Woken up

Jake opened his eyes again and surveyed the surrounding area. He saw a few things that he didnt quite believe. Namely the different colored blobs of jello hopping and slithering around. There was an orange one near him that was radiating heat.

"Alright if I'm not mistaken, I'm looking at a slime right now?" Jake wondered.

Jake stood up.

"Ok so are these things dangerous?" Jake said to nobody in particular.

'Ok so there are a few possibilities, one, I got abducted by aliens and they are screwing with my mind, two, I got killed and this is me hallucinating before death, three, I got isekai'd.' Jake thought to himself.

Jake looked around a bit more now that he was standing up. He saw that there were little flying balls of light with wings, and also little men made of rocks and stuff. Jake looked around where he was sitting. He saw that there was a dagger with a blue handle as well as a pack. And a few meters away there was a Dirt road.

"These are mine now." Jake said mischievously while grabbing the things.

Jake looked in the bag. There was a something small with a cloth over it as well as a pouch of what he assumed were coins. He took off the cloth to find a small bottle of green and gold colored liquid. There was also a note that said "DRINK ME.". Jake said to himself sarcastically, "Why not, seems safe enough.". Jake drank it. Contrary to what jake expected, it tasted quite pleasant, sort of like buttercream frosting. Jake heard a voice after drinking it.