Episode 5: Being watched

"Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road, I'm gonna ride, till I can no more. I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road, I'm gonna ride till I can no more." Goes the song on of Old Town Road. Alexa stretches her arms and smells the delicious smell of bacon and eggs coming from downstairs. She stands up and went downstairs. When she was downstairs, she sees Mark cooking some delicious breakfast for everyone. Old Town Road playing through the jukebox, there is electricity and everything. Connor and Ethan are playing golf outside, while Peter and Nathan are keeping watch, Susan, Nicole and Sarah is play with Susan's baby. Suddenly there's loud screams coming from outside. Alexa and everyone else run outside. Suddenly zombies break the fences and start to come in. As their ammo runs out, the zombies begin to eat Connor and Ethan when, suddenly a zombie grabs Sarah by her arm, and starts to eat her. "Mommmmm!!" screams Sarah. Just as Alexa wants to help Sarah, she wakes up from her dream.


She sits up straight and looks around her to see if everything is ok. Mark stretches, give a yawn and says, "Baby? Are you ok?". "Yeah, I just…I just had a bad dream, that's all." Says Alexa. "Hey, look at me." Says Mark as he holds Alexa's hand. "Everything is ok, look around you, I'm here, Sarah and Nicole are still here, we are all here. Everything is ok." Says Mark. "Yeah I guess." Says Alexa and went back to sleep.




It was later that morning, about 9am. Everyone was awake, and busy to get ready for the day. "Hey, honey." Says Alexa while she knocks on Sarah's door. "Hey mom, come in." says Sarah. "Mommy!" says Nicole while she jumps of the bed and runs to Alexa. "Hey sweetie. Sleep well?" asks Alexa. "Very!" says Nicole. "How are you feeling Sarah." Says Sarah as she puts Nicole on the floor. "Better thanks mom." Says Sarah while she puts away her and Nicole's clothes, of last night. "That's good." Says Alexa. "I'm itchy." Says Nicole. "You probably need a bath that's why you're itchy." Says Alexa. "Is there water?" asks Sarah "No but I'm going to see what I can do today. See if there's any chance of getting water to hotel." Says Alexa. "let me know if I can do anything." Says Sarah. "I will, thanks." Says Alexa, while she went back to her room.




"Morning Suzie" says Ethan as he puts on a clean shirt. "Suzie, huh?" asks Susan. "Yeah. Isn't, that what Alexa call you?" asks Ethan. "It is." Says Susan. "Do you have a problem with me saying it?" asks Ethan. "No not at all." Says Susan. "I'm just making sure." Says Ethan. While Ethan gets ready, Susan gets the stuff for the baby, that they find in the pharmacy, and puts it in the closet. Lastly Susan gets out the abortion pills, when suddenly Ethan sees it. "Abortion pills?" asks Ethan. "Shhsss! I don't want everyone to hear us." Says Susan. "Why do you have it?"  asks Ethan as he walks towards, Susan to try take the pills. "It's not for me." Says Susan. "Why don't you want this baby?" asks Ethan. "Listen to me! It's not for me. The abortion pills are not for me." Says Susan. Ethan leaves the pills and ask "For who is it then. Is there someone else pregnant in this fucking group?". Susan nods her head. "Who?" asks Ethan. "I can't say." Says Susan. "Who? Susan?" asks Ethan. "Promise you won't tell anybody. I mean nobody." Asks Susan. "Fine I won't but just tell me please." Says Ethan. "The abortion pills are for Sarah." Says Susan. "Sarah?" asks Ethan. "Yes." Says Susan. "Who else know that she's pregnant?" asks Ethan. "Just me and you." Says Susan. "We have to tell Alexa and Mark." Says Ethan while he walks to the door. "No! It's none of our business. It's something between Sarah and her parents." Says Susan while she stops Ethan. "If she's going to tell them, she will, if she doesn't want to, then it's her problem." Says Susan. "Ok. I will keep it a secret." Says Ethan. And so, they went on to get ready for the day.




Peter, and Ethan is on watch, Mark and Nathan is working on the fence, by putting more wood on it. Nicole and Sarah are inside, reading, Mary is cleaning the kitchen, Susan and Alexa is cleaning the library.


