I Love You, Daniel

"Didn't you... feel nauseous a while ago? Maybe we should just go back." I try to sound exhausted but he comes back and without saying a word pulls me with him until we sat together on the ride again. 

"I'm feeling alright and I'm not going back until we fully enjoy all the rides here," William speaks looking at the view outside the window of the small bogie. 

"Okay..." I wasn't very much interested to look at the view but instead, I fidget with my fingers over my lap. I was more focused on the earlier scene that replayed in my head after stepping in the bogie. 

Although Samuel hadn't straight out confessed his feelings to me but his words were enough to convey the words that he liked me. Although I hadn't told him a straight no but my confession of love for Daniel was enough to tell him that I had no place in my heart for someone else.