah. "Ok." Says Nicole as she gets in bed. "Sarah puts the bed on the bedside cabinet, get in bed and blow out the candles.


Later that night Sarah was lying in bed, and couldn't sleep, because she was thinking of her baby, and what she's going to tell her mother. She shows some tears while she rubs over her belly. She then finally went to sleep.