With out no one looking behind a few buildings away from Jason-Garhed, there is a big long man, with short hair and a long beard starring at them. He is holding a little machine gun in his hand, and stares at Mark and Nathan defencing the place. "Hey boss?" asks a fat man for the guy. "Yes?" asks the guy. "We're good to go." Say the fat man. "Can't you see I'm busy Matthew?" asks the guy. "Sorry boss." Says Matthew and walks away.


Matthew Walker is 38-year-old man. He was a drug dealer before and is now working with Christopher Tyson. Christopher Tyson is a 41-year-old man, who is the leader of a camp called, "Rosewood". Christopher was a soldier before and knows for sure how to use a weapon. Christopher also has two other buddies that always go on a mission with him. Roc Martinez a 37-year-old man that was a African-American Five Star Chef. The other one is Stan Lincoln.


After a while Christopher was done staring at Jason-Garhed, and he got in a Military Truck, and went back to his camp.




On their way to Rosewood, they got surrounded by a herd of zombies. "Ah god dammit. What do we do now?" asks Matthew. "What we always do. Kill until it's safe to get through." Says Christopher while he loads his machine gun. So, they went out, kick zombies off them and starts to kill. Matthew uses his 22-degree handgun, Stan uses his machete, Roc uses his 9mm pistol and Christopher is using his mini machinegun. After about five minutes later, most of the herd was cleared out, and safe for them to go through. Christopher shots his final zombie. "I'm better motherfucker!" says Christopher as he spits on the dead zombie. So, they quickly get in the military truck, and went back to their camp.


They finally arrived at Rosewood. People are playing with their dogs, washing clothes, building bigger fences, patrolling and having fun. They have fences that are made with chains and are strong enough for if a herd of zombies come through. As they arrive at Rosewood, two men with guns opens the gate for them to enter, so they enter and went to stop. "Hi Chris." Says Christopher's wife, Angela as they get out of the car. "Hi." Says Christopher and gives her a kiss. "What did you guys get?" asks one of the people standing there. "We hot some enough supplies to keep us going for a while. Food, water, blankets, even found a ball the children can play with." Says Christopher. "I think they will love it." Says Angela and throws the children the ball. "Will you guys mind unpacking the stuff, I have to go check on something?" asks Christopher. "No problem bosses." Says Matthew. Christopher went inside his house as well as Angela. "So, did someone came through today?" asks Christopher. "Yes, just one man, he wasn't injured, he saw the place and asked if we can help him." Says Angela. "Where is he now?" asks Christopher. "Busy baking on the stove. I'm making some nice barbeque with his legs tonight." Says Angela. "Good girl." Says Christopher. They went to the kitchen to see how good the human meat is looking. "Oh, baby we are going to eat something out of this world tonight." Says Christopher. "I know." Says Angela. "So, I also found another community today." Says Christopher, while Angela puts some spice over the barbeque. "Where is it?" asks Angela. "Not too far. But they got fences, buildings they even have a hotel." Says Christopher. "Is it by the Cowboy Country?" asks Angela. "Yeah. I was thinking of making some arrangements with them, and then kill them and then we can take their place." Says Christopher. "Sounds good." Says Angela. "Ok but let me go help that fat fucker, Matthew outside, I will be right back." Says Christopher. "Ok." Says Angela.




There is some light thunder in the shy, clouds are busy to form, and there is a storm coming. "Damn it's all of a sudden cold." Says Nathan. "Yeah it is." Says Mark. "Yeah it looks like our first apocalypse storm is coming!" says Connor. "Why do you sound so exciting?" Mark. "No, I'm not I am just saying." Says Connor. "Wow, finally the damn library is clean, it took us almost a day to clean that bitch." Says Alexa. "Yeah." Says Susan. "How's it going here?" asks Alexa. "Good we could have at least a stronger fence now, I think we should go and look for some tyres tomorrow to put in front of the wall just to secure it a bit more." Says Connor. "Ok that's sounds good, but as long as we feel safe." Says Alexa. "Agree." Says Mark. "Well guys I think we can stop for the day, because there a storm coming, and I don't want anybody out here working if it's raining." Says Alexa. "Yeah I'm going to ask Mary for something to drink." Says Peter. "Nathan, you and Ethan can keep watch until it starts to rain." Says Alexa. "You got it." Says Nathan. Peter comes out of the hotel and gives Nathan and Ethan a bottle of water. "Thanks bro." says Nathan. So, the rest of them went inside.


