Less Icy Water Than Your Personality

William drove the car through different streets. He pulled the car at a place and got out of it while I waited for him inside. He came back after a few minutes and pulled the car onto the street again. He didn't tell me where we were driving off to and neither did I ask about it again. 

After twenty minutes of drive, we finally reached our destination. I got out of the car and was met with salted and humid air, the sound of splashing waves hitting against the shore was both calming and satisfying to the ears and the body. The view in front of me was of the sea at night for the first time in my life. 

I was living all my firsts today. I first time went to the amusement park, I kissed though it wasn't a first but had it in public yet managed to keep it private still was a first, I lost a friend in an indirect rejection. 

Happy and sad moments come alongside by side and life is all about living them and maintaining a balance.