From Uncle To Sir

(Flash Back)

"Ahem!" I stiffened, immediately letting his sleeve go out of my touch when I heard my father clearing his throat who was standing outside the house probably waiting for us. 

My heart started thumping so loudly that I was afraid if anyone else could hear it. I try to rattle my brain to think of an excuse for my gesture earlier. Daddy's suspicion about us will all become true if I don't clear this situation right now. Although his suspicion was all for nothing but merely a few moments ago it has become positive!

He wouldn't have ever allowed him for a late-night stroll with me if he wasn't aware of his departure for the city in a few days. He must be wondering that might there be a chance if I could stop him by any means or maybe my brat was convincing and had thoroughly decided for his future but anyhow right now I needed an excuse to clear this situation.