"Sarah, I have something for you it's upstairs." Says Susan as she enters the hotel. "Oh ok." Says Sarah and went with Susan upstairs. "Hi mom." Says Nicole. "Hey baby." Says Alexa.


"Yeah what is it?" asks Sarah. "Here." Says Susan as she gives Sarah the abortion pills. "Abortion pills?" asks Sarah. "Yeah." Says Susan. "How did you find this?" asks Sarah. "I found it yesterday when we went to the pharmacy, I saw it, grab it and yeah." Says Susan. "Thanks." Says Sarah. "Yeah there's one more thing." Says Susan. "What is it?" asks Sarah. "Ethan know that you're pregnant." Says Susan. "Why did you tell him?" asks Sarah. "I had too. He saw me with the abortion pills when I was trying to put it away. He asked me about it, he thought it was for me and then I had to tell him." Says Susan. "What if he tells someone?" asks Sarah. "He won't he told me he promises to shut his mouth." Says Susan. Sarah signs and says, "Thank you for this, but I don't want the pills.". "What?" asks Susan. "I thought about it today, and I want the baby, I want to be mother, and I want to teach this baby how to be a survivor." Says Sarah. "So, you are going to tell your mom?" asks Susan. "Yes." Says Sarah. "Well good luck, and you know where to find me." Says Susan. "Thanks Suzie, you have always been kind to me." Says Sarah. "Well, that's what babysitters does." Says Susan and went downstairs.




It was about 15 minutes later, when the storm arrived. Nathan and Ethan quickly grab their guns and went inside. "Damn, it's cold outside." Says Nathan as he enters the hotel. "Yeah, I'm going to get a jacket." Says Ethan.  "Well I'm going to try to see if I can get this gas stove work again." Says Mark. "Yeah, I will help." Says Connor. "Yah, me too." Says Peter. "Cool, thanks." Says Mark. "I think I'm going to read with Nicole." Says Susan. "Yay!! Come on Suzie!" says Nicole and drags Susan to her room. "I'm going to see what I can make for us to eat." Says Mary. "Yeah, and can I please talk to you alone, mom?" says Sarah. "Ok sure, we can talk in my room, if you want?" asks Alexa. "Sure." Says Sarah and went upstairs with Alexa.




"What's wrong? You ok?" asks Alexa as she enters her bedroom. "Yeah I just need to tell you something." Says Sarah and close the door. She went to sit on the bed with Alexa. "Promise you won't be mad or overreact." Says Sarah. "Depends on what it is." Says Alexa. "Please!" says Sarah. "Fine." Says Alexa and signs. "So, you know that I have been nauseous this last couple of days." Says Sarah. "Yes." Says Alexa. "So, I thought that it may be true, and then I found out last night that it is." Says Sarah. "What Sarah?" asks Alexa. "I'm pregnant mom." Says Sarah. Alexa sits in shock. "What?" asks Alexa. "Mom I'm pregnant." Says Sarah. "Are you fucking kidding me? Do you know what you just us and most importantly yourself, into?" asks Alexa. "Yes, mom." Says Sarah. "It's hard enough as it is, and now you want to bring a baby into a world like this?" asks Alexa. "Mom, I did this the day when it al started, and I did use a condom, but it probably breaks." Says Sarah. "You have got to be fucking kidding me." Says Alexa mad. "I knew you were going to react like this! That's why I didn't wanted to tell you!" says Sarah. "Don't raise your voice for me!" says Alexa. "Who else know?" asks Alexa. "You, Susan and Ethan." Says Sarah. "Oh, so Ethan that isn't even family can know, but your own mother can't?" asks Alexa. "Ethan is not even supposed to know, he saw Susan with abortion pills and asked her about it, so she had to tell him." Says Sarah. "Are you going to use the abortion pills?" asks Alexa. "No, I'm not." Says Sarah. "How can you even be sure?" asks Alexa. "I took a test." Says Sarah. "You know…I don't even know what to say." Says Alexa. "Mom, I know you are mad at me, and you have every right to be, but I'm willing of taking responsibility of my baby, I will feed him, I will teach him how to survive, and I will protect him." Says Sarah. "I can't listen to this right now." Says Alexa, as she opens and slams the door behind her, and went downstairs. "Goddammit!" says Sarah.




