El Dorado

I don't know if it was after a day or two did the door to the room finally opened and crushed my eyes with illuminating light. 

I was sprawled on the dusty stone cold floor and got up immediately, though my body ached from remaining on flat ground for long. 

I squint my eyes to prevent the sudden boost of light from getting into my eyes. I could vaguely see a figure appearing at the door only to be thrown inside the room who makes a grimacing sound when they collapse on the floor and the door shut behind again. 

"Samuel? Is that you?" He grunts an improper yes at my question and I immediately cross the distance in his aid. 

Even in the dim lamp, I could see the fresh purple bruises and scars on his skin as if brutally tortured. I wanted to help him with his injury but I couldn't do anything other than speaking calming words to help his spirit up but would they even make a difference?