A few minutes later, after Alexa and Sarah's conversation the raindrops started to fall louder and louder, and there was a whole storm out there. Alexa is standing at the window by the entrance, staring at the rain. Mark, Connor and Peter are still working on the gas stove, Susan and Nicole is playing, Ethan is sharpening his knife, Nathan is loading some guns, Mary gets the food ready, and Sarah is still upstairs.


"You know, now that I'm staring at the rain, we should start to see where the best place will be to grow some vegetables and fruits." Says Alexa. "Yeah I saw some nice open garden here in the parking lot, if we can clean it, we might be able to use that so long for a vegetable or fruit garden." Says Susan. "Thanks Susan, I will see tomorrow what we can do." Says Alexa. "Ah shit!" says Mark. "What is it?" asks Alexa. "The stove looks fine, but we are gonna need a new gas bottle and a new gas pipe, otherwise we can't do nothing with this." Says Mark. "Ok, so that's your guys mission for when the storm's over." Says Alexa. "Can't we go tomorrow?" asks Peter. "No, because we need to start eating something else, and not just some can of beans every day, it's not healthy to eat it so much." Says Alexa. "Yes, whatever Doctor Graham." Says Peter.




"Everyone gets inside your houses, move the stuff that can get wet under in the garage and go inside your houses quickly!" yells Christopher, as the storm starts to get stronger. "Hey, hey, hey, hey! What did I say? Put that wood in the garage!" warns Christopher a lady that is running pass some useful wood. Christopher then went back inside, to Angela. "Hey, should we wait for the storm to clear out, or what?" asks Christopher. "Well, if the storm doesn't stop by six, then we are going to have to deliver the food to every house." Says Angela. "Ok no problem with that." Says Christopher. Angela takes a fork and takes a bite of the man's leg that are now fresh baked barbeque. "Hmmm! You should taste this." Says Angela and grabs a bite for Christopher too. "Oh baby, you made this guy taste so much better." Says Christopher. "I know!" says Angela. "You can make us food every night." Says Christopher. "I am happy with taking turns with Roc, I don't know if I will want to do this every day. It's a lot of work." Says Angela. "You know, I want to go back to Cowboy Country when the storm has calmed a bit." Says Christopher. "You are very excited to take over that place." Says Angela. "No, I'm not going to take it over immediately, I want to negotiate with the people there first, and I'm going to take it over slowly." Says Christopher. "You know you can just kill them all immediately and take it over." Says Angela. "That is exactly what I don't want to do, I want to make them suffer, then kill them slowly, and then take it over, that's what I mean by slowly." Says Christopher. "You're such a sick bastard." Says Angela and laughs. "Well, look who's making human barbeque." Says Christopher as a joke. "Yeah." Says Angela. Christopher gives Angela a kiss and went to the bathroom.




The thunderstorm is clapping and making a lot of noise. Raindrops are pouring down like a waterfall, and there's a big storm, currently in the south part of Canada. "What's the time?" asks Connor.  "It's 2:48." Says Mary. "Where is Sarah?" asks Mark as he walks to Alexa that is now sitting on the steps. "She's upstairs. Why?" says Alexa. "I just wanted to know; she hasn't come since you two went to talk." Says Mark. "And?" asks Alexa. "Is she ok?" asks Mark. "Yeah she is." Says Alexa. "That's all I wanted to know." Says Mark. Suddenly the fences started to move left to right. "Is that the wind?" asks Nathan. "No, it's zombies." Says Alexa. "Will they not come in?" asks Nathan. "This is the perfect time, to see if our fences are strong enough for grabbers and the storm, and if they come in, we just kill them." Says Alexa. "Ok" says Nathan.  "Well I'm sure we build a strong ass fence." Says Mark. "I guess we are going to find out." Says Alexa.


About two hours later the storm calmed down. The zombies are away from the fences and the fences is still holding. Everyone else is still inside. "Well babe, you guys built a strong ass fence." Says Alexa. "What did I tell you?" says Mark excited. "At least now we can know for sure we are safe." Says Peter. "Yeah I agree." Says Ethan.  "Ok guys so you know the plan. Mark, Peter and Connor you guys should head out looking for whatever you need for the gas stove, while I see about that garden at the back." Says Alexa. "You got it. Boys grab your gear and let's go." Says Connor as he takes his gun from the cabinet. So, Mark, Peter and Connor went on their mission while Alexa went to have a look at the garden.


The back door of the hotel, leading to the parking lot, opens and Alexa steps outside. "Well shit." Says Alexa as she sees a garden that is big enough for a vegetable garden while they plan to find a bigger garden. "Will it work?" asks Susan as she steps outside as well. "I guess so, yeah." Says Alexa. "Thank god." Says Susan. "We should see if there's a shop somewhere to find seed or something." Says Susan. "Yeah but we first need to see if one of the cars will work, because we are going to need to have wheels." Says Alexa. "You're right." Says Susan when suddenly there is a moan of a zombie coming from underneath a Hyundai I30. "I got it." Says Alexa while she grabs her pocketknife and stabs the zombie in the head. "I guess we can start looking, for a car." Says Alexa.




"So, no one said anything about our great work with the fence back there." Says Peter. "Well, I guess if you are happy, we are all happy" says Connor. "I guess." Says Peter. "So where are we going?" asks Peter. "Don't know. We are just walking and hopefully we find a place that will have what we need." Says Mark. "Ok." Says Peter. "Get down." Says Connor, as he sees about thirteen zombies roaming around on the right side of the street. They suddenly get down and hide behind a car. "What's the plan?" asks Mark. "There is only a few of them, so we can take them." Says Connor. "Ok, you guys have you weapons?" asks Mark. "Have my wrench right here." Says Peter as he gets out his wrench. "Let's do this." Says Mark. Connor stands up and shoots the first zombie. Suddenly right after he shot Peter hits a zombie with a wrench and Mark also shoots a zombie. So, each one continued to kill the zombies until they where all dead. "Nice!" says Connor. "We should keep moving." Says Mark. So, they keep walking searching for a shop to get stuff for the gas stove.




"Okay honey, we are heading out, when I come back, we can eat." Says Christopher as he puts away his gun. "No problem, be careful." Says Angela. "I'm always careful." Says Christopher and went outside.  "Matthew? Stan? Roc? You guys ready. Let's go let's go." Says Christopher as he gets in the truck. So off they went to Jason-Garhed. "We are we going boss?" asks Matthew. "To that fucking camp we saw earlier, dumbass!" says Stan. "He asked the boss, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm the boss." Says Christopher to Stan. "Sorry boss." Says Stan. "Matthew we are going to that camp we saw earlier today." Says Christopher. "What's the plan?" asks Roc. "What do you mean?" asks Christopher. "I mean. If we get there are, we just going to kill them and take over or what?" asks Roc. "I want to have a little conversation with them first, and then kill all of them one by one slowly." Says Christopher. "But what if…" says Roc when suddenly Christopher interrupts him. "But nothing! You guys will just do as I say and that's it, okay!" says Christopher. "Yes boss." Says Roc.




"We should just try to keep track to our way back home." Says Mark. "Don't worry that's why I keep track of the street names." Says Connor. "You sure you will remember all of that?" asks Peter. "I'm not as dumb as you think, Peter." Says Connor. "I didn't say you were." Says Peter. "I know." Says Connor. Suddenly they see a shop that says, "TRIXIE'S GAS SHOP ". "Well fuck." Says Peter. "Well what are you guys waiting for? Let's go!" says Mark. All three of them are standing in front of the shop's door with their weapons. "Ok let's just first see if it's safe. You guys cover me." Says Connor. "You got it." Says Peter. Connor slowly opens the door. As he opens the door the doorbell goes off. "Shit." Says Peter. "No that's good." Whispers Connor. "Why?" whispers Peter. "If there's zombies inside they would have heard the sound and come straight to it. So, it will be easier to know how many are here." Whispers Connor. Suddenly there arrives two zombies from the left side, one zombie from the right side, and one zombie from behind the counter. Suddenly Connor shoots the one zombie on the left side. Peter grabs his wrench and smash the zombie at the right. Mark shoots the second zombie at the left side, Connor the last zombie at the left side, and Peter smashes the zombie's brains in, behind the counter. "Ok, now that, that's out of the way, we can start looking for gas pipes." Says Connor. "Yeah look for some gas bottles as well" says Mark. "Isn't it heavy?" asks Peter. "Carry as much as you can." Says Connor. "Ok" says Peter. So, they went on searching for their supplies.


A few minutes later, the three of them got everything they needed and what they could find. "Well, finally we can make some real food again!" says Peter. "Yeah, I'm so glad you guys can taste how Mary's food tastes." Says Connor. "Why?" asks Peter. "Peter!" says Mark. "What?" asks Peter. "I just want you guys to taste how good she can cook." Says Connor. "Well I can't wait. "Well this going to take a while to fix, but at least after that we can enjoy some great meal tonight!" says Mark. "Oh yes." Says Connor. Suddenly they hear a truck noise coming behind them. "Shit hide." Says Connor. So, they went to hide behind a car. It was Christopher and his crew that was driving towards them. Suddenly the truck stops right where Connor and the rest are hiding. Christopher climbs out as well as the rest, with their weapons. "You guys thought I didn't see you?" asks Christopher. There was no answer. "Come on out we are not going to hurt you." Says Christopher. Slowly Connor, Peter and Mark show themselves. "No introduction?" asks Christopher. They where just staring at them. "Ok, I guess I will start." Says Christopher. "I'm Christopher. Christopher Tyson, and this here is my right-hand man, Matthew." Says Christopher. "Hi." Says Matthew. "This is Roc and Stan. Now it's you're turn." Says Christopher. Connor clears his throat. "I'm Connor, this here is Peter and Mark. And we don't want any trouble." Says Connor. "Neither do we, but we can use your help." Says Christopher. "Help you with what?" asks Mark. "You sure should watch the attitude dude." Says Christopher. "I ain't no dude." Says Mark. "Come here you fucker." Says Stan and starts to hit Mark in the face. "Hey Stan! What are you doing!" says Christopher. Stan just keeps hitting Mark. "Hey man stop!" yells Connor. "STAN!" screams Christopher. Suddenly Stan stops and looks at Christopher. "What the fuck did you do? Huh?" asks Christopher. "I taught him a lesson!" says Stan. "Did I say you should?" asks Christopher. "No." says Stan. "Good. So, you know that we have to talk later, back at home." Says Christopher. "Hey man you alright?" asks Christopher and tries to help Mark up. "Leave him alone." Says Peter. Peter holds out his hand and helps Mark up. "And now you think we should trust you?" asks Connor. "Listen I didn't know that Stan was going to do that, you heard what I told him just now." Says Christopher. "Listen I can take you back to my camp, patch him up, and maybe give you some food." Says Christopher. "That's not necessary." Says Peter. "I at least should apologize for what just happened." Says Christopher. "We have a camp, and Mark's wife is a doctor, we're fine." Says Peter. "Oh, where are you guys camp?" asks Christopher. "We are not telling you anything." Says Connor. "Hey, you guys can trust me I promise. Now if you guys want me to take you back to your camp, we can do that." Says Christopher. "You sure you don't mind?" asks Connor. "Not at all." Says Christopher. So, they put in the gas bottles in the truck and went back to Jason-Garhed.




"Mommy, where's Sarah?" asks Nicole while Alexa opens one of the cars. "She's probably in her room. Why?" asks Alexa. "I want her to read another story for me." Says Nicole. "Yeah we can do that." Says Sarah while she stands at the door. Alexa just stares at Sarah. "Yay!" says Nicole. "Well come on!" says Sarah. So, they went upstairs to read. "What's going on between you and Sarah?" asks Susan. "Oh, I thought you know." Says Alexa. "Know what?" asks Susan. "That Sarah's pregnant." Says Alexa. "Oh." Says Susan. "And I heard that you and Ethan knew, before me." Says Alexa. "I'm sorry that I didn't say anything. She asked me not too, and I kept my promise, I'm sorry." Says Susan. "I'm not mad at you, Susan! And it doesn't help to stay mad, because we have bigger problems nowadays." Says Alexa. "Does Sarah know that?" asks Susan. "I don't know." Says Alexa. "Well, you should talk to her later." Says Susan. "I won't worry." Says Alexa.


"Hey, Alexa, there's people at the gate." Says Ethan as he went outside to the parking lot. Alexa went inside, grabs a gun and went to the gates. Everyone is out there except Sarah and Nicole, with weapons in their hands. "Ok, guys don't do anything stupid until I do, ok?" says Alexa. "You got it." Says Susan. Alexa opens the gate, and then she saw Christopher standing there with his mini machine gun in his hand. The rest is in the car, it's just him that is standing at the gate. "Who are you?" asks Alexa. "Oh, sorry where's my manner, I'm Christopher. Christopher Tyson. And I am just here to talk." Says Christopher and give and guilty, evil smile.

To be continued...